1140 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 22 1914. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Cork, May 27.—The Cork Steam Ship Company Limited are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of best steam coal, as follow :—About 550 to 750 tons per week, delivered trimmed in steamers’ bunkers in dock, Liverpool. Tenders should state the price for any portion of the coal that the company may elect to take at the Herculaneum Dock Tips, Liverpool, tipped on board. Also about 400 to 650 tons per week—(1) Tipped on board in Manchester Ship Canal; (2) Trimmed in steamers’ bunkers in docks, Manchester, ex lighter. From July 1, 1914, to June 30, 1915. The company do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. No special form of tender is required, but a separate tender should be made for each port. Tenders to be lodged with the Cork Steam Ship Company Limited, 4, South-mall, Cork, not later than Wednesday, May 27, and to be addressed to the secretary. Wm. E. Lloyd. Dartford, June 20.—The Council invite tenders for the supply and delivery to the Electricity Works, Dartford, of 5,000 tons of coal during the year ending on June 30, 1915. Particulars of the coal required and forms of tender will be sent to any applicant on receipt of a stamped ana addressed foolscap envelope. No tender will be considered unless it be upon the prescribed form. Sealed tenders in the envelopes provided must be delivered to the undersigned not later than Saturday, June 20. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. W. Kay, clerk to the council, Council Offices, Dartford. London, June 3.—The Commissioners of his Majesty’s Works, etc., are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of coal and coke to the Government-buildings in the under- mentioned districts during a period of one year from July 1, 1914. Forms of tender, conditions of contract, and all particulars may be obtained on application to the Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, &c., 18, Queen Anne’s- gate, Westminster, S.W. Applicants should state clearly the names of the particular districts for which they require tender forms, etc. Tenders must include for delivery into cellars. The commissioners do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders must be delivered before 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 1914, addressed to the secretary, H.M. Office of Works, etc., Storey’s-gate, London, S.W., and endorsed “ Tender for Aberdeen Coal and Coke ” or “ Tender for Dundee Coal and Coke,” etc., as the case may be. Districts :—Aberdeen, Dundee, Edin- burgh, Glasgow, Greenock. Stepney, June 11.—The Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney will receive tenders for the supply between July 1, 1914, and June 30, 1915, of about 2,000 tons, consisting of Welsh smokeless coal, hard bituminous steam coal (large and small), house coal and coke to be delivered in carts at such points in the borough as may be directed from time to time. Forms of tender and conditions of contract may be obtained on application to William C. P. Tapper, M.I.E.E., the Borough Electrical Engineer and Manager, at No. 27, Osborn-street, Whitechapel, E., on payment of a deposit of one guinea, which will be refunded to bona-fide tenderers after the tenders have been adjudicated upon, or, in the event of no tender being sent in, upon satisfactory reasons for not tendering being given, together with the return of the specification. Additional copies will be charged for at 5s. each, which will not be refunded. Copies of the specification may also be seen at any time by appointment at No. 27, Osborn-street, Whitechapel, E. Sealed tenders, which may be for all or any part of the above quantity, must be addressed to the chairman of the Electricity Supply Committee, endorsed “ Tender for coal and coke,” and left at No. 27, Osborn-street, E., before noon on June 11, 1914. The Council reserve the right to divide the contract amongst two or more contractors, and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Geo. W. Clarke, Town Clerk. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Aberdeen, May 26.—For the Corporation, gas coal (includ- ing cannels, splints, coking coals, and nuts), 100,000 tons. Full particulars from Mr. Samuel Milne, gas engineer, Aberdeen. Airdrie, May 26.—Coal for the school board. Forms from the joint clerks, 10, Bank-street, Airdrie. Ballyvaughan (Ireland), May 28.—About 100 tons of best screened Wigan or English coal for the Guardians. Applica- tion to Mr. Thomas Cornyn, clerk of union. Bangor (N. Wales), May 27.