June 5, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1261 Wellington (Salop), June 20.—About 5,000 tons of gas coal for the directors of the Wellington Gas Company. Particulars at the company’s offices, Market-street. West Ham, June 11.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the borough engineer, Town Hall, West Ham, E. West Ham, June 15.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms at the town clerk’s office, 85, The Grove, Stratford, E. Wigton, June 13.—About 1,000 to 1,200 tons of washed nuts or gas coal, also suitable round coal, for the directors of the Wigton Gaslight and Coke Company. Tenders to Mr. S. Pigg, secretary, 15, King-street, Wigton. Willesden, June 17.—Coal and coke for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. J. Hutton Haylor, clerk to the Guardians, Guardians’ Offices, 357, High-road, Brondesbury, N.W. Winchester, June 8.—Small steam coal for the Corpora- tion. Forms from Mr. R. Ayton, A.M.I.E.E., city electric engineer, Gordon-road, Winchester. Winwick, Warrington, June 10.—House coal to the Lancashire County Asylum, Winwick, Warrington, for the committee of visitors. Forms from Mr. P. Irving Dutton, clerk and steward, asylum, Win wick. Witham, June 29.—Coal for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. William Bindon Blood, clerk to the Council. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Auckland (New Zealand), Aug. 6.—Turbo-Generators.— The Auckland City Council invite tenders for the supply and erection in the City Power Station of (1) three 750 kilowatt direct current mixed pressure turbo-generators; and (2) one 1,500 kilowatt 3-phase turbo-generator, including plant and sub-station equipment.* London, S.W., June 10.—Steel Rails.—About 2,370 tons, and fishplates for above rails, and about 86 tons, for the directors of the South Indian Bailway Company Limited. Specifications at the company’s offices, 91, York-street, Westminster, S.W. London, N.W., June 13.—Boilers, etc.—For the Metro- politan Asylums Board, the installation of new steam boilers and incidental work, providing and fixing temporary steam boilers and pipes. Specifications at the office of the Board, Embankment, E.C. London, S.W., June 16.—Cast Iron Sleepers, etc.—About 2,250 tons cast iron sleepers and fittings, for the directors of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Bailway Company Limited. Specifications from Mr. H. Bonham-Carter, secretary, 91, York-street, Westminster, S.W. London, S.W., June 24.—Coal Telpherage Plant.—For coal telpherage plant for the Battersea Borough Council. Specifications from the electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Lombard-road, Battersea, S.W., on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). JIerthyr, June 8.—Boiler, etc.—Steam boiler, electric motor, and alterations at the Mardy Isolation Hospital, Merthyr, for the Corporation. Full particulars from the borough engineer, Town Hall, Merthyr. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Arauco Company Limited.—The directors have decided to set aside out of the profits for the year 1913 a sum sufficient to make, with the fund provided out of the trust deed securing the second mortgage debenture stock, a total suffi- cient to allow of a redemption of 10 per cent, at par of the outstanding debenture stock, and this sum will be distri- buted concurrently with the payment of interest on July 1 next. Canada Iron Corporation Limited.—An informal meeting of the holders of the first mortgage bonds will be held at Winchester House, E.C., on 9th inst., at which the report of the committee appointed at the meeting of the bondholders held on March 6 last will be presented, embodying the scheme of re-organisation of the company, which they have decided to recommend the bondholders to adopt. The formal meeting of bondholders to consider, and, if thought fit, approve the adoption of the scheme by extraordinary resolution, will be held in Montreal on July 2. Cortonwood Collieries Company Limited.—The directors have declared a further interim dividend of 2J per cent. (6d. per share) less tax. Fox (Samuel) and Company Limited,—An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders was held on the 28th, ult. at Sheffield, for the purpose of passing special resolu- tions to sub-divide the existing £20 shares into £1 shares, and to increase the capital by the creation of 150,000 new shares of £1 each. The proposals were carried unanimously. Horden Collieries Limited. — The directors recommend that the capital of the company be increased about November next by the creation of 20,000 additional ordinary shares of £10 each, to be issued pro rata at par in the proportion of one new share to each four shares held by each shareholder. The shares will probably be issued with £1 payable on acceptance, and the balance over four or five years. This further increase of capital is required in consequence of the large expenditure which will have to be met in developing other portions of the company’s royalty and in building further houses for miners. Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company Limited. — The directors have decided to pay interim dividends of Is. per share on the fully paid ordinary and preference, and 4‘8d. on the part paid preference, less tax. Young’s Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Company Limited. —The report for the year to April 30 last shows that after providing for maintenance of works and mines, and paying all current charges, the amount at credit of profit and loss account, including the balance of £4,527 12s. 4d. brought forw’ard from the previous year, is .