May 29, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1203 any tender. A. W. Annetts, engineer and manager, Electricity Works. Southampton, June 8.—The Corporation invite alternative tenders for the supply of coal to the electricity works, Western Shore, during a period of six or 12 months. Eorms of tender and conditions may be obtained upon application to the borough electrical engineer. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for Coal, Electricity Works,” must be delivered at the Town Clerk’s office by 12 o’clock at noon on the 8th prox. No pledge is given to accept the lowest or any tender. B. B. Linthorne, Town Clerk, Municipal Offices, South- ampton. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Ashton-under-Lyne, June 9.—For the guardians, house coal, 1,000 tons; engine coal, 4,000 tons. Further informa- tion from Mr. Hicks, workhouse master, Ashton-under-Lyne. Barming Heath and Chartham, June 6.—About 4,000 tons of steam coal, 1,200 tons of household coal, 950 tons of gas coal, and 105 tons of bakers’ coal, to the Kent County Lunatic Asylums, Barming Heath, near Maidstone, and Chartham, near Canterbury. Forms on application at either the Barming Heath or Chartham Asylums. Belfast, June 2.—For the Corporation about 45,000 tons of washed single nuts. Forms from Mr. T. W. Bloxam, city electrical engineer, East Bridge-street, Belfast. Birkenhead, June 2.—House coal and slack for the Education Committee. Tenders to Mr. R. T. Jones, secretary, Education Department, Town Hall, Birkenhead. Birmingham, June 5.—Coal and slack for the Guardians. Forms at Union Offices, Edmund-street, Birmingham. Bollington, June 2.—Best screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. Samuel Knight, clerk, Council Offices, Bollington. Brighton, June 8.—Between 20,000 and 24,000 tons of single washed nuts, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Hugo Talbot, Town Clerk, Town Hall. Brighton, June 9.—Between 5,000 tons and 6,500 tons of coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Hugo Talbot, Town Clerk, Town Hall. Broadstairs, June 17.—About 5,000 tons of best Durham or Yorkshire gas coal, for the directors of the Broadstairs Gas Company. Forms from Mr. F. Higginson, engineer, manager, and secretary, Gas Office, Broadstairs. Burton-on-Trent, June 6.—About 40,000 tons of gas coal for the Corporation. Forms from the manager of the gas- works. Calne (Wilts), June 4.—About 1,700 tons of gas coal for the directors of the Caine Gas and Coke Company Limited. Tenders to Mr. W. G. Archard, secretary, Gasworks, Caine. Chelmsford, June 4.—House coal, hard steam coal, and Beckton coke, for the Territorial Force Association, county of Essex. Forms from Col. F. F. Johnson, secretary, Terri- torial Force Association, county of Essex, Market-road, Chelmsford. Chipping Norton, June 3.—From 280 to 300 tons of house- hold coal for the guardians. Forms from the clerk’s office, Chipping Norton. Cleckheaton, June 10.—About 3,000 tons of slack coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. John H. Linfield, clerk to the council, Town Hall, Cleckheaton. Cleckheaton, June 10.—About 14,000 tons of screened gas coal or nuts for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. John H. Linfield, Town Hall, Cleckheaton. Colchester, June 8.—Best hard hand-picked steam coal. Forms from Mr. E. A. Slater, F.S.I., acting borough surveyor, Town Hall. Coventry, June 15.—Coal for the Education Committee. Forms from Mr. Fredk. Horner, secretary, Education Office, Coventry. Croydon, June 9.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the borough engineer, Town Hall, Croydon. Dartford, June 8.—Coal and coke for the guardians. Forms from the clerk. Dartford, June 20.—About 5,000 tons of coal for the Council. Forms from W. Kay, clerk to the council, Council Offices, Dartford. Dover, June 2.—About 380 tons of the best Yorkshire silkstone screened household coal; 10 tons of steam coal; 130 tons of fine coal; 1,800 chaldrons of coke of Newcastle coal; or 600 chaldrons of Newcastle coal and 850 tons of Kent slack, for the Corporation. Forms at the Town Clerk’s office, 69, Castle-street. Dover, June 5.—Coal and coke for the Commissioner of H.M. Works, etc. Forms from the Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, etc., 18, Queen Anne’s-gate, West- minster, S.W. Dublin, June 6.