—About 4,500 tons of best screened gas coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Price F. White, manager, Gasworks, Bangor, North Wales. Barming Heath and Chartham, June 6.—About 4,000 tons of steam coal, 1,200 tons of household coal, 950 tons of gas coal, and 105 tons of bakers’ coal, to the Kent County Lunatic Asylums, Barming Heath, near Maidstone, and Chartham, near Canterbury. Forms on application at either the Barming Heath or Chartham Asylums. Belfast, June 2.—For the Corporation about 45,000 tons of washed single nuts. Forms from Mr. T. W. Bloxam, city electrical engineer, East Bridge-street, Belfast. Birkenhead, May 26.—Slack for the power and pumping stations at Birkenhead and Liverpool; also steam locomotive fuel, household coal, coke, etc., for the directors of the Mersey Bailway. Forms from Mr. Joshua Shaw, general manager and secretary, Central Station, Birkenhead. Birmingham, May 25.—Coal and slack for the Corporation. Forms from the steward, City Hospital, Yardley-road. Birmingham, June 5.—Coal and slack for the Guardians. Forms at Union Offices, Edmund-street, Birmingham. Bollington, June 2.—Best screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. Samuel Knight, clerk, Council Offices, Bollington. Bootle (Lancashire), May 27.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from Borough Engineer. Bridlington, May 29.—Smudge coal for the Council. Tenders to Arthur J. Beckett, M.I.E.E., borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Bridlington. Broadstairs, June 17.—About 5,000 tons of best Durham or Yorkshire gas coal, for the directors of the Broadstairs Gas Company. Forms from Mr. F. Higginson, engineer, manager, and secretary, Gas Office, Broadstairs. Carlisle, May 27.—About 30,000 tons of coal, for the Cor- poration. Forms from Mr. E. George Hutchinson, gas engineer and manager, Gasworks, Carlisle. Chelmsford, June 4.—House coal, hard steam coal, and Beckton coke, for the Territorial Force Association, county of Essex. Forms from Col. F. F. Johnson, secretary, Terri- torial Force Association, county of Essex, Market-road, Chelmsford. Chester, May 26.—Slack for the directors of the Chester Waterworks Company. Tenders to Mr. William S. Moss, secretary, 15, Newgate-street, Chester. Clonmel, May 27.—From 3,000 to 3,500 tons of best Durham, Yorkshire, or North Wales gas coal, for the Cor- poration. Information from the Secretary, Gasworks, Clonmel. Cockermouth, May 25.—Coal for the Gas Committee. Forms from Mr. E. D. Wootten, manager and secretary, Gas Offices, Cockermouth. Colchester, June 8.—Best hard hand-picked steam coal. Forms from Mr. E. A. Slater, F.S.I., acting borough surveyor, Town Hall. Coventry, May 30.—Good household coal or cobbles for the Church Charities; also for about 60 tons. Tenders to Messrs. Kirby and Sons, solicitors, Coventry. Croydon, June 9.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the borough engineer, Town Hall, Croydon. Denbigh, May 26.—About 1,700 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Denbigh Gas and Coke Company Limited. Further particulars from Mr. W. E. Brock, manager and secretary, Denbigh. Dublin, May 27.—From 55,000 to 110,000 tons of loco- motive coal, for the directors of the Great Northern Bail- way Company (Ireland). Forms from Mr. T. Morrison, secretary, Amiens-street Terminus, Dublin. Friern Barnet, May 28.—About 40 tons of steam coal, 120 tons of engine slack, and 132 chaldrons of coke for the Friern Barnet Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. E. J. Beynolds, A.M.I.C.E., engineer and surveyor to the Council. Glasgow, May 26.—Ell coal and furnace fuel for the Cor- poration. Forms from Mr. Charles Bobertson, chamber keeper, City Chambers. Gloucester, May 30.—About 40,000 tons of gas coal for the directors of the Gas Light Company. Forms from Mr. William E. Vinson, secretary, Gas Office, Gloucester. Great Driffield, June 1.—About 2,600 tons of screened gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. Herbert Brown, clerk to the council. Greenock, June 1.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. James Macleod, engineer and manager, Gas Works, Greenock. Hambledon, May 26.—About 240 tons of Linby hard steam coal, 200 tons of Linby bright cobbles, and 40 chal- drons of coke, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. Ferdinand Smallpiece, clerk, 138, High-street, Guildford. Hemel Hempsted, May 28.