May 15, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1085. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO HAHUFACTURED FQEL FROSH THE UHJTED KIRGOO® During April and the first four months of 1912, 1913 and 1914. IV April, 1914 April. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1912. | 1933. 1914. 1912. 1913. 1914 Russia 28,003 16,446 11,576 7,046 178,866 120,385 51,021 347,247 218,445 32,578- 252,546 143,877 Sweden. 53,318 27.081 22,255 13,735 206,359 132,377 73,642 435,533 281,932 42,716 287,361 173,193 Norway 53,902 25,387 9,710 6,221 121,607 78,883 57,811 186,251 185,219 36,297 119,596 110,491 Denmark 45,664 25,922 51,657 33,042 96,532 63,814 98,701 270,312 193,853 59,701 177,528 122,778 Germany 222.152 116,427 281,741 167,422 188,016 124,354 282,306 804,717 691,939 146,900 479,111 408,203 Netherlands 53,226 29,798 48,755 30,459 32,535 19.791 31,044 156,411 134,516 1 16,590 95,039 80,048 Belgium 41,990 18,851 32,461 19,220 27,942 18,289 25,045 177,612 102,393 1 12,113 104,311 56,360 France 424,375 210.272 246,020 152,941 307,452 233,713 194,519 1,124,623 977,847 1 111,217 720,894 596,926 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 22,779 13,134 15,560 9,771 73,494 58,710 48,960 117,098 111,833 ■ 37,384 86,995 81,615 Spain and Canaries 49,644 29,450 93,712 59,914 148,841 121,408 96,055 295,067 292,197 71,164 220,817 210,772 Etaly .... 89,864 39,973 153,696 97,940 415,632 338,513 225,556 793,528 659,192 161,781 572,750 476,426 Austria-Hungary 21,619 12,233 13,334 8,225 51,083 35,141 30,911 65,413 86,036 17,217 44,442 55,599 Greece 9,049 5,481 23,365 13,663 33,270 28,073 10,589 67,490 65,684 ' 6,481 52,062 47,217 Roumania .. 7,829 3,740 — — 21,519 18,988 — 16,641 29,348 ! — 14,708 22,728 ' Turkey. — — 7,877 4,861 37,864 31,036 658 13,420 45,741 349 11,375 35,897 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 18,557 9,340 26,898 17,874 218,240 174,568 32,447 i 352,066 263,695 29,742 270,175 201,782 Algeria. 23,030 13,397 40,079 25,259 24,959 18,983 7,508 ! 107,471 88,068 ; 5,461 76,926 57,639 Portuguese West Africa — — 9,088 5,680 14,594 12,151 7,586 33,719 23,682 i 6,246 29,842 17,831 Chile ... 242 279 — — 36,965 30,672 109 68,615 37,207 : 98 58,840 30,951 Brazil 354 362 4,810 3,006 88,163 80,065 10,853 234,089 93,327 I 9,015 210,254 83,433 Uruguay 120 162 — — 54,028 47,893 22,364 71,901 54,148 ! 19,849 60,646 ' 48,055 Argentine Republic 5,051 4,184 — — 307,467 270,260 111,776 338,859 312,518 91,867 283,493 274,444 Channel Islands 271 215 — 9,163 7,147 4,338 16,066 9,434 : 3,377 11,844 7,362 Gibraltar 4,388 2, 49 9,009 5,787 34,735 28,737 19,387 35,021 48,132 16,600 25,600 36,673 Malta.... 2,345 1,262 12,016 7,933 17,082 13,936 — 66,064 31,443 1 — 49,467 23,131 Aden and Dependencies — 10,761 9,505 10,494 9,461 10,761 ! 9,348 7,522 9,505 Rritisli India, 1,420 1,180 6,334 4,434 18,905 14,170 5,057 12,146 26,659 4,712 9,531 19,784 Cevlon . 