—House and steam coal, for the General Prisons Board. Forms at the office of the Board. Enfield, June 10.—Coal and coke for the Edmonton Guardians. Forms from Mr. F. Shelton, clerk, White Hart- lane, Tottenham. Glasgow, June 4.—About 145,000 tons of coal (singles and pearls), for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. W. W. Lackie, engineer, 75, Waterloo-street. Glossop, June 8.—Coal for the Corporation. Particulars from Mr. T. W. Ellison, Town Clerk. Goodmayes (Ilford), June 8.—House coal, steam coal, and coke, to the West Ham Borough Asylum, for the com- mittee of visitors. Forms from the steward, at the asylum, Goodmayes, Ilford. Grays (Essex), June 11.—Griff or Babbington hard steam coal for the Grays Thurrock Urban District Council. Forms from the electrical engineer. Grays (Essex), June 15.—Griff, Babbington or other similar hard steam coal for the Thurrock, Grays and Tilbury Joint Sewerage Board. Forms from the manager at the works. Hadleigh (Suffolk), June 6.—Fifty tons of best Silkstone house coal, and 200 tons of hand picked coals, for the Cosford Guardians. Forms from Mr. Alfred Newman, clerk, Had- leigh, Suffolk. Hatfield (Herts).—Good steam coal and coke for the Hertfordshire County Council. Forms from the county surveyor, Hatfield, Herts. Hill End, June 6.—Steam coal, house coal and coke to the Hertfordshire County Asylum, Hill End, St. Albans, for the visiting committee. Forms from the clerk, Herts County Asylum, Hill End, St. Albans. Hoyland, June 9.—About 4,000 tons of best screened gas coal or nuts, for the directors of the Elsecar, Wentworth and Hoyland Gas Company. Tenders to the chairman, 94, King-street, Hoyland. Holytown (Scotland), June 8.—About. 1,500 tons of washed treble and double nuts, for the directors of the Holy- town Gas Light Company Limited. Tenders to Mr. W. Darling, secretary, Holytown. Hornsey, June 3.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. F. D. Askey, town clerk, 99, Southwood- la ne, Highgate, N. Hunstanton, June 4.—About 1,800 tons of gas coal, for the New Hunstanton Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. J. S. B. Glasier, clerk to the council. Keighley, June 11.—Small slack, for the Corporation. Further particulars from Mr. Harry Webber, Power Station, Coney-lane, Keighley. Kettering, June 8.—Coal and coke for the Kettering Joint Hospital Board. Particulars from Mr. Fredk. William Bull, clerk, Bank Chambers, Kettering. Largs, June 6.—Coal for the Corporation. Offers to Mr. Peter Morris, Town Clerk, Municipal Chambers, Largs. Lisburn (Ireland), June 2.—About 400 tons of coal for the guardians. Tenders addressed to the “ Presiding Chairman. ’ ’ London, June 2.—For the Commissioners of his Majesty’s Works, etc., house coal, hard steam coal, anthracite coal, and small steam coal for mechanical stokers. Forms from the Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, 18, Queen Anne’s-gate, Westminster, S.W. London, E., June 3.—About 1,200 tons of steam coal for the Poplar Board of Guardians. Forms from Mr. G. Herbert Lough, clerk to the guardians, Guardians’ Office, 45, Upper North-street, Poplar, E. London, N.W., June 3.—Welsh and other steam coal for the St. Pancras Borough Council. Forms at the electricity department offices, 57, Pratt-street, Camden Town, N.W., on payment of T1 (returnable). London, S.W., June 3.—Coal and coke to the Cancer Hospital, for the committee of management. Forms from Mr. Fred W. Howell, secretary, Fulham-road, London, S.W. London, June 3.—Coal and coke for the Commissioners of his Majesty’s Works, etc. Forms from the Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, etc., 18, Queen Anne’s-gate, Westminster, S.W. London, E.C., June 4.—About 3,000 tons, more or less, of steam coal for the Trinity House Corporation. Forms at Trinity House. London, E.C., June 4.—Welsh large steam, Welsh washed nuts, Scotch navigation steam, Scotch washed nuts, hard steam (large) hard steam (nuts and small), Durham (unscreened), smithy, and house coal and coke, for the Port of London Authority. Forms from the stores superintendent, 106, Fenchurch-street, E.C. London, E.C., June 8.—Coal and coke for the City of London Guardians. Forms at the Union Offices, 61, Bartholomew-close. London, N.E., June 8.—House and steam coal, coke, and coke breeze for the Bethnal Green Guardians. Forms from Mr. D. Thomas, clerk to the guardians, Adminstrative Offices, Bishop’s-road, Victoria-park, N.E. London, S.W., June 4.