—About 700 tons of best double-screened nuts for the Town Council. Forms from Mr. W. B. Locke, borough surveyor and waterworks engineer, Hemel Hempsted. Holytown (Scotland), June 8.—About 1,500 tons of washed treble and double nuts, for the directors of the Holy- town Gas Light Company Limited. Tenders to Mr. W. Darling, secretary, Holy town. Hornsey, June 3.—Coal and coke for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. F. D. Askey, town clerk, 99, Southwood- lane, Highgate, N. Hunstanton, June 4.—About 1,800 tons of gas coal, for the New Hunstanton Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. J. S. B. Glasier, clerk to the council. Kensington, May 26.—For the Council of the Borough of Kensington from 700 to 900 tons (more or less) of Welsh smokeless coal (Aberdare). Forms at the Town Hall, Kensington. King’s Lynn, May 30.—Best Portland hards, or other good engine coal, for the Magdalen Drainage Commissioners. Forms of Mr. W. D. Ward, clerk to the commissioners, King’s Lynn. Kingston-on-Thames, June 1.—House coal (approximate quantity 790 tons) for the Guardians. Also for best Warwickshire Wyken slack, | in. ; Pooley Hall nuts, | in. to 1^- in., or similar coal (approximate quantity 1,450 tons* of each); about 80 tons of best Welsh smokeless steam coal; and also 40 tons of best kitchen coal. Forms from Mr. Charles W. Dash, clerk to the guardians, Union Offices, Kingston-on-Thames. Leek, May 29.—About 10,500 tons of screened gas coal or washed fuel, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. S. Trow Smith, engineer and manager, Gasworks, Leek. Littleport, May 27.—About 300 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Littleport Gas Company. Forms from Messrs. H. and G. L. Archer, secretaries, Market-place, Ely, Cambridge. London, May 26.—The London County Council invites tenders for coal of various descriptions. Forms from the clerk of the council, County Hall, Spring-gardens, S.W. London, S.W., May 27.—About 9,000 tons of -J in. to 1 in. nutty slack steam coal suitable for burning with under- feed stokers for the Fulham Borough Council. Forms from the borough electrical engineer, Electricity Department, Townmead-road, Fulham, S.W. London, S.E., May 28.—Coal for the Southwark Guardians. Forms from Mr. Sydney Wood, clerk, Union Offices, Ufford-street, Blackfriars, S.E. London, June 2.—For the Commissioners of his Majesty’s Works, etc., house coal, hard steam coal, anthracite coal, and small steam coal for mechanical stokers. Forms from the Controller of Supplies, H.M. Office of Works, 18, Queen Anne’s-gate, Westminster, S.W. London, E., June 3.—About 1,200 tons of steam coal for the Poplar Board of Guardians. Forms from Mr. G. Herbert Lough, clerk to the guardians, Guardians’ Office, 45, Upper North-street, Poplar, E. London, N.W., June 3.—Welsh and other steam coal for the St. Pancras Borough Council. Forms at the electricity department offices, 57, Pratt-street, Camden Town, N.W., on payment of T1 (returnable). London, S.W., June 3.—Coal and coke to the Cancer Hospital, for the committee of management. Forms from Mr. Fred W. Howell, secretary, Fulham-road, London, S.W. London, E.C., June 4.—Welsh large steam, Welsh washed nuts, Scotch navigation steam, Scotch washed nuts, hard steam (large) hard steam (nuts and small), Durham (unscreened), smithy, and house coal and coke, for the Port of London Authority. Forms from the stores superintendent, 106, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Louth (Lincs.), May 30.—About 5,000 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Louth Gaslight Company. Forms from Mr. Philip Allison, secretary, Louth. Omagh, May 27.—About 2,000 tons of best gas coal (screened and unscreened) for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. P. J. O’Callaghan, manager. Portmadoc, May 30.—Best gas and cannel coals for the Ynyscynhaiarn Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. John Jones, clerk, Town Hall, Portmadoc. Prestwich (Lancashire), May 26.—House, engine, and gas coal and coke, to the County Asylum, Prestwich, for the committee of visitors. Tenders to the County Asylum, Prestwich. Bhyl, May 27.—About 5,500 tons of screened gas coal and 100 tons of best house coal, for the Urban District Council- Forms from Mr. Leonard G. Hall, Gas Engineer’s Office, Paradise-street, Bhyl. Bochester, May 27.—About 100 tons of the best Welsh anthracite coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. William Banks, city surveyor, Bochester. Bugby, June 3.