36,508 30,965 18,242 11,259 36,508 14,311 9,219 30,965 Other countries 22,629 1 15,271 6,068 4,235 73,564 59,666 17,592 122,736 102,261 13,332 99,652 79,172 C Anthracite 86,627 52,318 — 92,077 77,558 29,793 235,650 178,704 21,134 184,054 129,906 | Steam 939,749 465,751 234,897 145,736 2,662,974 2,053,791 1,086,312 4,708,475 3,837,620 745,055 3,391,380 2,665,278 Totals ( Gas 31,830 17,635 773,217 482,804 73,780 52,119 266,486 983,697 878,877 139,831 600,507 552,558 | Household 28,830 17,268 — — 53,968 36,303 45,654 146,273 82,798 30,985 96,401 53,571 L Other sorts 114,735 68,994 117,907 70,128 3,377 2,422 66,326 276,774 236,019 36,444 170,204 141,544 Total 1,201,821 621,996 1,126,021 698,668 2,886,176 2,222,193 1,494,571 6,350,869 i 5,214,018 976,449 4,442,546 3,542,857 Total (April 1913) 1,435,521 845,446 1,266,987 771,634 3,648,361 2,825,466 — — — — — — Total (April 1912) 289,815 149,945 316,780 165,513 887,976 660,991 — — — — — — Coke — — — 1 — 11,081 70,200 67,615 9,512 69,502 60,535 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 21,856 184,115 164,095 19,337 158,105 141,251 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - -- — ... 1,527,508 6,605,214 5,445,728 1,005,298 4,670,153 3,744,643 First four months of 1914. First four months. Anthracite | 446,491 297,695 — — 454,200 412,921 587,797 937,166 900,691 468,046 746,307 710,616 Steam 4,006,871 2,002,556 1,163,795 718,907 11,379,836 8,872,282 10,132,535 17,317,543 16,550,502 6,484,191 12,143,900 11,593,745 Total •< Gas 206,632 J 17,809 3,097,586 1,951,392 345,856 242,203 2,205,484 3,593,943 3,650,074 1,140,461 2,133,761 2,311,404 Household 149,926 93,463 — — 310,121 213,770 344,888 581,727 460,047 204,097 373,894 307,233 Other sorts 472,803 285,292 592,116 358,223 18,154 13,216 696,939 1,159,499 1,083,073 365,697 714,634 656,731 Total 5,282,723 2,796,815 4,853,497 3,028,522 12,508,167 9,754,392 13,967,643 23,589,878 22,644,387 8,662,492 16,112,496 15,579,729 Total for four months of 1913 ... 5,471,898 3,112,250 4,792,946 2,862,350 13,325,034 10,137,896 __ •— — — — — Total for four months of 1912 ... 3,106,740 1,484,220 2,902,611 1,513,403 7,958,292 5,664,869 — — — — — — Coke ........ — — — 288,204 352,390 369,364 215,825 338,367 323,515 Manufactured fuel — — — — — —- 395,188 691,347 666,276 296,771 575,329 579,461 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — -- 14,651,035 24,633,615 23,680,027 9,175,088 17,026,192 16,482,705 Rotterdam, 2,100, 3s. 0£d. ; 2,000, 3s. l£d.; 2,100, 3s. 3d.; Rochefort, 1,400, 5s. 6d., 500; Savona, 4,800, 7s.; St. Nazaire, 2,500, 5s. 3d.; 2,400, 5s. 4Jd.; Sundswall, 1,000, 4s. 4|d., May; St. Vincent, 2,200, 7s. 6d.; St. Petersburg, 2,300, 4s. 6d., 500; Venice, 5,300, 8s., 500; Woolwich, 1,800, 3s. 3d. Cardiff to Algiers, 3,100, 7§ fr.; 5,200, 7| fr.; 4,400, 8 fr.; Alexandria, 4,300, 7s. 6d.; Bougie, 2,000, 9J fr.; Bombay, 6,000, Ils. 6d., May 23; Barcelona, 8s.; Brest, 1,850, 