May 15, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1051 The Profitable Use of Unmarketable Fuels. sir A range of “ Bennis ” self-cleaning compressed air furnaces, arranged for hand-firing. Coal that cannot be sold can be used to good purpose for steam-raising by the aid of “Bennis” Self-cleaning Compressed Air Furnaces, arranged for Hand-firing. “ Bennis ” Furnaces are at work in many North Country and Welsh collieries, turning unmarketable fuel to profitable account. The furnace bars being self-cleaning, they are always free from clinker and ash, the result being a rapid generation of steam, with such quality fuel as could not be burnt in the ordinary furnaces with stationary bars. The size of the fuel may vary from large coal to dust or coke breeze; it makes no difference to the “Bennis’" Self- cleaning Compressed Air Furnace, adapted for Hand-firing for use in Steam Collieries. Write for pamphlet, “WHERE IS IT WORKING,” to : — ED. BENNIS & CO., LTD., Little Hulton, Bolton, or 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W, WELDED TUBES up to 36 in. diameter, for MINING, GAS AND WATER. . EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, WOLVERHAMPTON. WORKS ; Telegrams—“Lewis, Wolverhampton.” Patent Iron Tube Works, Monmore Green. London Address—143, Cannon Street, E.C. Telephone—No. 15 Wolverhampton. Britannia Tube Works, Ettingshall. Liverpool Warehouse—58, South John St. PIT-EYE IN ALMA PIT. SHAFT V. IN GELSENKIRCHEN, GERMANY. FRANZ SCHLUTER, Telephones:— 4^ THE TP T'T' Telegraphic Address: — 756, 757. 758, 759- UW* JOL JL JLVL U JN JLJ. “Spezialbeton ” SPECIALIST IN CONCRETE AND MONIER BUILDING. Every style of concrete and iron concrete work undertaken. Complete contracts entered into for constructing superstructures, under- ground work, bridges & mining w'ork. I Speciality Printing for Coal and Iron Companies MOST Business Firms ap- preciate the advantages of dealing with specialists when buying supplies. The Specialist is able to save time, because he knows the buyer’s requirements. He is able to give the best prices, because he produces his speci- ality at the lowest possible cost. For the past 50 years we have specialised in the pro- duction of the various Special Forms, Books and Stationery used by Coal and Iron Companies. Practically all the Special Forms prescribed by The Home Office under the Coal Mines Act can be supplied by us from Stock. Any kind of printed matter for use by Colliery Companies can be obtained from us promptly and at competitive prices. Output Sheets, Books, PayTickets, Shipping Charters etc., etc. Letterheadings by all processes. On receipt of enquiry, we send samples, designs and quotation free. Will you write us to-day ? - iiiiiHiiiiiniHiiimiiiiiHiiiffliHiiiiffliiiiuiiiiiii Telegrams— “ Seargeants, Abergavenny’* Telephone— P.O. No. 3. Tb i i i s»J 5 SEARGEANT BROS. Ln. MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, PRINTERS :: LITHOGRAPHERS, - ABERGAVENNY, MON. j BRANCHES: ™ SPECIAL WORK FOR MINES. LONDON, CARDIFF, SWANSEA.