May 8, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDTAN 1021 A Modern German Colliery Plant. THE EQUIPMENT OF THE FRIEDRICH HEINRICH COLLIERY. By P. BUSSING, from Gliickauf, (Continued from page 966). Screening Plant. The Schiichtermann and Kremer screening plant is situated close to the two shafts (figs. 16 and 17). Out, of, a projected daily output of 5,000 tons it is intended to deliver about 1,000 tons of large and mixed coal, the remaining 4,000 tons (0-80 mm.) having to be dealt with in the classifying plant. Two sets of washing plant are provided, each capable of treating 125 tons per hour, so that the whole output of 4,000 can be dealt with in 16 hours. The tubs brought down the gravity incline from No. 1 shaft, and by the chain creeper a (fig. 16) from No. 2 shaft, are discharged by the mechanical tipplers, &1-14,th.e coal falling on to the jig screens (partly of 3| in. mesh, partly smaller) accord- ing as large coal or through-and-through coal is to be sent out. For the latter contingency the screen bottoms can be closed by flaps. In this case the finest coal is separated for the time being, which facilitates work on the picking belts d1_14,from the ends of which the coal is delivered into the trucks. The weighbridge indicators are arranged on the lower screening stage, together with the stop mechanism and winches operating the shutes of the picking belts, so that the loading of each truck is easily controlled. The small coal (below 80 mm.) falling through the screens is discharged through hoppers on to the belt conveyors e15 which carry it away to the 650-ton storage pit / (fig. 17). The dross from the picking belts is sent down through small hoppers into tubs, and is either tipped into railway trucks or sent up the hoist at the shaft, where it is tipped into a bunker, and can be dis- charged into trucks if desired, through a shute. On the fourth set of screens the large coal, after being picked on the belt