3s. 7Jd. ; 700, 4s. 3d.; Cherbourg, 5,000, 4s. 3d.; Campana, 4,000, 12s. 9d., May; 5,000, 12s. 9d.; Dartmouth, 470, 4s.; Dieppe, 950, 4s. 3d.; Devonport, 2,500, 2s., Admiralty; Esquimalt, sail, 17s. 6d., f.d., Admiralty; Ferrol, 900, 7s.; 900, 7s. 6d.; Genoa, 4,600, 6s. 9d., May 20; 4,800, 7s.; Galatz, 4,800, 8s. ljd.; Havre Canal, 1,900, 4s; 3d.; Havre, 1,500, 4s. ; 2,500, 3s. 9d.; Huelva, 2,300, 6s. 6d.; Honfleur, 1,400, 4s. IJd.; Islands, 2,250, 7s., May; La Rochelle, 2,000, 51 fr., May 16; Las Palmas, 3,800, 7s.; 2,250, 7s.; 4,200, 6s. 9d., May 18; Lisbon, 2,000, 6s., 350; 3,500, 6s., 500; 2.200, 6s. 3d., 350, 6s., 500; 3,200, 6s. lid.; 5,000, 5s. 6d., 500; Messina, 2,800, 8s., 400; Malta, 4,000, 6s.; Madeira, 2,250, 7s.; Marseilles, 5,200, 8| fr. ; Monte Video, 5,800, 11s. 6d.; Oran, 2,500, 2s. 6d., Admiralty; Oporto, 1,100, 7s. ; Port Said, 6,200, 7s., May 19; 5,400, 7s. ; 6,500, 6s. 9d.; 3,600, 7s.; 4,500, 7s. 3d.; Port Mahon, 1,550, 7s. 3d.; Port- land, 470, 4s.; Para, 4,500, 12s. 6d., end May; Pembroke, 750, 2s. 9d.; Passages, 1,200, 7s. 3d.; Queensferry, 1,900, 3s. 3d., Admiralty; River Plate, 5,800, 12s. 6d., May 18; 12s. 9d., June; 5,000, 13s., May 20; Rosario, 4,000, 13s. 3d., May; 5,000, 13s. 3d.; Svendborg, 1,900, 3s. lOJd., 350; St. Paul de Loanda, sail, 1,850, 16s. 6d.; St. Nazaire, 2,200, 5^ fr.; Teneriffe, 4,000, 7s. : 4,200, 6s. 9d., May 18; Tobuk, 3.200, 15s.; Tarragona, 1,050, 7s. 9d.; Trieste, 6,500, 7s., May 23; Venice, 6,000, 7s. 9d., 500, May; Vigo, 2,100, 6s.; Villa Constitucion, 4,000, 12s. 9d., May; 5,000, 12s. 9d. Pori Talbot to Algiers, 4,000, 7J fr.; Bayonne, 1,700, 5J fr.; St. Servan, 1,600, 3s. 9d.; Boulogne, 1,000, 4s.; Port Mahon, 1,550, 7s. 3d. ; St. Malo, 1,100, 4s. 3d. Swansea to Havre, 650, 4s. 9d.; Rouen, 1,400, 4s. 7Jd. ; 1,500, 4s. 6d.; 900, 4s. 8d.; 950, 4s. 7|d.; Caen, 950, 4s. l|d.; Dieppe, 1,000, 4s.; Venice, 5,000, 8s. 3d., 500; Ancona, 4,400, 8s. 3d. coal, 9s. fuel, May; St. Malo, 1,000, 3s. 9d. ; Stockholm, 1,800, 5s.; Honfleur, 800, 5s., voyages over 12 months; 650, 4s. 7£d.; Genoa, 1,050, 8s. coal, 8s. 9d. fuel; Leghorn, 8s. coal, 8s. 9d. fuel; Savona, 1,050, 8s. coal, 8s. 9d. fuel; Volo, 3,600, 8s. coal, 8s. 9d. fuel; Dover, 1,180, 3s. 9d.; Sables, 1,000, 6 fr. coal, 6| fr. fuel. Wear to Boulogne, 900, 4s. l^d.; 700, 4s. 3d.; Bayonne, 2,000, 6s. Hull to Buenos Ayres, 6,000, 12s.; 6,500, 12s., May 20; Sveaborg, 3,000, 4s.; Aalborg, 1,800, 3s. lOJd. ; Drammen, 1,300, rate not transpired, May 18; Ahus, 900, 4s. 7Jd.; Genoa, 3,800, 7s. 3d.; Spezzia, 3,800, 7s. 3d.; Pernau, 1,300, 4s. 3d. ; Cronstadt, 2,600, 4s. 6d.; 2,000, 4s. 6d.; Rouen, 1,650, 4s. 9d. Rotterdam to Adelaide, sail, 16s., option 18s. Adelaide and Wallaroo, Aug;-Sept.; Bordeaux, 3,200, 4s. 9d., May 15-16; Porto Vecchio, 3,300, 7s.; Genoa, 3,400, 7s., 500 fuel same rate; Bagnoli-Porto Ferrajo, 3,000, 6s. 6d.; 4,800, 6s. 7Jd., May 18; 6,400, 6s. 6d., May 21-22; Boucan, 