*90 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, ______________________________________ May 8, 1914. IN » £3 X ADVERTISE R 8 Ackroyd and Best Ld..................Lamps, Morley ........... 991 Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld...........Allen, Lower Gornal....... £90 Allen, Edgar, and Co. Ld...........Allen, Sheffield __...................__ 1001 Allen, W. G., A Sone (Tipfcon) Ld____Allene, Tipton............. 989 Anderson, Boyes and Co. Ld. ...Electric, Motherwell.................. — Angus, George, and Co. Ld. ........Angus, Newcastle-on-TyneCowriii Appleton and Howard......................................... — Aqueous Works & Diamond Book Boring Co. Ld.... Aqueous, London 1016 Association of Private Owners of Bail way Bolling Stock ......... 1016 Auld, David, and Sons Ld..... Beducing, Glasgow ....... 992 Avonside Engine Co. Ld............Loco, Bristol ............. 1031 Bailey’s Patents Ld.........................................Covet iv Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ld.......Beacon, Manchester....... — Baird, Archd., and Son Ld...........Excello, Hamilton ....... — Baird, J. W., and Co................Baird, West Hartlepool ... 1016 Baker, Jno., and Co. (Botherham) Ld..........................__ 1044 Barer, John, and Son ___________.......................................... — Bakers (Leeds) Ld..................Exhaust, Leeds................................... 1004 Baldwin, James, and Co___________Baldwin, Engineers, Keighley — Barns, W., and Son.................Perforation, London __ — Barry Sand and Gravel Co. Ld......Aitken, Cardiff ........... — Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Ld.......Bayliss, Wolverhampton ... — Beiliss and Morcom Ld..............Beiliss, Birmingham....... — Bennis, Ed., and Co.Ltd............Bennis, Little Hulton..... — Benthaus, D........................Benthaus, Sheffield ....... 1033 .......... Bentinck Motor Supply Co. Ld................................. 997 Best’s Safety Lamps Ld.....Best’s Safety Lamps Ld., Leeds... Cover > Be ver, Dorling and Co. Ld...........Foundry, Bradford ....... 1041 B’ham By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld.....Carriage, Smethwick, B'ham 1036 Bleicherts Aerial Transporters Ld. ...Bleichert, London.....__..... — Bradley Pulverizer Co......................... Equestrian. London....... — Bridge, David, & Co. Ld ..Coupling, Castleton, Manchester..... 1043 Briquette Machinery Ld............Briquette, Leeds __...................... 1016 Bristol* South Wales By. Wagon Co...Finance, Bristol.... .......... 989 ’• British Clay-worker ”.............Clavworker, London....... 998 British Explosives Syndicate Ld.....Cordite, Glasgow ..................... 989 British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld....Insulator, Prescot ......... 999 British Mannesmann Tube Co. Ld...Tubulous, London.............__ — British Oxygen Co. Ld..............Brins, Oxygen, London ... 991 British Wagon Co. Ld..............Hart, Botherham.......989,1044 Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield) Ld. Gearing, Huddersfield ... — Brown, W. B., and Co. (Bankhall) Ld,...Vires,Liverpool......... 1004 Bumsted and Chandler Ld..........Bags, Hednesford ......... — Burnside, George................................................................................ 992 Bute Works Supply Co. Ld..........Gething, Cardiff........... 1044 Butterworth Bros. Ld_______________Glasses, Newton Heath... — Cambrian Mining School ...........Mining School. Forth..... 1016 Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld. ..............Buffers, Cardiff ........... 989 Cameron, John, Ld.................Original, Manchester ..... — Capell Fan (G. Fletcher & Co. Ld.)...Amarilla, Derby........... — Carton Co..........................Carronade, Falkirk................................__ 1003 Cawood. Walter, Ld______________ Engexhibit. London....... 1000 •• Ceag ” Electric Safety Lamp Co.Ld. Georgorum.L’nd’n ...Oovsr ii Ghorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld......Wagon, Chorley........... 989 Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld........Cyclops, Gateshead ...................__ — Cohen, Geo., Sons and Co......... Coborn, London........... 