May 15, 1911. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1087 Omagh, May 27.—About 2,000 tons of best gas coal (screened and unscreened) for the Urban District Council. -Forms from Mr. B. J. O’Callaghan, manager. Plymouth, May 21.—For the Plymouth Corporation, 9,000 tons of clean good quality steam coal suitable for use without breaking in coking mechanical stokers. Form from E. G. Okell, borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Prince Rock, Plymouth. Richmond (Surrey), May 22.—About 1,500 tons of the best smokeless steam coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. W. G. Pierce, borough waterworks engineer, at the Waterworks. Rhyl, May 27.—About 5,500 tons of screened gas coal and 100 tons of best house coal, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. Leonard G. Hall, Gas Engineer’s Office, Paradise-street, Rhyl. Rochester, May 27.—About 100 tons of the best Welsh anthracite coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. William Banks, city surveyor, Rochester. Salford.—Coal for the Corporation. Full particulars from Mr. William W. Woodward, engineer, Gas Offices, Bloom-street, Salford. Swindon, May 22.—Best steam coal, best kitchen coal, and coke, for the Swindon and District Hospital Board. Tenders to Mr. W. G. Adams, clerk to the Board, 4, Crick]ade-street, Swindon. Swindon, June 2.—Coal and coke for the Swindon and High worth Guardians. Forms from Mr. John P. Kirby, clerk, Union Offices, Swindon. Tattingstone, May 19.—About 200 tons of Bolsovpr hand- picked hards, or Stanton hand-picked hards, and 30 tons gas coke, for the Samford Guardians. Forms from Mr. Arnold J. Haward, clerk, 34, Prince’s-street, Ipswich. Tiverton, May 30.—-About 4,000 tons of freshly wrought gas coal, screened or unscreened, including nuts, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. Clark Jeffery, gas manager, Tiverton. Watford, May 19.—Coal and coke to March 31st, 1915, for the Guardians. Forms from Mr. F. Wilson, clerk, Watford-place, Watford. Weston-Super-Mare, June 1.—About 16,000 tons of screened and unscreened gas coal, for the directors of the Weston-super-Mare Gaslight Company. Tenders addressed to the chairman, Gas Offices, 32, The Boulevard, Weston- super-Mare. Whittingham (Lancashire), May 21.—Coal, coke, cannel, steam and gas coal, to the County Asylum, Whittingham, Preston, for the committee. Forms from the steward at the asylum. Wickham Market, May 18.—About 80 tons of Bestwood cobbles, or coal of equal quality, and 80 tons of hard steam coal, for the Plomesgate Guardians. Also for 40 tons of coke. Forms from Mr. David R. Read, clerk, Board Room, Wickham Market. Wigton, June 13.—About 1,000 to 1,200 tons of washed nuts or gas coal, also suitable round coal, -for the directors of the Wigton Gaslight and Coke Company. Tenders to Mr. S. Rigg, secretary, 15, King-street, Wigton. Wishaw (Scotland), May 18.—About 9,000 tons of cannel coal, screened splint gas coal, coking coal and washed coking- nuts (doubles and trebles), for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. P. B. Watson, engineer and manager, Wishaw Gas Works. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. COWTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Arley, May 25.—Reservoir.—For the Nuneaton Rural District Council :—(1) Construction of a covered reservoir, 50,000 gallons, in Hennebique ferro-concrete; (2) laying of about 710 yds. 3 in., and 1,520 yds. 4 in. cast iron mains; (3) providing about 750 yds. 3 in., and 1,550 yds. 4 in. cast iron pipes and specials. Specification from the clerk to the council, on deposit of £1 (deposit returnable). Cardiff, May 28.—Pipe Work.—Sundry steel and cast iron pipe work and small feed tank, for the Corporation. Specifi- cation from Mr. Arthur Ellis, electrical engineer and manager, Central Offices, the Hayes, on payment of £1 Is. (returnable). Cavan (Ireland), May 30.—Cast Iron Pipe Laying, etc.— Laying of about 4,900 yds. of 8 in. cast iron pipes, with valves, etc., and the construction of additional filter beds, for the Urban District Council. Specifications from Messrs. Swiney and Croasdaile, M.M.Inst.C.E., Avenue-chambers, Belfast. Ghorley, May 18.—Cast Iron Pipes.—Cast iron pipes and steel tubes required for the gas undertaking, for the Cor- poration. Particulars from Mr. J. W. Allin, gas engineer, Ghorley. Cossall (Notts), May 25.— Water Mains.—Laying about 4,500 yds. of cast iron water mains, varying in size from 6 in. to 3 in., for the Basford Rural District Council. Specifications from Mr. S. Maylan, engineer and surveyor, Public Offices, Basford, Nottingham, on deposit of £2 2s. (returnable). Fleet (Hants), June 4.—Cast Iron Pipes.