—Coal and coke for the Commis- sioners of his Majesty’s Works, etc. Forms from the Con- troller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, etc., 18, Queen Anne’s-gate, Westminster, S.W. London, W., June 8.—Coal and coke for the Paddington Borough Council. Forms from Mr. Arthur W. J. Bussell, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Paddington, W. London, N., June 18.—Coal and coke for the Islington Borough Council. Forms at the Town Hall, Upper-street, N. London, S.E., June 18.—Coal for the Guardians of Green- wich Union. Forms from the Guardians’ Offices, Board Boom, East Greenwich. Malvern, June 5.—About 10,000 tons of freshly wrought gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Further particulars from Mr. W. H. Johns, gas engineer, Malvern. Manchester, June 12.—Washed and dry coal slack for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. F. E. Hughes, Electricity Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Merthyr Tydfil, June 6.—About 13,000 tons of the best quality of gas coal, for the directors of the Merthyr Tydfil Gas Company. Further particulars from Mr. James E. Kenshole, Gasworks, Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire. Middleton, June 6.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. W. Bogerson, gas engineer, Middleton. Morpeth, June 11.—Coal for the visiting committee of the Northumberland County Asylum. Forms from the clerk at the asylum. Napsbury (St. Albans), June 4.—For the Napsbury Standing Sub-Committee of Visitors, about 3,000 tons of hard steam coal. Forms from Mr. Henry G. Armour, clerk, Napsbury, St. Albans. Newport (Mon.).—House coal for the guardians. Forms from Mr. A. H. Bees, clerk, Guardians’ Offices, Queen’s- hill, Newport. Oldbury, June 13.—About 12,000 tons of best screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from the general manager. Paisley, June 3.—Coal and dross for the Parish -Council of Paisley and Paisley District Board of Control. Offers to Mr. J. M. Campbell, clerk to Paisley District Board of Control. Peterborough, June 8.—About 18,000 tons of best screened silkstone large nuts for the directors of the Peter- Borough Gas Company. Tenders to Mr. J. Barton, secretary and manager, Gas Works, New-road, Peterborough. Port Glasgow, June 5.—For the Corporation, 7,000 tons of coal. Forms from the Town Clerk. Bedcar (Yorkshire), June 3.—About 12,000 tons of gas coal, screened, unscreened or nuts, for the directors of the Bedcar, Coatham, Marske and Saltburn Gas Company. Forms from Mr. M. Fligg, secretary. Bugby, June 3.—About 500 tons of best steam coals (peas), for the Urban District Council, and 50 tons of best steam coal. Forms from the surveyor’s office, Benn-buildings, Bugby. Sedgley, June 4.—About 1,000 tons of gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. Thomas B, Knight, clerk of the council, the Council House, Sedgley, St. Albans, June 4.—Coal and coke for the guardians. Forms from Mr. Ernest F. W. Hieatt, clerk to the guardians. Sofia (Bulgaria), June 3.—For the Bulgarian State Bail- way Authorities, 12,000 metric tons of Cardiff coal for locomotives.* Stepney, June 11.—For the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney, about 2,000 tons, consisting of Welsh smokeless coal, hard bituminous steam coal (large and small), house coal and coke. Forms from William C. P. Tapper, M.I.E.E., the borough electrical engineer and manager, at No. 27, Osborn-street, Whitechapel, E. Swindon, June 2.—Coal and coke for the Swindon and Highworth Guardians. Forms from Mr. John P. Kirby, clerk, Union Offices, Swindon. Swindon, June 3.—Steam coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Bobert Hilton, town clerk, Town Hall, Swindon. Tipton, June 9.—About 12,000 tons of gas coal or nuts, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. Sidney O. Stephenson, engineer and manager, • Gas Works, Tipton. Tredegar, June 9.—About 6,500 tons of small gas coal for the Urban District Council. Tramore (Waterford), June 2.—About 450 tons of colliery or double screened gas coal, for the Waterford Bural District Council No. 1. Tenders to Mr. William Gallwey, Tramore, chairman of the Tramore Public Health Act Committee. Wellington (Salop), June 20.—About 5,000 tons of gas coal for the directors of the Wellington Gas Company. Particulars at the company’s offices, Market-street. Whitehaven, June 2.