May 8, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1029 CONTRACTS OPEH FOR COAL AKO COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White paqes Bridlington, May 29.—Tenders are invited for one year's supply of smudge coal, commencing July 14. Calorific tests will be made and a sample truck may be required. Approximate quantity, 2,000 tons. Tenders to be sent to the undersigned on or before Friday, May 29, 1914. Arthur J. Beckett, M.I.E.E., borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Bridlington. Cheltenham, May 21.—Tenders are invited for twelve months' supply of rough small steam coal, delivered fco the Electricity Works siding, on the Midland Railway, at Cheltenham, from July 1, 1914. Specifications may be obtained from the Town Clerk. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for Coal," must be addressed to the Town Clerk, Municipal Offices, Cheltenham, and must reach him before 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 21, 1914. Walter J. Bache, Borough Electrical Engineer. Electricity Offices, Man- ohester-street, Cheltenham. London, May 16 —Tenders are invited for the supply of Nottingham hard steam coal (state pit) and house coal for University College Hospital, Gower-street, W.C., and its Trained Nurses' Institution and Students’ House for 12 months from July 1, 1914, and will be received until Saturday, May 16. Full particulars upon application, with stamped addressed envelope, to the secretary. The com- mittee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Plymouth, May 21.—The Plymouth Corporation is prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 9,000 tons of clean good quality steam coal suitable for use without breaking in coking mechanical stokers. Specification and form of tender may be obtained from the undersigned before May 18, upon deposit of 20s. (returnable). Sealed tenders, duly endorsed, must be delivered to the undersigned not later than 12 noon on Thursday, May 21, 1914. The Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any or the whole of any offer. Signed, E. G. Okell, borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Prince Rock, Plymouth. Shrewsbury Gas Light Company, May 22. — The directors invite tenders for the supply of about 22,000 tons of screened or picked gas coals, cobbles or nuts, to be delivered free at the Great Western or London and North- Western Goods Yard, Shrewsbury, during the year com- mencing July 1,1914, and ending June 30,1915. Thedirectors reserve to themselves the right to divide the quantity into two or more contracts, and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders must be made on forms (containing further particulars) which may be obtained on application at the company's works, or by post, and must be sent to the undersigned, on or before May 22, 1914.—By order, Wm. Belton, A.M.I.C.E., secretary and manager, Gasworks, Shrewsbury. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Bangor (Down), May 19.—About 4,500 to 5,000 tons of best screened gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Further particulars from Mr. B. Mitchell, gas manager. Barking (Essex), May 13.—Slack or beans, for the Corporation. Forms from the Engineer and Manager, Electricity Works, Barking. Barming Heath and Chartham, June 6.—About 4,000 tons of steam coal, 1,200 tons of household coal, 950 tons of gas coal, and 105 tons of bakers' coal, to the Kent County Lunatic Asylums, Barming Heath, near Maidstone, and Chartham, near Canterbury. Forms on application at either the Barming Heath or Chartham Asylums. Barnsley, May 11.—House and engine coal, for the Guardians. Forms of Mr. Wm. T. Bamforth, assistant clerk to the Guardians, Union offices, Pitt-street, Barnsley. Barrow-in-Furness, May 12.—Screened gas coal and cannel, for the Corporation. Forms from the Gas and Water manager. Birkenhead, May 18. — Rough slack (washed and unwashed) and small coal (washed and unwashed), for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. G. P. Shallcross, borough electrical engineer, Craven-street, Birkenhead. Blackpool.—Rough steam slack, for the Corporation. Particulars from Mr. Charles Furness, borough electrical engineer. Blantyre, May 15.—About 4,000 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Gas Company. Tenders to Mr. Robert Scott, manager. Carlisle.—Small steam coal, for the Corporation. Further particulars from Mr. Frederick W. Purse, city electrical engineer, Electricity Offices, Victoria Viaduct, Carlisle. Clonmel, May 27.