—For the Urban District Council, viz :—2,700 yds. of 12 in. diameter, 1,900 yds. of 10 in., 2,050 yds. of 9 in., 1,060 yds. of 8 in., 2,400 yds. of 7 in., 900 yds. of 6 in. (more or less). Specifications from Mr. T. J. Moss-Flower, civil engineer, 28, Victoria- street, Westminster, S.W., on payment of three guineas (returnable). Gourock, May 26.— Gasholder and Tank.—Gasholder and steel tank, for the Corporation. Specifications on payment of £2 2s. (returnable) from Mr. A. Douglas Murray, town clerk, Gourock. Grays, May 20.—Cast Iron Pipes.—About 1,460 yds. of 3 in. diameter cast iron pipes, for the Orsett Rural District Council. Particulars from Mr. C. F. W. Marsh, engineer to the council, 2, Orsett-road, Grays. Higham, May 18.—Reservoir.—Reinforced concrete service reservoir (on the coignet system) for the Chesterfield Rural District Council. Specifications from Mr. Gilbert Frith, Council Offices, Chesterfield, upon deposit of one guinea (returnable). Huelva (Spain), June 27.—Electric Cranes.—Two electric portal cranes, each with a lifting power of five tons, and revolving platforms.* * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. Johannesburg (South Africa), June 8.— Water Purifying Plant.—Tenders are invited by the Johannesburg Municipal Council for a water purifying plant at the council’s genera- ting station.* Keighley, May 25.—Converting Plant.—One 750 kw. con- verting plant, suitable for converting electrical energy on the alternating current three-phase system at 6,600 volts, 50 periods per second, to direct current electrical energy at 500 volts, with a range of 10 volts up or down, for the Corporation (Electricity Committee). Specifications on payment of .£1 Is. (returnable), from Mr. Harry Webber, borough electrical engineer and tramways manager, Elec- tricity Offices, Coney-lane, Keighley. Leeds, June 10.—Boilers, etc.—Six water tube boilers, 12 mechanical stokers, six economisers, three induced draught plants, and accessories, for the Corporation (Electric Light- ing Department). Specification from Mr. C. Nelson Hefford, manager of the department, 1, Whitehall-road, Leeds, on payment of £5 (returnable). Leeds, June 10.—Induced Draught Plant.—A motor-driven induced draught plant, capable of dealing with 230,000 (‘,n. ft. of hot gases per minute, for the Corporation Electricity Department. Specification from Mr. C. Nelson Hefford, manager of the department, 1, Whitehall-road, Leeds, on payment of £1 Is. (returnable). * London, S.W., May 20.—Steel Rails, etc.—For. the directors of the Jodhpur Bikaner Railway :—2,358 tons of steel flat-footed rails; 9,220 pairs of steel fishplates, and 58 tons of dogspikes. Specifications from Messrs. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, 13, Dartmouth-street, Westminster, S.W. Sidmouth, May 22.-—Gasworks Plant—Roy the Urban District Council, viz. :— £ in. main cocks; galvanised tubing and fittings; annular condensers; two steam driven exhausters; cast iron pipes and specials ; purifier valves and connections. Specifications from Mr. Hy. Burgess, Gas Office, Esplanade. Whitehaven, May 23.— Waterworks.—About 18 tons of 3 in. cast iron spigot and socket pipes; laying, and jointing about 1,050 yds. of 3 in. pipes, and fixing sluice valves, hydrants, and other -fittings, for the Rural District Council. Specifications from Mr. George Boyd, 33, Queen-street, Whitehaven, on payment of 10s. (returnable). Wickham Market, May 18.—Oil Engine.—An 8-horse power oil engine for driving the machinery at the sewage works, Framlingham, Suffolk, including the removal of the existing engine, for the Plomesgate Rural District Council. Tenders to Board Room, Wickham Market. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. British Thomson-Houston Company Limited.—The profit, after deducting all expenses and charges other than interest on debenture stock and loans, was £121,508, and £8,590 was brought in; amount paid for interest on debenture stock and loans during the year was £53,054, leaving net profit, £77,044. Directors appropriate for depreciation and reserves £64,100, and carry forward £12,944. Since closing the books the debenture stock of par value £4,240 has been redeemed, making total par value of stock retired to date £25,785, and leaving a net amount outstanding of £186,215. Brown (John) and Company Limited.—An extraordinary meeting held in London last week confirmed the resolutions passed at a previous meeting for amending and adding to the company’s memorandum of association. The purpose of the amendment is to obtain powers for applying to the Court for such alteration as is calculated to cover the requirements of a modern and up-to-date undertaking, as has been done in the case of manj other limited companies of long standing. Broxburn Oil Company Limited. — Including £7,674 brought forward, the profits for the past year amounted to £64,720. The directors recommend that £15,665 be written off for depreciation, £15,000 added to the retort renewal account, and a dividend of 10 per cent., free of tax, paid on the ordinary shares, leaving £8,079 to be carried forward. Electric Construction Company Limited.