3,300, 4s. 9d.; Algiers, part cargo patent fuel, 8s., May 20; St. Nazaire, 3,800-3,900, 4s. lOJd. ; Marseilles, 4,300, 8Jfr., 600, 8 fr., 900; Trieste, 8,800, 7s., June 5-10; Servola, 8,800, 7s., June 5-10. Wales to Pernambuco, sail, 15s. 6d.; Callao, sail, 16s.; Iquique, sail, 16s., rails and coal, July, Luderitz Bay, sail, 19s., June. Hartlepool to Leghorn, 3,000, 7s. 6d., Genoa terms. Havre and Rotterdam to San Francisco, sail, 14s. and 19s. respectively. Alloa to Konigsberg, 800, 4s. 9d. Immingham to Apenrade, 1,100, 4s. 6d.; Aalborg, 1,800, 3s. lOfd- ; Drammen, 1,300, rate not transpired, May 18. Bo’ness to Antwerp, 1,100, 3s. 9d. Seaham Harbour to Logster, 700, 4s. 9d.; Fairwater, 1,300, 4s. 1-i-d.; 1,300, 4s. 3d.; Aarhuus, 1,450, 4s. l|d.; London, 1,500, 3s. Llanelly to Rouen, 750, 4s. 9d.; Waterford, 300, 5s. ; London, 750, 4s. King’s Lynn to Rouen, 1,000, 4s. 10-Jd. Fife port to Aarhuus, 1,300, 4s. Grangemouth to East Norway, 800, 5s. Glasgow to Alexandria, 7s. 6d.; Genoa, 7s. Newport to Civita Vecchia, 2,500, 7s. 7Jd., 500; River Plate, 6,000, 12s. 3d., May; Buenos Ayres, 5,000, 12s. 3d.; Boca, 12s. 3d., May; Lisbon, 3,300, 5s. lOJd., 500; 6s. l^d., 350, May. Blyth to Stettin, 2,900, 4s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 4,600, 4s.; Hammerfest, 2,500, 3s. 9d.; Konisberg, 1,200, 4s. 6d.; St. Petersburg, 2,300, 4s. 6d., into trucks; Genoa, 3,500, 7s. 7Jd.; Savona, 2,500, 7s. 7Jd.; 3,500, 7s. 7Jd. ; Sunds- wall, 1,000, 4s. 4Jd., May. Burntisland to Skien, 1,600, 5s.; Rio de Janeiro, 4,200, 13s. 3d., mid May. Forth to Hamburg, 2,000, 3s. 6d.; Cronstadt, 2,800, 4s. l|d. Troon to Genoa, 7s. l|d. Wark worth to St. Petersburg, 4s. 9d. ; Cronstadt, 4s. 9d. Hull Coal Exports.—The official return of the exports of coal from Hull for the week ending Tuesday, May 5, 1914, is as follows : Antwerp, 133 tons; Amsterdam, 201; Algiers, 907; Buenos Ayres, 5,038; Christiania, 300; Cronstadt, 6,619; Danzig, 153; Ghent, 505; Hamburg, 1,291; Har- burg, 2,283; Harlingen, 815; Kalmar, 1,426; Nordstrand, 145; Rouen, 4,789; Riga, 3,879; Rotterdam, 159; Stettin, 308; St. Petersburg, 2,785; Verkeback, 1,283; Wyk, 95— total, 33,114 tons. Corresponding period Tuesday, May 6, 1913—total, 96,181 tons. Immingham Coal Exports.—There was a big improvement in the coal export trade from Immingham during the past week, the official returns to Friday, 8th inst., showing the following shipments:—Foreign: To Aalborg, 1,227 tons; Alexandria, 2,993; Amsterdam, 1,337 ; Bremen, 2,106; Cron- stadt, 5,062; Fredrikstadt, 1,538; Hamburg, 4,945; Odense, 1,370; Oxelosund, 2,413; Reykjavik, 1,328; Rostock, 1,277; Rotherham, 2,094; and Terneuzen, 1,063—total, 28.753 tons. Coastal : To Devonport, 1,440; Lerwick, 700; London, 850; Sheerness, 600; Southampton, 950; and Woolwich, 1,600— total, 6,140 tons. During the corresponding week last year the totals were 34,687 tons foreign, and 4,830 tons coastal.