1010 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 8, 1914. The lamp is made by the late Wolf Safety Lamp Company Limited, Leeds. The Hay dock Colliery Pattern Lamp. This lamp, the general design of which is shown in fig. 18, is a double-gauze, flame, oil lamp, with air-feed through vertical holes in the middle ring. It consists of the following essential parts :— (1.) Bonnet or Shield of riveted steel, with a securely riveted brass, steel, or iron crown. The bonnet is furnished with outlet holes so arranged that the bottoms of the holes are not less than T3y in. above the top of the outer gauze. The crown may be pierced with outlet holes not greater than in. in diameter. (2.) Middle Bing of brass, riveted to the bonnet, and furnished with vertical air-inlet slots of total area not exceeding 1*2 square inches. Pillars, five, so arranged that a straight line touching the exterior parts of adjacent pillars does not touch the glass. Bottom Bing of brass. (3.) Gauzes of not less than 28 S.W.G. steel wire, 784 meshes to the square inch, with double folded lap seams, formed to fit flanges of the inner and outer base rings, and so secured to the same by punch indentations 71 O N BELOW. B i B |o K f ? a. AtUy’-Xj] Fig. 18.—Haydock Colliery Safety Lamp. (R. Evans and Company Limited.) or rivets as to make strong and flametight joints. The arrangement of the gauzes in the lamp is that shown in fig. 18, and is such that they form the seating necessary to hold the glass firmly in position, thus preventing the possibility of the lamp being put together without the gauzes. Inner dimensions. Outer gauze. Inner gauze. Height from shoulder of hoop................. 3|in. ±yin. ... 3| in. ± f in. Diameter at top....... ly in. if-in. ••• lyyin. ±|in. Diameter at bottom.... 2 in. ± f in. ... 1-^ in. ifin. (4.) Glass, of an approved type, cylindrical in form, and within the dimension limits and bearing the size mark specified below: Furnished with top and bottom asbestos washers to ensure flametight joints with the gauzes and retaining ring. E xternal diameter ........... Height....................... Size mark ................... mm. mm. ( +0 1-1 ± y mm. 56 mm. 57 mm. 66-57 (5.) Glass Betaining Bing, of brass, screw-threaded to fit the bottom ring ; provided that the clearance between the glass retaining ring and the oil vessel shall not be so great as to make it possible, under reasonable working conditions, to loosen the glass by forcing it round in its seating to such an extent as to impair the safety of the lamp. (6.) Oil Vessel.—A. solid casting of brass, of capacity sufficient to provide the required light for the required time as specified, fitted with a flat f in. burner. (7,) Locking Device.—A lead-rivet lock with a hasp or lug secured to the bottom ring, and a staple or lug soldered to the oil vessel. (8.) Beflector.—The lamp may be fitted with a removable reflector. The lamp is made at the works of Messrs. Richard Evans and Company Limited at St. Helens. The Monk Bretton Colliery Pattern (M.B.C.) Lamp. The Hickleton Main Colliery Pattern (H.M.C.) Lamp. These lamps, the general design of which is shown in fig. 19, are double-gauze, flame, oil lamps, with air-feed through the middle ring. Each consists of the following essential parts :— (1.) Bonnet or Shield of riveted steel, with a separate securely fastened crown. Furnished with outlet holes immediately below the crown, provided that the bottoms of the outlet holes are not less than in. above the top of the outer gauze. Bonnet Bing of brass, steel, or iron, riveted to the bonnet, screw-threaded to fit the pillar ring and locked thereto by means of a sliding pillar held in position by the oil vessel. Furnished with vertical air-inlet slots of total area not exceeding 1*3 square inches, the gauzes being protected from a horizontal current through the slots between the bottom ring and the pillar ring by means of the inner flange of the bonnet ring. (2.) Pillar Bing, Pillars (five, one sliding) and Bottom Bing of brass, steel, or iron. (3.) Gauzes, of not less than 28 S.W.G. steel or best charcoal annealed iron wire, 784 mesbes to the square inch, with secure flametight double-folded lap seams, formed to fit flanges of the inner and outer base rings, and so secured to the same by punch indentations as to make strong and flametight joints. In the case of the H.M.C. Lamp, the gauzes may be separated by a solid metal ring of about y3y in. square section, forming Fig. 19.