—The report for the period to March 31 last states that in accordance with the resolution passed last year, the accounts now submitted covered a period of ten months only, and the net profit (after providing £5,666 for debenture interest and £5,000 for depreciation) is £27,126. The sum brought forward is £6,899, and the amount available for distribution is there- fore £34,025. The directors recommend a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares for ten months ended March 31, 1914, transfer to general reserve fund (which will then amount to £58,000) £12,000, and carry forward £7,153. Hyderabad (Deccan) Company Limited.—The 1913 output was 70,481 tons in advance of 1912, and exceeded the total output in any previous twelve months, but there has been an appreciable increase in working costs. The expenditure on capital has been heavier than usual, in consequence of exceptional outlay, including up-to-date machinery for enabling the coal to be hand-picked before despatch, and diamond and other drilling plants purchased lor completing the exploration of the Singareni coalfield in detail, and also for locating the most profitable seams in the ether coalfields. After providing an additional £2,000 for depreciation, making £12,000 in all, and £2,000 for reserve, accounts show a credit balance of £61,971. An interim dividend of Is. 6d. per share (£16,800) was paid on December 1 last, and the board recommend a final dividend of 2s. 6cl., free of tax, making 4s. for the year; £17,171 forward. Locket’s Merthyr Collieries (1894) Limited.—The report for the year ending February 28 last states that the profits, including the balance brought forward from last account, amount to £27,692 2s. 9d. After payment of debenture interest, interim dividends, and directors’ and trustees’ fees, there remains a balance of £14,642 2s. 9d., which the directors recommend should be disposed of as follows : By payment of a final dividend of 3 per cent, on the first pre- ference shares, £1,500; a final dividend of 5 per cent, on the second preference shares, £2,500; a final dividend of 6 per cent, on the ordinary shares, £3,000, absorbing £7,000, and leaving £7,642 2s. 9d. to be carried forward. Lysaght (John) Limited.—For 1913. total profits of all branches of the business at home and abroad, including income on investments and interest on balances and deposits, * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E,C, amount to £330,576. After making provision for interest on debenture stock and dividends on 6 per cent, preference shares, there remains, including amount brought forward, a disposable balance of £673,143. Directors recommend a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum and bonus of 3s. per share on ordinary shares—in all 25 per cent., com- pared with 20 per cent, for the five preceding years; to carry to reserve fund £60,000, making it £650,000; to steel works redemption account £30,000; to workmen’s provident fund £5,000; and forward £478,143, subject to income-tax and directors’ fees. Middleburg Steam Coal and Coke Company Limited.— Interim dividend at the rate of 7^- per cent, per annum for the half-year ended December 31. Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day Limited.—Dividend of 7| per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year ended .March. Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Company Limited. — The directors report for 1913 that the profits were $1,255,954, co npared with $1,000,609 for previous year, and $452,600 was brought in. $32,659 has been paid on account of sink- ing fund, and applied by the Eastern Trust Company in retiring bonds of the company. $70,185 lias been added to the reserve funds, and $107,683 expended for improvements and betterments has been written off. The aggregate of these, $210,527, is considerably in excess of amount deemed necessary to provide for depreciation. $10,104 has been transferred to insurance reserve funds of the company. $527,886 remains at credit of profit and loss, after providing for above transfers and payments, interest on bonds and debenture stock, dividends, and other charges. During the year $2,000,000 of debenture stock was sold, and proceeds applied in payment of the amounts expended in 1912 and 1913 on capital account. The amount charged to capital account in respect of expenditure of past year is $1,158,462. Work on the new Jubilee shaft at Sydney mines has been carried on throughout the year, and it is expected that this colliery will be fully equipped early in 1915. A large amount of work has been done in further developing the company’s submarine iron ore areas at Wabana, and many additions and improvements to plant have been completed during the year. Dividends at the rate of 8 per cent, on the preferred and 6 per cent, on the common stock for the year have been paid quarterly. Stanton Iron Works Company Limited. — The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend and bonus of 171- per cent., making 25 per cent, for the year, free of tax. Steel Company of Canada Limited.