1164 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 29, 1914. W. E. TEALE <& Co. Ltd., I SWINTON. X.ANCS. --- APPROVED - MINERS’ SAFETY LAMPS, GLASSES. COLLIERY STORES, &c. D. Liewellin Evans, PROPRIE ('OR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company. ^-"****^AA* 120, BUTE ST. CAP. DIFF. Patent STAUFFER and “TELL-TALE” Lubricators. AGENT FOR ZTobeVs Explosives English Certainty—Economy—Cleanliness. TAUFFER’S LUBRICANT Regd. Trade Mark. TANDARD MACHINE GREASE AVI NG 80 TO 90 O/o OVER LIQUID oil. ^koLE MAKERS: TRIER BROS. L" CUMBERLAND WORKS, CAMBERWELL, S.E. / t Office: Caxton House, Westminster, S W. i LUllUuil Agent for Northern Counties— Messrs. JOHN YOUNG & SONS, St. Nicholas Chambers, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The LUHRIG GOAL & ORE DRESSING APPLIANCES Ltd. Engineers and Contractors for COAL WASHING, STORAGE. AND ORE DRESSING. The l uhrig Process of WasFiing Coal Extensively Adopted. OVER 200 PLANTS ERECTED, and in course of Erection. Capacity from 150 tons to 2,000 tons per day of 8 hours. DESIGNS SPECIALLY PREPARED TO SUIT LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. Inspection of Plants working invited. ALL MACHINERY OF BRITISH MANUFACTURE. Disintegrators. Tipplers. Screens. Picking Tables. Loading Belts. Conveyors. Elevators. Pumps. Crushing Rolls. Head Office—32, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. Tel. No.—160 Victoria. Tel. Address—“ Nettoyage, London.” Price 3s. 6d. Post Free. A Practical Handbook for Colliery Electricians. ELECTRIC CIRCUIT PROBLEMS IN MINES AND FACTORIES. By ELLIS H. CRAPPER, B.Eng., M.I.E.E., Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Sheffield. The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. TOOPE’S ASBESTOS COVERING Co. Ltd., Tete°°-'T.4S, London," 4> Stepney Sq , Stepney, London, E. I i The IDEAL Machine for Producing STONE-DUST. Patent Removable Sectional Coverings. Asbestos Mattresses, Slag Wool Mattresses. Asbestos Boiler and Papier Machd Pulp Boiler Covering Composition. Colliery Shaft Sectional Covering. Illustrated Catalogue and Samples Free. Patronised by all the Leading- Shipping: Companies. On Admiralty List, War Office, Office of Works, &c. Estab. 1877. Coaldust Explosions Preventative. RICHARD SCHOLEFIELD ErtGltlE-R ' . LEED5 ENG^:.^--/. ft >• Correct Proportions of Dust in one operation. -- VARYING OUTPUTS. — DON’T take risks Write NOW. Particulars on application— RICHARD SCHOLEFIELD, Engineer, Burley Vale Foundry, UEEDS. tions, therefore giving highest possible efficiency. Scientifically made to “ GEO. CRADOCK & Co. Ltd. WAKEFIELD. The only British Firm manufacturing complete from pig iron. “ UNEEDUS STEEL” For Hard Rock and Coal. Drills and Coal Cutter Tools, made from above giving every satisfaction. -- GIVE IT A TRIAL. - E. W. HODGSON & Co. 24, Norfolk Row, SHEFFIELD, THE HERBERT FROOD CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH, AND 39, UPPER RATHBONE PLACE, LONDON. IHBEHEEl Fabric Linings ..™ Fl FOR BRAKES & CLUTCHES. Send for LIST, SAMPLES or TESTS.