1286 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 12, 1914. SILVER MEDAL at the Mining Exhibition, Glasgow, Sept. 24,1885. __________ GILLOTT’S IMPROVED “GILLOTT AND COPLEY” ROTARY C0AL-CD7TING MACHIHE. Height of Machine, inclusive of Bails... Depth of Undercut ___________________ Length of Machine ___________________ Width with Wheel removed __________ Weight _______________________________ 1ft. 8 ft. 6 ft. 3 ft. about 10i in. 6 in. 6 in. 8 in. 16 cwt. JOHN GILLOTT AND SON, LANCASTER WORKS, BARNSLEY, Make a S&ecialite of GOAL-CUTTING MACHINERY: MACHINES FOR GOAL HOLING; MACHINES FOR FIRECLAY HOLING, HARD OR SOFT: MACHINES TO TAKE OUT A PRICKING BETWEEN TWO COALS. The only Machines in successful operation, and giving profitable results. _______________________________________________________ Wilt cur from 20 yard.- er hour in hardest Goal or Fireclays. Is made almost wholly of Steel, Amount >f work guaranteed. Is lighter, mo e portable, durable and compact, and will do more and better work than any other machine. 20,100 yards ho»ed in 1,726 hours in six months in a 28in. seam of Coal, inch'"* no all .to au-e . and od icing 12,500 tons of Coal. We had 17 of ou- Machine® at work at "he Collie-y where this was done _____ _____ Inspections made with view to Working Machinery and approximate Results given. ASK FOR CIRCULAR