—-Hickleton Main Colliery (H.M.C.) and Monk Bretton Colliery (M.B.C.) Safety Lamps. (M. Lowrance and Son.) a flametight joint between the gauze rings. The arrange- ment of the gauzes in the lamps is that shown in fig. 19. Internal dimensions. Outer gauze. Inner gauze. Height from shoulder of base ring 4 in. ± i in. ... 3y in. i f in. Diameter at top 1| in. ± | in. ... If in. ± | in. Diameter at bottom 2 in. ± f in. ... ly in. ± f in. (4.) Glass:— The External diameter .. M.B C. Lamp. 57 mm. < f + 0 mm Height 57 mm. - 1 mm. ± f mm. Size mark 57-57 The H.M.C. Lamp When the solid ring When the solid ring between the gauze between the gauze rings is used. rings is not used. th - i • 4. 0 mm. ) „„ C +0 mm. External diameter 56 mm. < n > 56 mm < , < — 1 mm. ) ( — 1 mm. Height ........ 57 mm. ± ' mm. 60 mm. ± f mm. Size mark...... 56-57 56-60 (5.) Glass Betaining Bing. (6.) Oil Vessel.—A solid casting of brass, or of brass with a securely soldered brass bottom; of capacity sufficient to provide the required light for the required time as specified ; fitted with a flat T7y in. burner; furnished or not with an electric igniter of the type shown in fig. 19. (7.) Locking Device.—A lead rivet lock with a per- forated flange and a lug forming part of the oil vessel and bottom ring respectively. (8.) Beflector.— The lamps may be fitted with a removable reflector. The lamps are made at the works of Messrs. M. Lowrance and Son, Barnsley. Naylor s Protector Lamps, Types “ G ” “ H” and “ LT These lamps, the general design of which is shown in fig. 20, are modifications of the Marsaut “A” Lamp.* They are double-gauze, flame, spirit lamps with air-feed through vertical holes in the middle ring. Each consists of the following essential parts :— (1.) Bonnet or Shield, of riveted steel or iron. In Type “ G- ” the base is turned under and secured to the middle ring; in type “ H ” the bonnet is similar to that of the Marsaut “ A ” Lamp; in Type “ I ” the crown and bonnet are similar to those of the Marsaut “ B ” Lamp.* In each type the bonnet is furnished with outlet holes round the top, provided that the bottoms of the holes are not less than y3y in. above the top of the outer gauze. (2.) Crown, of brass, steel, or iron, supported by three or more steel or iron pillars, fitted or not with a baffle ring. (3.) Middle Bing of brass, steel, or iron provided with vertical air-inlet holes of total area not greater than 0’6 square inch: the inner flange prolonged or not to form a baffle ring; five lower pillars and bottom ring, of brass, steel, or iron. (4.) Gauzes, of not less than 28 S.W.G. steel wire, 784 meshes to the square inch, with flametight double- folded lap seams, with or without a metal liner, formed to fit flanges of the inner and outer base rings. The arrangement of the gauzes in the lamps is one or other of the arrangements shown in fig. 20 and in the previous order.* * See Colliery Guardian, September 26, 1913. Internal dimensions. Outer gauze. Inner gauze. Height to shoulder of base ring...... 4-A in. ± ± in. ... 4 in. ± f in. Diameter at top ... Ill in. ± A in. ... If in. ± -A in. Diameter at bottom 2 in. ± A in. ... ly| in. ± -A hi. The lamps may be fitted with a Mueseler chimney and horizontal gauze. (5.) Glass :— External diameter ...... 60 mm. f + ? mm‘ ( — 1 mm. Height ................. 57 mm ±y mm. Size mark .............. 60-57 or J.H.N. 5 Provided that the lamps may also be made to take a glass of the following dimensions :— External diameter ...... 60 mm. +