—From 3,000 to 3,500 tons of best Durham, Yorkshire, or North Wales gas coal, for the Corporation. Information from the Secretary, Gasworks, Clonmel. Colchester, May 19.—About 5,000 tons steam coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. W. Frisby, 36, Osborne- street, Colchester. Crewe, May 12.—Coals, coke and slack, for the Cor- poration. Tenders to Mr. Harold S. K. Feltham, town clerk, Municipal Buildings, Crewe. Denbigh, May 26.—About 1,700 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Denbigh Gas and Coke Company Limited. Further particulars from Mr. W. E. Brock, manager and secretary, Denbigh. Devonport, May 12. — The Devonport Corporation Electricity Committee invites tenders for 5,000 tons of steam coal. Forms from Mr. J. W. Spark, borough electrical engineer, Newport-street, East Stonehouse, Devon. Edinburgh, May 11.—Gas coal, for delivery at the Granton Works, for the Edinburgh and Leith Corporations' Gas Commissioners. Forms from Mr. Alex. Masterton, Engineer and Manager of the Commissioners, Calton-hill, Edinburgh. Epping (Essex), May 23.—Coal (Warwickshire cobbles) and broken coke, for the Essex Education Committee. Forms from Mr. H. J. Goodwin, clerk to the committee, Education Office, Loughton. Hinckley, May 11.—Coal, for the Hinckley Hospital Committee. Tenders to Mr. J. W. Preston, clerk, Church- street, Hinckley. King’s Lynn, May 30.—Best Portland hards, or other good engine coal, for the Magdalen Drainage Commissioners. Forms of Mr. W. D. Ward, clerk to the Commissioners, King's Lynn. Kirkcaldy, May 12.—Good household coal, free from dross; treble nuts; steam coal, well-screened; and churls for engine-boiler, to the Kirkcaldy District Joint Hospital, for the Committee. Forms from Mr. David Beveridge, 220, High-street, Kirkcaldy. Larne (Ireland), May 13.—About 300 tons Broughton Moor, St. Helens, Oughterside, or North Wales (house) coal, the best quality (screened), for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. Thos. Nelson, clerk of union, Union office, Larne. Littlemore (Oxon), May 23. — For the Littlemore Asylum, viz.:—800 tons of best hard hand-picked house coal; 650 tons of coal for steam boilers; 500 tons of coal for gas purposes. Forms from the Steward at the Asylum. London, May 13.—Coal and coke for military services. Forms from War Office, Whitehall, S.W. London, May 14.—Coal and coke, for the Lambeth Borough Council. Forms from Mr. B. Penny, town clerk, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, S.W. London, May 18.—Coal and best gas coke, the the St. Marylebone Borough Council. Forms at the Town Hall, Marylebone-lane, Oxford-street, W. London, May 18.—House coal to St. Thomas's Hospital, for the Committee. Forms from the steward, at St. Thomas's Hospital, Westminster Bridge. London, May 19.—The London County Council invites tenders for the supply and delivery from July 1, 1914, to June 30, 1915, at the Generating Station. (Tramways Department), East Greenwich, of about 165,000 tons of steam coal. Tenderers may quote for the whole quantity or for a smaller quantity subject to stating the proposed period of delivery. Full particulars as to the conditions of contract appear on the forms of tender, which may be obtained on personal application or by sending a stamped addressed foolscap envelope to the clerk of the Council, County Hall, Spring-gardens, S.W. No tender received after 11 a.m. on Tuesday, May 19, 1914, will be considered. Laurence Gomme, clerk of the London County Council. London, May 20.—Coal, for the Guardians of St. Giles, Camberwell. Forms at the Guardians’ Offices, 29, Peckham- road, S.E. London, May 26.—The London County Council invites tenders for coal of various descriptions. Forms from the Clerk of the Council, County Hall, Spring-gardens, S.W. Maidstone, May 15.—Coal, for the Corporation. Forms from the Engineer. Margate, May 19.—Coal to the Royal School for Deaf and Dumb Children, Margate, for the Committee. Forms at the office, 93, Cannon-street, London, E.C. Ramsgate, May 11.—For 22,000,44,000, and 66,000 tons of best quality soft coking and gas-producing screened Durham and other coal, for the Corporation (Gas and Water Com- mittee). Forms from Mr. Wm. Thomson, engineer and manager, Gas and Water Offices, Ramsgate. Strathaven, May 13.—Cannel and gas coal, for the directors of Strathaven Gas Company Limited. Tenders to Mr. James Barrie, secretary. Thornton, May 13.