1066 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 15, 1914. PATENT COLLIERY HAULAGE ENGINES With Oscillating Cylinders For Compressed Air. Simple. Compact. Cheap. Reliable. MADE WITH SINGLE AND DOUBLE DRUMS. Drum Capacity 400 yards J rope. Cut Gears. Lock Washers under every Nut. with 25 per cent, margin. Brake Straps lined with Ferodo Fibre. Cast Steel Clutches of large size. Metallic Packing. Pedestal Bearings lined with White Metal. ■ ■ Patent Reversing Valve. Air Pressure keeps Cylinder and Valve Face together. Foot Brakes. See our Exhibit at the Manchester Exhibition, June 12—27, 1914 (Stand 76). THE YORKSHIRE ENGINE CO. LTD., Meadow Hall Works, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams—“ ENGINE, SHEFFIELD?* Telephone-129 and 130 ATTERCLIFFE. ESTABLISHED 1865. See page 1067.