—About 500 tons of best steam coals (peas), for the Urban District Council, and 50 tons of best steam coal. Forms from the surveyor’s office, Benn-buildings, Bugby. Salford, May 28.—Coal and cannel for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Wiliam W. Woodward, engineer, Gas Offices, Bloom-street, Salford. Sedgley, June 4.—About 1,000 tons of gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. Thomas B. Knight, clerk of the council, the Council House, Sedgley. Swadlincote, May 27.—About 5,000 tons (more or less) of best gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. Henry Butterfield, engineer and manager. Swindon, June 2.—Coal and coke for the Swindon and Highworth Guardians. Forms from Mr. John P. Kirby, clerk, Union Offices, Swindon. Swindon, June 3.—Steam coal for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Bobert Hilton, town clerk, Town Hall, Swindon. Taunton, June 1.—Coal for the directors of the Taunton Gaslight and Coke Company. Particulars from Mr. A. Edwards, secretary and manager. Tiverton, May 30.—About 4,000 tons of freshly wrought gas coal, screened or unscreened, including nuts, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Clark Jeffery, gas manager, Tiverton. Torquay, May 25.—About 3,000 tons of gas coal or gas slack for the Corporation. Further particulars from the manager of the Gasworks, Mr. F. Chalmers. Tramore (Waterford), June 2.—About 450 tons of colliery or double screened gas coal, for the Waterford Bural District Council No. 1. Tenders to Mr. William Gallwey, Tramore, chairman of the Tramore Public Health Act Committee. Weston-Super-Mare, June 1.—About 16,000 tons of screened and unscreened gas coal, for the directors of the Weston-super-Mare Gaslight Company. Tenders addressed to the chairman, Gas Offices, 32, The Boulevard, Weston- super-Mare. Wigton, June 13.—About 1,000 to 1,200 tons of washed nuts or gas coal, also suitable round coal, for the directors of the Wigton Gaslight and Coke Company. Tenders to Mr. S. Bigg, secretary, 15, King-street, Wigton. Windsor, June 4.—Coal and coke to the King Edward VII. Hospital for Windsor, Eton and District, for the com- mittee. Forms from Mr. George W. Gower, secretary, Hospital. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Bradford, June 3.—Cast Iron Pipes, etc.—About 5,100 tons of cast iron pipes 36 in. internal diameter, and 450 tons special castings for the Corporation. Specifications from Mr. James Watson, M.Inst.C.E., waterworks manager, Town Hall, Bradford. Bradford, June 3.—Steel Pipes.—About 1,400 tons of mild steel pipes, 36 in. internal diameter, f in. and % in. thick for the Corporation (Contract No. 14). Specifications from Mr. James Watson, M.Inst.C.E., waterworks engineer, Town Hall, Bradford. Coldstream, May 26.— Well Sinking.—Sinking and lining a collecting well, about 15 ft. diameter, for the corporation. Specification from Messrs. J. and A. Leslie and Beid, C.E., 72a, George-street, Edinburgh, on payment of Tl (returnable). Datchworth and Tewin, May 29.— Water Mains.—About 13,000 yds. of 4 in. and 3 in. cast iron water mains. Par- ticulars from Messrs. D. Balfour and Son, 47, Victoria-street, Westminster, London, S.W. Edinburgh, May 23.—Steel Frame Work.—For the Cor- poration, steel frame work for machinery foundations. Specification from Mr. F. 4. Newington, engineer, Dewar- place, on deposit of £2 2s. ^returnable). Grimesthorpe (Yorkshire), June 4.—Steel Structure.— Steel structure to carry a coke telepher and coke-hoppers at their Grimesthorpe Station, for the directors of the Sheffield United Gaslight Company. Specifications from Mr. J. W. Morrison, M.Inst.C.E., at the company’s offices, Commercial- street, Sheffield. Horncastle, May 25.—Boiler.—“Savile” boiler for the Guardians. Full particulars from the master of the work- house. Loughrea (Co. Galway, Ireland), May 30.—Gas Engine, etc.—For the Loughrea Electric Power and Lighting Com- pany Limited, gas engine and sunction plant; dynamo and motor booster; storage battery and switchboard. Specifica- tions from the company’s secretary, Loughrea. Manchester, May 28.—Boiler.—New steel boiler for the Corporation. Particulars from Mr. Fredk. A. Price, super- intendent, gas department, Towm Hall, Manchester. Oldham.—Turbines, etc.—Two 3,000 kw. high pressure steam turbines, each coupled direct to an extra high-tension alternating current generator, together with surface con- denser, pumps, etc.; (2) water tube boilers; (3) feed pump; (4) water-cooling towers, for the Corporation. Specifica- tion, from the Greenhill Electricity Offices, Oldham, on payment of £2 2s. (returnable).