—About 1,500 tons of coal, nuts and slack to the gasworks, 250 tons pumping station, 50 tons road roller, 50 tons office coal, for the Urban District Council. Further particulars from Mr. R. Bowman, clerk. Uxbridge, May 11.—About 13,000 tons of clean and fresh wrought gas coal, for the directors of the Uxbridge Gas Company. Tenders to the chairman, Gas Offices, Uxbridge, Middlesex. Warrington, May 12.—About 10,000 tons of slack, for the Corporation. Specification, on payment of one guinea (returnable), from Mr. F. V. L Mathias, borough electrical engineer, Warrington. Wickham Market, May 18.—About 80 tons of Bestwood cobbles, or coal of equal quality, and 80 tons of hard steam coal, for the Plomesgate Guardians. Also for 40 tons of coke. Forms from Mr. David R. Read, clerk, Board Room, Wickham Market. Woolwich, May 13.—The Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich invite tenders for steam coal. Forms from Mr. Arthur B. Bryceson, town clerk, Town Hall, Woolwich. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK. &c. Ballsbridge (Dublin), May 16.— Well Sinking.— Putting down an artesian well and pump at the Council's refuse destructor works, South Lotts-road, for the Pembroke Urban District Council. Further particulars at the Town Hall, Ballsbridge. Bangkok (Siam), June 6-July 2.—Rails, 3fc.—Tenders are invited by the Siamese Southern Railway Department for the supply of 11,200 tons of steel rails and about 1,300 tons of permanent way accessories.* Birmingham, May 25.—Generating Station.—Construction of piling in foundations, basement floors, cooling ponds, canal basin, and canal widening, &c.,atNechells Generating Station, to be executed in ferro-ooncrete, for the Corpora- tion. Particulars from Messrs. Harrison and Cox, Council- chambers, 109, Colmor-row, Birmingham. Briton Ferry (Glam ), May 19,—Pipe Laying.—Laying of about 2,337 yds. of 7 in. cast iron pipes, 1,317 yds. of 6 in., 15 yds. of 3 in., and the fixing of valves, &c., for the Urban District Council. Specifications from the engineer and surveyor, Mr. H. A. Clarke, Council Offices, on payment of ^1 Is. (returnable). Dundalk, May 11.—Electrical Plant —For the Urban District Council building extensions and foundations for plant ; Diesel engine generating plant; balancer and booster; motor generator ; switchboards ; storage battery ; under- ground mains ; hand power overhead travelling crane ; fuel oil pipe line ; fuel oil storage tank. Specification upon payment of £2 2s. (returnable) from Mr. P. A. Spalding, engineer and manager, Electricity Works, Dundalk, Ireland. * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. East Preston (Sussex), May 18.—Boiler. — Lancashire steam boiler, to work at a pressure of 100 lb. per square inch, together with various pipework, valves, &c., for the Guardians of East Preston Union. Specifications, on deposit of .£1 Is. (returnable), from Mr. A. Shelley, clerk, Town Offices, Littlehampton. Edinburgh, May 11.—Mineral Wagons.—For 150 new 12-ton mineral wagons, for the Edinburgh and Leith Corporations' Gas Commissioners. Full particulars from Mr. Alexander Masterton, engineer and manager, 15, Calton- hill, Edinburgh. Gloucester, May 25.—Borehole.—Sinking and lining a borehole, 18 to 15 inches diameter, to an estimated depth of 400 ft., at Ketford, about 3j miles from Dymock Station, on the Great Western Railway, for the Gloucester Corporation. Specification from Messrs. Fox, Moore, Bateman, and Fox, 5, Victoria-st., Westminster, on payment of £5 (returnable). Gloucester, May 25. — Pumping Machinery. — The Gloucester Corporation invite alternative tenders for the manufacture, erection, and setting to work of:—(a) Steam plant—for two air-compressors, each capable of compressing 800 cubic feet of free air per minute, to 100 lb. pressure; with two high-lift pumps, each capable of pumping 37,500 gallons per hour against a head of 250 ft., together with all accessories as specified, (b) Suction gas plant—for two suction producer gas engines and air-compressors, capable of compressing 800 cubic feet of free air per minute, to 100 lb. pressure ; with two high-lift pumps, each capable of lifting 37,500 gallons per hour against a head of 250 ft. Specification from Messrs. Fox, Moore, Bateman, and Fox, 5, Victoria-st., Westminster, on payment of .£5 (returnable). High Wycombe, May 28.—Engines, Lifts, <5fc.