—Gas coal (about 900 tons) for the Arlecdon and Frizington Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. J. B. Thompson, Whitehaven, clerk to the council. Wigton, June 13.—About 1,000 to 1,200 tons of washed nuts or gas coal, also suitable round coal, for the directors of the Wigton Gaslight and Coke Company. Tenders to Mr. S. Bigg, secretary, 15, King-street, Wigton. Windsor, June 4.—Coal and coke to the King Edward VII. Hospital for Windsor, Eton and District, for the com- mittee. Forms from Mr. George W. Gower, secretary, Hospital. Winwick, Warrington, June 10.—House coal to the Lancashire County Asylum, Winwick, Warrington, for the committee of visitors. Forms from Mr. P. Irving Dutton, clerk and steward, asylum, Winwick. Wrexham, June 3.—About 11,000 tons of best approved gas coal for the Wrexham Gas Company. Forms from Mr. O. Evans, engineer and manager, Gas Offices, Wrexham. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Dartford, June 15.—Electrical Plant.—For the Urban District Council, one 500 kw. high pressure steam turbine, direct coupled to a three-phase alternating current generator, together with surface condenser, pumps, air filter, trans- former, etc. Specification from Mr. W. Kay, clerk to the council, Council Offices, Dartford. Darlington, June 4.—Boiler, etc.—One water tube boiler and one cooling tower, for the Corporation. Specifica- tions from the borough electrical engineer, electricity works, Houghton-road, Darlington. Leeds, June 10.—Boiler House Plant.—Six water tube boilers, 12 mechanical stokers, six economisers, three induced draught plants and accessories, for the Leeds City Council. Specifications from Mr. C. N. Hefford, manager, 1, White- hall-road, Leeds, on payment of £5 (returnable). London, S.E., June 5.—Boilers, etc.—New steam boiler plant, water softener, pumps, etc.; alterations to two Lancashire boilers, including fitting automatic stokers at St. Thomas’s Hospital for the governors. Specification from Mr. W. J. Perkins, 26, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W. Sheffield, June 4.—Steelwork.—Steel structure to carry a coke telpher and coal hoppers, for the Sheffield United Gaslight Company. Specifications from Mr. J. W. Morrison, M.I.C.E., Commercial-street, Sheffield. Waddon, June 19.— Well Sinking.—Sinking and boring of a well at the Waddon Waterworks for the Croydon Corpora- tion. Specifications from the borough engineer on payment of T1 Is. (returnable). * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. Smoke Abatement Committee. — The Special Committee appointed to consider the question of smoke abatement held its first public meeting under the chairmanship of Mr. Bussell Bea, M.P., in London on the 20th inst. The first witness called was Mr. Joseph Hurst, a member of the Coal Smoke Abatement Society, who said the society had held all sorts of tests, particularly with fire grates. The domestic fire grates were still a difficult problem. They also had started classes for stokers. They had about 100 certificated stokers at present, and were holding more classes. The average number of smoke nuisances reported each year to the society totalled 1,350. Mr. Hurst thought the law might be improved. The Local Government Board should be given power to deal with the smoke nuisance, and should have power to enter premises for that purpose. Frof. J. B. Cohen said that of the two-and-a-half million tons of smoke sent through the air annually in Leeds, it was estimated that two million tons came from domestic sources. Prof. John W. Graham, president of the Smoke Abatement League of Great Britain, stated that the coal consumed in this country domestically was only one-fifth of the total consumption of coal in the country. Mr. Bussell Bea, M.P. (chairman) : If one-fifth of the coal produced half the smoke,. then the domestic grate is by far the worst offender. Witness said there were in London a million houses and 35,000 factories. If they allowed three smoking chimneys for every two houses they obtained 1,500,000; and allowing 39 domestic chimneys for every factory chimney the result was 1,365,000: so that comparing the two there was a slight advantage in favour of the factories. If they could get rid of half the smoke, it would do enormous good to the towns. Witness remarked that gas at Is. 6d. or Is. 9d. per 1,000 was as cheap as coal for domestic use. The committee adjourned until June 10.