May 22, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1133 THE PENRIKYBER NAVIGATION COLLIERY CO. LTD., PENRHIWCEIBER, R.S.O., GLAM. The Directors of this Company are pre- pared to receive TENDERS for the following during a period of twelve months from 1st July, 1914. Tenders to be in not later than Wednesday, June 3rd, 1914. Forms of tender may be obtained on application to the SECSHTAKY. No. 1. Iron and Steel. 2. Castings. 3. Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Iron Washers and Nails. 4. Electrical Fittings. 5. Rubber, Waste, Wick, Brattice, Felt, Packing and Yarn. 6. Steam, Water, and Gunmetal Fittings, &c. 7. Ironmongery, Files, Saws, Gauges, Colliers’ Tools, Helves, Shovels and Sundry Stores. 8. Paints, Drysalteries, Brushes, Brooms, Glass, &c. 9. Pi'ch Pine Deals, Red Pine, best quality American Birch Boards and Deals, Poplar and Elm Curbs, Elm G. and F. Match and Flooring Boards and Hardwood Sprags. 10. Wire Rones. 11. Lime and Cement. 12. Oils. Tallow and Grease. 13. Steel Rails and Sleepers. URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL OF DARTFORD. The Council invite Tenders for the supply and delivery to the Electricitv Works, Dartford, of 5,000 tons of COAL during the year ending on the 30th June, 1915. Particulars of the coal required and forms of tender will be sent to any applicant on receipt of a stamped and addressed foolscap envelope. No tender will be considered unless it be upon the orescribed form. Seale 1 tenders in the envelones provided must be delivered to the under- signed at the Council Offices, Dartford, Kent, not later than Saturday, the 20th June. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Council Offices, Dartford, W. KAY, 18th May, 1914. Clerk to the Council. METROPOLITAN BOROUGH OF STEPNEY. ELECTRICITY SUPPLY. TO COAL MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. JVTotice is hereby given that the Council 1 1 of the Metropolitan Borough of Stepney will receive TENDERS from such persons as may be willing to enter into a contract for the supply between the 1st July, 1914, and the 30 Ji June, 1915, of about 2,000 tons, con- sisting of Welsh SMOKELESS COAL, Hard BITUMINOUS STEAM COAL (large and small), HOUSE COAL and COKE to be delivered incarts at such points in the Borough as may be directed from time to time. Forms of tender and conditions of contract may be obtained on application to Wm. 0. P. Tapper, M.I.E.E., the Borough Electrical Engineer and Manager, at No. 27, Osborn-street, Whitechapel, E„ on payment of a deposit of one guinea, which will be refunded to bona fide tenderers after the tenders have been adjudicated upon, or, in the event of no tender being sent in, upon satisfactory reasons for not tendering being given, together with the return of the specification. Additional copies will be charged for at 5s. each, which will not be renmded. Copies of the specification mav also be seen at any time by appointment at No 27, Osborn-street, Whitechapel, E. Sealed tenders, which may be for all or any part of the above quantity, must be addressed to the Chairman of the Electricity Supply Committee, ndorsed “Tender for Coal and Uoke,” and left at No. 27, Osborn-street, E., before noon on June 11th, 1914. The Council reserve the right to divide the contract amongst two or more contractors, and