May 8, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1039 REGISTERED TRADE MARK. The Genuine Glass bears this Trade Mark. Insist on having it. DON’T BE SATISFIED with AS GOOD AS, but insist on getting i " I APPROVED ' j!/ <|LJp Resisto Glass Miner Lamp Glasses APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES are the clearest Miner Lamp Glasses on the market, and owing to special composition of the glass there is no loss of light. 'WHL, APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES ensure therefore the highest possible lighting efficiency of your lamps. APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES are always of uniform quality and, therefore, never fail. APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES can be supplied promptly in large quantities at the rate of 20,000 pcs. per week. APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES are always to be relied on, and all consignments conform with the Home Office regulation. If you wish to have the best lighted collieries and reduce cost of maintenance, use exclusively APPROVED RESISTO LAMP CLASSES. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND PRICES - —---------------------------- Apply to the Miner Lamp Manufacturers of Great Britain. PECKETT & SONS, Bristol. On the Question of “Hot Boxes/ Just Published. Crown Octavo. THE UPKEEP OF PRIVATE OWNERS’ WAGONS. By E. J. H. L. Illustrated by Original Drawings and Photographs. Price 6d. Post free 7d. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival St., Holborn, London, E.C. THE KOPPERS PATENT BYE-PRODUCT COKE OVENS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM. See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. All communications to be addressed to— The Koppers* Coke Oven A Bye-Product Co., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—** Kochs, Sheffield.” Speciality TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries. Ironworks. Contractors, Ac always in stock, Ready for Immediate Deliver* Photographs, Prices and Specifi- CATIONS ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address—“ Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. ESTABLISHED 1864. BRISTOt. k ■ • y*»> % : r f"' J- ~ < ■/- Y EADONS* Latest PATENTED BRIQUETTE MACHINERY, For Coal, Coke, Lignite, Iron and other Ores. YEADONj SON & CO., Engineers, LEEDS, Have a World-wide Reputation, They have supplied MORE BRIQUETTE PLANTS and 38 Years’ Experience. than any other firm in this country. 208 pages f’cap folio. Over a hundred illustrations and 60 plates (coloured). PRICE IQs. (IQs. 7d. post free). RECORD OF FIRST SERIES OF THE BRITISH COAL DUST EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED BY THE COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE MINING ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN. A Record of the Experiments carried out during 1908 and 1909 at the Altofis Experiments Station. PUBLISHED BY — THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.