1052 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 15, 1914. CURTIS’S & HARVEY’S PERMITTED EXPLOSIVES which have successfully passed the latest Home Office test of being fired unstemmed into Coal Dust and Gas. SUPER-EXCELLITE. A Powerful Explosive, suitable for Ripping and Hard Coal. SUPER'KOLAX. For Coal Getting. Samples and full particulars— CURTIS’S and HARVEY LTD., Cannon Street House, London, E.C., or any of their Agencies. M. COULSON & CO. LTD., SPENNYMOOR, Makers of Coal Washers, Screening Plant, . . Conveying, Elevating, and Crushing Machinery, Tipplers, Tub Controllers, . . Storage and Drainage Bunkers. . . Replace parts and Repairs given Special Attention. ‘Ij/J Estimates andfl.Full Particulars on Application. MOORE BYE-PRODUCT PRODUCERS ------ FOR GASFIRING BOILERS — IT PAYS to convert your coal fired boilers into gas fired boilers. We Will guarantee Pounds of Steam per Pound of Producer Fuel. Yield of Ammonia and Tar. Instal Moore Bye-Product Producers and Reduce your Fuel Bill by 30 °/o to 50 % Belt Pickings, Coke Breeze, Washer Rubbish, and all kinds of poor fuels can be utilised with unequalled results. ------------- The only Producer Plant for Boiler Firing sold with complete guarantees. ---------------------- Write for literature and engineer’s visit to— POWER Gas Economy Ltd., 50, Wellington St., Glasgow.