—Steam engines, air compressors, air lifts, ejectors, and all necessary appurtenances required in the extension of the sewerage outfall works at Wycombe Marsh, for the Chopping Wycombe Corporation. Particulars from Mr. T. J. Rush- brooke, borough surveyor and engineer, Easton-street, High Wycombe. Leeds, May 11.—Plant.— Steam turbine, three-phase alternator and exciter, of 12,000-kw. capacity or thereabouts, running at a speed of 1,000 or 1,500 revolutions per minute, and steam turbine-driven surface condensing plant, for the Leeds City Council. Specification from Mr. C. N. Hefford, manager of the department, 1, Whitehall-road, Leeds, on payment of .£5 (returnable). Madras (India), June 17.—Cast Iron [Pipes.—Cast iron pipes, special castings, sluice valves, hydrants, &c., for the Corporation. Specification from Messrs. James Mansergh and Sons, agents to the Corporation, 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. Manchester, May 13.—Turbo-alternator.—A 5,000 kw. turbo-alternator, complete with pipework, pumps, and condensing plant, for the Corporation. Specifications from Mr. F. E. Hughes, secretary, Electricity Department, Town Hall, Manchester, on payment of two guineas (returnable). Market Harborough, May 22.—Gasholder.—Two-lift spiral-guided gasholder, outer lift 100 ft. diameter, inner lift 97 ft. 6 in. diameter, each 25 ft. deep, for the Urban District Council. Specification from the engineer and manager, on payment of a sum of £2 2s. (returnable). Melbourne (Australia), June 3.—Locomotive Boiler Tubes.—Tenders are invited by the Victorian Railway Commissioners for the supply and delivery of 8,000 brass locomotive boiler tubes * Nottingham, May 21.—Tram Rails.—Supply of 650 tons of steel tramway rails, and 11 tons of steel tie-bars, for the Corporation (Tramways Committee). Specifications from Mr. Arthur Brown, city engineer, Guildhall, Nottingham, on payment of a deposit of <£1 Is. (returnable). Penrith, May 13.—Stoking Machine, $c.—Construction at the gasworks of the Urban District Council, combined stoking machine, and stage floor, retort stack, roof, power plant, &c. Specification from the engineers, Messrs. Thomas Newbigging and Son, 5, Norfolk-street, Manchester. Perlis (Malay Peninsula), July 1.—Borehole.—The Government of Perlis invite tenders for the drilling of a single deep bore tdrough the tertiary rocks at Bukit Arang in the State of Perlis, for the purpose of testing the oil and coal-bearing rocks of the State. Further information obtained on application to the British Adviser, Perlis. Pernik (Bulgaria), June 6.—Elevator.—Tenders are invited for the supply to the State coalmine at Pernik of a double electric elevator complete with all the necessary plant, at an upset price of 10,000 francs (.£400). Port Talbot, May 11.—Gaswork Plant.—For the Margam Urban District Council: “Livesey" type washer, 250,000 cubic feet a day; two 15,000 cubic feet per hour exhausters; Cornish boiler, 16ft. by 5ft. 6in. diameter; setting for boiler and chimney; 12 in. station governor; and 5-ton platform weighing machine. Specifications from Mr. Evan Rees, gas manager, Council Offices, Port Talbot, on payment of 10s. 6d. (returnable). Queenstown (Ireland), May 29.—Cast Iron Main.— Laying of a new 8 in. cast iron main from Tibbotstown to Carrignafoy, for the Urban District Council. Specifica- tions from the town clerk, Queenstown, c n deposit of £5 5s. (returnable). Skerries (Ireland), May 13.—Well Sinking.—Sinking wells, lining, and setting therein cast iron pumps, for the Balrothery Rural District. Specification from Mr. A. Scott, C.E., 49, Upper O’Connell-street, Dublin. Tauranga (New Zealand), May 11.—Hydro-electric Plant.—Hydro-electric and sub-station plant, for the Town Council. Specifications from Messrs. H. W. Climie and Son, engineers, Tauranga, N.Z., on payment of £2 (returnable). Treorchy.— Heading.—Persons desirous of tendering for driving a hard heading 100 yards by 10 ft. by 7 ft., must send their applications to manager, Abergorky Collieries, Treorchy, for particulars. Worthing, May 14.—Pumping Machinery —Pumping machinery at the sewage outfall works, for the Corporation. Particulars, on payment of a deposit of .£1 Is. (returnable), from Mr. J. Kennedy Allerton, town clerk, Municipal Offices, Worthing. An explosive factory is to be established at Harty (Isle of Sheppey) by Messrs. Nobel Limited. It is stated that the factory will give employment to about 1,500 hands.