—For 1913 net profits, after expending $516,084 for repairs, etc., were $1,640,010. Interest on bonds absorbs $480,000; dividends on preferred stock, $454,741; amount credited to fund for depreciation, renewal, and improvements of plants, $137,500; amount written off plant account of Sunnyside works, $56,738; amount credited to profit and loss account, $511,031. The amount now standing to credit of profit and loss account is $1,571,603, and various reserve funds $568,813. Since December 31 last the directors have disposed of $850,000 first mortgage bonds. The new machinery for the Canada works, mentioned in last report, has been installed. Anthracite Collieries Limited.—In the Court of Appeal, before the Master of the Rolls and Lords Justices Swinfen Eady and Bickford, on Monday, the appeal of Mr. Andreas Frangopulo, a creditor and contributory of the Vagliano Anthracite Collieries Limited from the refusal of Mr. Justice Astbury to discharge an order of Court, made on February 27, 1914, appointing Sir William Blender as liquidator of the company in place of the Official Receiver was heard. Their lordships decided that Sir William Blender would be an invidious position by having to act as official liquidator, and the order of Mr. Justice Astbnry was discharged. Mr. E. W. Bixley, chartered accountant, was appointed official liquidator in place of Sir William Blender. Vulcan Motor and Engineering Company (1906) Limited. —The directors have declared an interim dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, free of income-tax, for the six months to March 31. NEW COMPANIES. Barron Expanding Ferrule Company Limited.—Registered office, 27, Braemar-road, South Tottenham, Middlesex. Private company. Registered, May 8. To acquire from R. B. Downer, of 38, Little Ilf ord-lane, Manor Bark, engineer, the benefit of the invention for improvements in means for securing boiler tubes for which Letters Batent 15998 of 1913 have been granted; and to carry on the business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, tool makers, boiler makers, etc. Nominal capital, £200 in 165 “A” shares and 35 “ B ” shares of £1 each. Directors :—R. B. Downer; J. A. Martin, 232, Balfour-road, Ilford, commercial traveller. Cambrian Mineral and Metal Company Limited.—Regis- tered office, 67, Lord-street, Liverpool. Brivate company. Registered May 4. Miners, mineral, metal and general merchants and smelters. Nominal capital, £500 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) : J. H. Bigby, 110, Bortelet-road, Stoneycroft, Liverpool, manager; J. Cunningham, 9, Clint-road, Liverpool, mineral merchant. Qualification of directors, 50 shares. Deeley (Henry) Limited.—Brivate company. Registered May 6. To enter into agreement with Sarah Deeley and Sampson John Deeley and the above-named company; also to carry on the business of stone merchants, quarry pro- prietors, and coal merchants now carried on by the legal personal representatives of the late Henry Deeley. Nominal capital, £5,000 in £1 shares. Directors :—Sampson John Deeley, to be first and sole director and manager of the company. Hale, Lowth and Company Limited.--Registered office, 45a, Market-street, Manchester. Brivate company. Regis- tered May 5. To acquire the business carried on at the above address as A. E. Hale and Company, and to carry on the business of electrical engineers, and dealers in ail kinds of electrical goods. Nominal capital, £800 in £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) : A. E. Hale, 59, Haydn-avenue, Moss Bide, Manchester, electrical engineer; W. H. Lowth, 39, Lomas-street, London-road, Manchester, electrical engineer. (A. E. Hale is entitled to hold office so long as be is a registered holder of two-thirds of shares to be allotted to him in pursuance of agreement for sale). Qualification of directors (other than permanent directors), one share. Hants Co-operative Coal Company Limited.—Registered office, 50, Highland-road, Southsea. Brivate company. Registered May 7. Coal merchants and ship owners, etc., in Bortsmouth, Gosport, and Fareham, etc, Nominal