1003 Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld.....Solvay, Sheffield.........__...... 1033 Cooke, Wm.. and Co. Ld____________Cooke. Sheffield __......................... — Copp^e Co. (Great Britain) Ld_____Evcoppee, Westcent, London — Cottam, Edwin, and Co. Ld...... Soliiity, Eotherham ..... 1037 Cotton Powder Co. Ld.......... Tonita, London .....................997 Coulson, M., and Co. Ld..............Coulson Ld., Spennymoar ... — Oousland, Alex., and Son ........................................................................... 992 Coventry Chain Co. Ld.............Chains, Coventry ......... 999 Cradock. George, and Co. Ld........Cradock. Wakefield.....Cow iv Crawford, J., and Sons Ld...................................... 991 Cremer Lamp and Engr. Co. Ltd....Cremer, Leeds ........... — Cud worth and Johnson .........Cudworth, Johnson, Wrexham 1044 Curtis’s A Harvey Ld.......Gunpr., London, A Curtis’s, London 991 Daglish, B., and Co. Ld.............Daglish, St. Helens _____Cover i Darlington and Co.............................................__ 1041 Davidson and Co. Ld........... ..............Sirocco, Belfast ........... — Davidson, J. S., and Son.........................................__ — Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld....Davis, Derby ................______ 1035 Diamond Coal-Cutter Co............Diamond, Wakefield....... — Dinnenaahl, B. W.................................................................................. 998 Dixon, Geo. N., and Co..............Tenacity, Liverpool....... 1116 Earle, G. and T. (1912), Ld..........Cement, Hull ...........Oou^ri Elliot. George, and Co. Ld...........Elliot Co., London __................... — Evans and Dodd ...................Dodd, Cannock __................................. 989 Evans, D. Liewellin.................Brattice, Cardiff ......... 992 Evans, Joseph, A Sons (Wolverh’pton Ld.) Evans, Wolverhampton 993 Fairclough and Sons................................_____________ 1044 Farnley Iron Co. Ld.................Famley, Leeds .........Coe iri Fell, C. A______ .................._______Fell, Dr on fl eld ............................ 991 Firth, William, Ld..................Bails, Leeds..........................__ 1044 Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld.......Amarilla, Derby........... Foot, Bowland, G., and Co.............................._________ 1033 Foyle, W. and G.............................................. — Where the Numeral is absent the Advertisement does not appear in the present Issue. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wliblx TeletfvsrplMlc Addressee Fraser, Douglas and Sons.............Fraser, Arbroath ........ Cover i Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld.....................Friction, Chapel-en-le-Frith ... 995 Frost, Albert, and Co..................Alfro, Sheffield .................................... 991 Purse. W. J.......................................Furse, Nottingham ........ 989 Galloways Ld. __........................................................ __ Gardam, Harry H., and Co. Ld,................................______........ 1044 GHllott, John, and Sou ______...............Gillott, Barnsley____jovsri, 1044 Glover, M., and Co_____....................__ Gio vers, Leeds _____________ — Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co.............Glover, St. Helens... ___.... ___ — Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld............Gosforth Foundry, Dronfield 993 Greene, Tweed and Co................Greene, Quancham, London — Griffin, Chas., and Co. Ld___________.............................................. — Guilbert-Martin................ Photophore, London..... 990 Haggle Brothers Ld............ Haggie, Gateshead ... 998 Hanley, A..................................................... 989 Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld..........Hardypick, Sheffield................__ — Earling, W. H_____________...................Clinograph, London....... — Harris and Mills ...................Privilege, London __......................... 1016 Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London) Ld...Cheaper, Char, London___ — Haslam and Schontheil Ld..........“Thor,” Cardiff........... 