£84,680 14s. 8d. The directors recommend that this amount be apportioned as follows :—To general depreciation, £20,000; to retort reserve fund, £15,000; to exceptional outlay at works, £4,079 6s. lOd.: to interest on debenture bonds, £16,732; to divi- dend of 4 per cent, on the ordinary shares, £18,112 6s. 5d.; to contingent dividend of 2 per cent, on the “ B ” deben- ture bonds, £3,000; leaving a balance to be carried forward of £7,757 Is. 5d. NEW COMPANIES. Aberdulais Tinplate Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Aberdulais Tin works, Aberdulais, near Neath, Glamorgan. Registered May 26. To purchase Aberdulais New Tin works at Aberdulais, Glamorgan, includ- ing dwelling houses, etc., all the interests of Joshua Williams and Company Limited; also stock-in-trade, plant, etc., and carry on business of coal masters, brick and tile makers, engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 2,000 £10 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :— David Edwards, Llwyncelyn, Tonner, near Neath, colliery proprietor; Llewellyn David Howell, Sunny Bank, Aber- dulais, colliery proprietor; Evan Lewis, Graig-y-pal, Glais, Clydach, mining engineer; William John Stephens, Bryn Coed, Sketty-road, Swansea, colliery proprietor; Cecil Fredk. Gilbertson, of the firm of W. Gilbertson and Company Limited, Portardawe. Qualification of directors, £500. Anderson (David) and Company Limited. — Registered May 25. Mechanical, electrical, gas, heating, lighting, chemical, and metallurgical engineers. Nominal capital, £20,000 in 12,500 preference and 7,500 ordinary £1 shares. Minimum subscription, £4,000. Directors have not yet been appointed. Qualification of directors, 100 shares. Remu- neration of directors, £1 Is. for each meeting and sum equal to 10 per cent, of balance of profits after providing for divi- dend of 10 per cent, upon issued capital, both preference and ordinary. Subscribers (one preference share each) :—D. Anderson, 18/20, Farringdon-road, E.C., engineer; J. A. White, 40/44, Holborn Viaduct, E.G., solicitor; C. H. Critchley, 15, Halliwick-road, N., solicitor’s clerk; C. W. By waters, Bushey, Whetstone, N., solicitor; R. Manhire, 57, Stratford-road, Thornton Heath, solicitor’s clerk; A. E. Gower, 34, Devonshire-road, N.E., solicitor’s clerk; T. C. Chamberlain, 21, Beaconsfield-road, New Southgate, N., solicitor’s clerk. Barnsley Smokeless Fuel Company Limited.—Registered May 25. Producers, manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers in fuels of every description, natural and artificial, etc. Nominal capital, £95,000 in 50,000 participating preference and 45,000 ordinary £1, shares. Minimum subscription, seven preference shares. Directors :—J. Conchie, 62, London Wall, E.C., director of a public company; S. Wellington, 39, Mincing-lane, E.C., consulting engineer; Old Silkstone Collieries Limited, so long as it holds at least 5,000 shares, shall have the right of nominating one director; British Coalite Company Limited shall have the right of nominating two directors while holding 5,000 shares. Every director shall be a member of the company. Remu- neration of directors, £100 per annum each (chairman £150) and additional remuneration at the rate of 5 per cent, of annual net profits. Caerleon Works Limited.—Private company. Registered office, the Caerleon Tinplate and Engineering Works, Caer- leon, Monmouthshire. Registered May 25. To acquire hereditaments and premises at Llangattock-juxta-Caerleon, Monmouthshire, known as the Caerleon Tinplate and Engi- neering Works, including machinery and plant; and to carry on business as iron masters, steel makers, colliery pro- prietors, miners’ engineers, iron founders, etc. Nominal capital, £25,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—John Paton, Waun Wern, Pontypool, Monmouthshire, iron, steel, and tinplate manufacturer; William Charles Addams Williams, Penarth, Llangibby, Monmouthshire, solicitor. Qualification of directors, £1,000. French (Henry) and Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, County Bank Chambers, Middles- brough. Registered May 26. To acquire the business of coal, coke, iron, steel, and brick merchants carried on by W. Waistell Hird and Company Limited at. the above address as Henry French and Company. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Directors W. B. Blake, 67, War- wick-street, Middlesbrough, coal merchant; A. Galsworthy, 6, Marine-parade, Penarth, married woman; S. Robertson, “ Abercairnie,” Linthorpe, coal merchant. Qualification of directors, £5. Lacy (Howard) Limited.—Private company. Registered May 25. Brass founders, iron founders, manufacturers of plant, implements, machinery, tools, etc. Nominal capital, £2,025 in 2,000 £1 “A” shares, and 500 Is. “ B ’’ shares. Subscribers (one “A” share each) :—H. Lacy, Kelvin, Car- shalton, engineer; F. Minton, 33, Bedford-street, Covent Garden, W.C., solicitor. Rowditch Foundry Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Theatre Chambers, Babington-lane, Derby. Registered May 23. Iron founders, consulting engi- neers, general and mechanical engineers, and manufacturers of implements and machinery. Nominal capital, £500 in £1 ordinary shares. Permanent directors and subscribers (76 shares each) A. Toon, 71, Howe-street, Derby, engi- neer; J. Winfield, 86, Beeches-street, Derby, engineer. Qualification of directors, 50 shares. Simpson and Company (Leicester) Limited. — Private company. Registered May 26. Constructional, mechanical, electrical, civil, and general engineers. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 4,500 preference and 500 ordinary £1 shares. Directors :—G. W. Massey, S. P. Thornton, H. A. Thorn- ton, F. B. Thornton, C. J. Campion, H. L. R. Bell. Quali- fication of directors, £25. Stanton (J. G.