June 12, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1281 Can We Help You Maintenance costs reduced. ML... Exceptionally fast in drilling. annot be approached for durability. Operates with mini- mum vibration. ' - -A*.’'- W ■ ■ li xpenses of produc- tion reduced. onvenient to handle. ffered on 7 days’ free trial. 0 “ Meco ” Hammer Drill in a Scotch Mine. with your rock-drilling troubles? It Will Cost You Nothing three with costs We will send one of our experts to investigate your conditions free of charge. On consulting us you will have 15 different types of drills to choose from. We have so many difficult jobs to tackle that we require this variety to supply the right drill for each condition. Some firms supply two or different types of machines, and attempt to drill all classes of rock these machines. A firm in the North of England went carefully into their maintenance of hammer drills, they were big users, and found that the make of machine they were using cost them £8 per annum per machine. They called us in, and the “Meco” machines they are now using cost them less than 25s. per annum per machine. This means a saving of several hundred pounds in maintenance cost alone, without taking into account the loss of men’s time due to breakdowns. We have a representative in your district, why not have the benefit of our experience ? It costs you nothing. Our Address is:— 3* Mining Engineering Co. Ltd Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telephone—4530 Central (2 lines). Telegrams —“ Meco, Sheffield.”