May 8, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 993 Pumps and Pumping Fig. 600.—“CORNISH ” STEAM PUMP for General Purposes. (300 feet Pattern). Telegrams—“ Evans, Wolverhampton.’’ Telephone No. 39 (2 lines). MACHINERY SINKING PUMPS. DUPLEX PUMPS (Simple & Compound) BOILER FEED PUMPS. HIGH LIFT PUMPS. ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN PUMPS. HORSE PUMPS. HAND SYPHON PUMPS. Fig. 653.—“ CORNISH ” DOUBLE-ACTING RAM STEAM PUMP. (600 feet Pattern). Write for “ Colliery ” List. JOSEPH EVANS & SONS 'Wolverhampton Ltd., Cui well Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. & ; 31GOSFORTH FOUNDRY Go. Ltd., Malleable Ironfouiiders, DRONFIELD, near SHEFFIELD. Makers of all kinds of Driving and Elevator Chains, Sprocket Wheels, Elevator Buckets, &c This Miner says “SULLIVAN IRONCLAD COALCUTTERS cut the most coal and are the most easily handled machines he has ever used. fl That the chain feed is a great time saver because no props are needed. He would like to tell you about the Sullivan cutter-chain construction.” Write for catalogue 3063K. Sent post free. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO. (ESTABLISHED 1850), SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON, E.C.