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered May 25. To enter into agreement with K. G-. Stanton, and to carry on business as coal and coke mer- chants. Nominal capital, £2,000 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers J. G. Stanton, Brackley, Northants, coal merchant (500 shares); G. T. Knibbs, Syresham, near Brackley, coal merchant’s assistant (100 shares). Qualifica- tion of directors, £1. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. Mr. John Hayes, late inspecting engineer of mines to the New Zealand Government, formerly managing of Flimby and Broughton Moor collieries, Maryport, Cumberland, and one of the founders of the National Association of Colliery Managers, is practising as a consulting, mining, and civil engineer at Greymouth, New Zealand. Mr. Hayes includes metalliferous mining in his practice. ABSTRACTS OF PATENT SPECIFICATIONS RECENTLY ACCEPTED. 4757 (1914). Improvements in and connected with Fuel Briquettes. T. H. Peters, senr., 82, Strand-on-the-Green, Chiswick, Middlesex, T. H. Peters, junr., 406, High-street, Brentford, Middlesex, G. L. Tuxford, 33, Battenburgh-road, Richmond, Surrey, and C. P. Tuxford, 33, Batten- burgh-road, Richmond, Surrey.—The briquette is made either with small coal, small coke, or peat; the briquette is bound together with Portland cement 1 cwt. with the addition of permanganate of potash 5 oz. and ochre 5 lb. to 1 ton of small coal, coke or peat. The combination of these materials has the effect of rendering the fuel briquette when burning free from sulphurous fumes and practically smokeless. The materials are mixed together damped and pressed in moulds either by hand or power machines. (One claim.) 5568 (1913). Improvements in Gas Detecting Apparatus for Portable Electric Hand Lamps. G. J. Ralph, of St. Pirians, Lichfield-road, Four Oaks, Warwickshire.—Has for its object to provide a device for indicating the presence of firedamp (methane) or other inflammable gas or vapour, the device being so adapted that if desirable it may be attached to an electric hand lamp. The invention consists in the employment of a conductor having catalytic properties exposed to the gas to be detected in series with another con- ductor which may have similar properties but which, if it has such properties, is not exposed to the gas, these two conductors forming two of the arms of a Wheatstone or metre bridge, the other two arms consisting of two resis- tances between which a low resistance slide wire is connected, current being passed through the two pairs of arms in parallel from, a battery or other suitable source. By this arrangement a measurement of the amount of gas may be obtained by the adjustment of the slide wire resistance so as to produce zero reading on an indicating instrument con- nected between the slide and the junction of the exposed j^r.3 IL_-:11 3-y catalytic conductor with its connected or unexposed con- ductor. Under normal conditions (that is, when the surrounding atmosphere contains no inflammable gas) the electrical resistance of the catalytic arm of the Wheatstone or metre bridge and that of the arm in series with it will be equal or bear some definite relation one to the other. Should gas be present in sufficient quantity, however, the resistance of the catalytic conductor will alter, due to its alteration in temperature. This alteration in resistance is measured and can be made to show on a scale the percentage of gas present. The sensitiveness of the said conductor to catalytic action may be increased by initially heating it to a temperature corresponding to a dull red heat, and this may be done by passing electric current through it. The exact temperature is not of much importance, and may be varied within fairly wide limits without impairing the efficiency of the apparatus. Fig. 1 shows the invention in diagrammatic form, and figs. 2 and 3 show front and side elevations in combination with an electric hand lamp. (Two claims.) 10619 (1913). Anv Improved Haulage Clip. J. P. Sampson, “Roseleigh,” Garwen-terrace, Nantyfyllon, near Bridgend, Glamorganshire.—Consists of improvements in that kind of haulage clip which comprises two bars one of which is longer than the other and has one end bent into a hook coupling, both bars being bent at the other end to form one half of an eye, and being held together by means of a collar embracing the bars, which collar is adapted to be slidden up the bars to allow the eye to be opened so as to disengage the hauling rope or the like; the short bar having the end remote from the eye, bent or curved outwards to allow the two halves of the split eye to open readily. According to the invention the collar is retained in the position to hold the split eye closed, when in use, by means of a cotter passing through both bars above the collar, and retained by means of a cross pin pass- ing transversely through the end of the cotter. A stop is provided upon the longer bar to limit the sliding movement of the collar when the cotter is removed. Fig. 1 is a front view, and fig. 2 is a side elevation; fig. 3 is a cross section on X Y of fig. 2. (Two claims.) 10987 (1913). Improvements in Devices for Securing Contact with the Earth at Specified Depths for Electric Test- ing Purposes. E. Ryan, of 2, Church-lane, Leytonstone, Essex, and H. W. Brown, of 169, Cathall-road, Leytonstone, aforesaid.—Relates to an apparatus to be used in connection with suitable electrical instruments for measuring electro- static effects or comparative resistances. In order to do this