May 15, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1049 Rescue Apparatus The Proved Best Self-contained Breathing Apparatus, by reason of its high efficiency, and safety, and comfort and ease absolute reliability in breathing. wearer of “Meco Practical tests have proved that a Apparatus can accomplish more work in a given time than a wearer of any competitive make. “ Meco ” Apparatus is installed at several leading • Rescue Stations in Great Britain. The splendid wearing qualities of the carefully selected materials of which it is constructed, make it just the apparatus for pit use. MECO RESCUE APPARATUS. (Mouthpiece Type). Smoke Helmet Specially adapted for use in Mines. Admirable to use when building stoppings. Can be adapted to suit any shape of head. Constructed of the best leather with strongly boxed crown to protect the head from injury. Write to-day for illustrated catalogues of our specialities and let us quote you a specially cut price. Tl,e Mining Engineering Co. Ltd Meco Works, Moorfields, SHEFFIELD. Telegrams—“Meco, Sheffield.” Telephone—4530 Central (2 lines).