May 29, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1171 Last week, Judge Sturgess, in Chorley County Court, put the last nail in the coffin of the Electric Miners’ Lamp by AWARDING to William Derbyshire COMPENSATION against the Ellerbeck Colliery Co., FOR the EFFECTS OF MINE GAS UPON HIS CONSTITUTION. This decision has had an immediate effect upon the miners of this country, and it is said that in addition to other reasons for REJECTING ELECTRIC LAMPS, they are now taking steps to REFUSE ELECTRIC LAMPS because they ROB them of the POWER of CLAIMING Compensation. Whatever the arguments may be in favour of electric lamps, it will be OBVIOUS TO COALOWNERS that this new condition of affairs, touching the MINERS’ POCKETS, makes it UNWISE TO TURN FROM FLAME LAMPS to electric lamps, and those who have installed electric lamps and who are, for other reasons, disappointed with same, had BETTER FACE the SITUATION and INSTALL Hailwood’s COMBUSTION TUBE LAMP which MEETS absolutely ALL RE- QUIREMENTS of MINER and COALOWNER by reason of its SMALL WEIGHT, RELIA- BILITY, GAS - DETECTING PROPERTY, comparatively low cost, and GREAT CANDLE POWER with its great effect in REDUCING NYSTAGMUS and ROOF ACCIDENTS. » Sole Makers: ACKROYD & BEST LTD., The World’s Safety Lamp Experts, T MORLEY, nr. LEEDS. fcagjfll Telegraphic Address:—“Lamps, Morley.” Telephone No.:—86 Morley.