1043 Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld.........Hathorn, Leads ........... — Hawksley, Wild, and Co.............Hawksley, Sheffield....... 1004 Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld........Locomotive, Newcastle-on-T, 1044 Head, Wrightson and Co, Ld..........Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees... 996 Henderson and Glass...............Vulcan, Liverpool ..........................__ — Hodgson, E. W., and Co............Metalmau, Sheffield....... — Hollingdrake and Son...............Hollingdrake, Stockport... 1043 ... Holmes, J. H. and Co...............Holmes, Newcastle-on-Tyne 1002 Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld..........Hopkinson, Huddersfield ... 1003 Horsfleld, J. and J., Ld......... Vulcan, Dewsbury........ — Houghton, W. D., and Co. Ld.......Houghton, Sankey Bridges — Hudson, T., Ld.....................__ Hudson, Coatbridge....... — Humble, Stephen...................Stephen Humble, Westmin’r 990 Hurd Coalcutter and Engineering Co. Ld....Cutterbar, Glasgow Joo* iv Hurst, A., and Co..................Vivifler, Smith, London... 1039 International Channelling Machines Ld. ...Outtabit.Sheffi’d....... — Isca Foundry Co.............. ..............Isca, Newport, Mon....... 1011 Jardine, John............. ... ....Jardine, Nottingham ..... — Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld. ...Bjnksley, Armley......... — Johnston, John............................................... — Jones, W. B., Colliery Exhibition_____________________________ — Kaye and Co. Ld...................Kaye, Southam ........... 991 Keith,James,A Blackman Co. Ld. ...JamesKeith, Fleet, L’nd’n .. 1004 Kenyon, William , and Sons Ld......Kenyon, Dukinfleld....... 1037 King, John, and Co................King, Leeds.............. 1033 Knowles, John (Wooden Box) Ld. ...Knowles, Woodville......__ — Knowles Oxygen Co. Ld............Oxygen, Wolverhampton... 1001 Koppers Coke Oven and Bye-Product Oo....Kochs, Sheffield ..... 1039 ‘ K.S.B. ” Manufacturing Co.......Kleinpump, Sheffield ..... — Kynoch Ld........................Kynoch, Birmingham __ — Lancashire A York. Wagon Co.Ld.......Wagon, Heywood..... 989 Lancaster and Tonge Ld............Pistons, Manchester....... — Latch and Batchelor Ld............Latch, Hay Mills ......... 1034 Lawson, John, and Sons___________________..............______________________ — Leech, Goodall and Co________..........Vertical, Leeds ............__ — Legard and Son.....................Legard, Barnsley ......... — Lewis, Edwin, and Sons............Lewis, Wolverhampton __............... 998 Lewis, William, and Son ...........Bobert Lewis, Bilston_____ 989 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. ...Wagon, Lincoln _______........ — Llewellyn and Oubitt Ld............Oubitt, Pentre _____................Ootariii Locker’s Wagon Co............................................................................ 989 Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld.....Engineer, Wakefield....... 1044 Lowmoor Co. Ld.............Ironworks, Lowmoor, Bradford ... 989 LfihrigCoalAOre Dressing Appliances Ld....Nettoyage,L’nd’n... — Lyell, J. C., and Co. Ld..........Electrinus, Wesdo, London... — Mann’s Patent Steam Cart A Wagon Co. Ld. .. Canning, Leeds... 998 Marple and Gillott Ld. ................Ferric, Sheffield....__...__ 1044 Mather and Platt Ld_____..............Sprinkler, Manchester...... — Mavor and Coulson Ld..............Prodigious, Glasgow....... — Merryweather and Sons..... Merryweather, London ... 1043 Meyer, C. H., and Co...............Meyer 3190 Eegent ....... — Middleton, Bobert, and Co.........Hydraulic, Leeds ................__ — Midland By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld....Wagon, Birmingham...Cocir iv Mining Appliances Co..............Conveyor, Sheffield ....... 994 Mining Engineering Co. Ld.........Meco, Sheffield............. — Moxon, E.....................................................__ ____________ — Mov, Thomas, Ld............. Moy, Peterboro’_____ __ 989 Mudford, J. H., and Sons_____.........Tenting, Sheffield ......... luOI Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld.......Newton, Sheffield.......Cover ii Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld. .......Nobel, Glasgow_____................ 1041 Nortons (Tividale) Ld........ ............Screening, Tipton......... 1035 Ormerod, Edward_____..................Ormerod, Atherton, Man’ter 1041 Osbeck and Co. Ld............. Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne 1016 Pasley, Henry, and Sons ... .........Brocco, Sheffield .......__ — Pattison, W. _______................................................. — Pearn, Frank, and Co. Ld. .........Pumps, Manchester.....Cover i Peckett and Sons..................Peckett, Bristol.......1039,1044 Phillips, Charles D.................Machinery, Newport...989,1044 Pillatt and Co. Ld_____................Pillatt, Stapleford, Notts ... — Plowright Bros. Ld............ Plowright Bros., Ohea'field 1003 Porteus, George ....................Elevator, Leeds............ 1001 Power Gas Economy Ld.............Cokeoven, Glasgow ........ — Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld. .Protector, Eccles................ 989 Pryor, Edward, and Son ............Pryor, Sheffield.................................. 991 Pugsley, Joseph __......................Piston, Bristol ............__ — Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld......Pulsometer, London........ 1031 Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld......Pulsometer, Beading........ 1031 Queen’s Hotel ......... ......................Queen’s Hotel, Manchester — Beddaway, F., and Co. Ld____ .....Anchorage, Manchester .... — Beavell and Co. Ld................................Beavell, Ipswich..........__ — Kenton, B. M„ and Co. ............... .......Benton, Sheffield __....... 1044 Bickaby, A_____________________......................... ____.....Eickaby, Sunderland ...... 1044 Bigley, William _______....................Bigley, Bulweb .................... 990 R seley, Henry L., and Sons ........Henry Bis Bley, Bristol...... — B obey and Co. Ld______....................Bobey, Lin oom ....._____........ 991 Bolling Stock Company...............BoUngstok, Darlington _____ 989 Boyles Ld...................................................Elyor, Cadishead __.............. — Bussell, John, and Co. Ld___________.Alma, Walsall....................._______ 1001 “ Scandinavia” Belting Ld_____...........Scandinavia, London ______ — Schluter, Franz..............................Spezja.lhet.oTi, Dortmund ... — Scholefield, Bichard ................Brick, Leeds ........................................... 992 Scott, Walter, Ld. ...........................Bessemer, Leads...... , ., ., 1002 Saargeant Bros. Ld................................................ — Shaw, John, Ld...................Shaw, Sheffield............. 1037 Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co, Ld...Shelton, Stoke-on-Trant... 1043 Sheppard and Sons Ld,.............Sheppard, Bridgend ....... 999 “ Shipping World ”................_____Shipping World, London ... 1043 Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld, __ .....Siebe, London ___..........990,992 Simon-Oarves Ld, _______.............__ Simcar, Manchester __ 1004 Smallman, J. W................................Smallman, Nuneaton ... ___.... 1041 Soci6t3 de Fongagede Puits Franco Beige ..Fongage Bruxelles ... — Southern, T, A., and H. W. Halbaum ...Southern, Cardiff...1016,1044 South Wales Institute of Engineers..............________________ 1043 Spencer and Co. Ld. ................... Spencer, Melksham 1004 Spencer, John, Ld..........................Tubes, Wednesbury ........... 1016 Spurr, Inman and Co. Ld,...............Spurinman, Wakefieli __.... 1044 Stanley, W. F., and Co. Ld..........Turnstile, London..._____ — Steiger, Alph.......................Prizable, Vic, London..........................__ — Stewarts and Lloyds Ld.............Lloyds, Birmingham __ 1002 Stewarts and Lloyds Ld______..........Lapweld, Glasgow __......... 1002 Sullivan Machinery Co........ ............Mikewal, London __......... 993 Summerhill, J„ and Co........................................ 1035 Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld. ......Summerson,Darlingto a... — Sutcliffe Bros. ...................Sutcliffe Bros.. Hyde;...................__ 1016 Sutcliffe, Richard..................Sutcliffe, Horbury......... — Ta igyes Ld.........................................Tangyes, Birmingham __.......__ — Taylor, S. T., and Sons_____________Compo, Scotswood .......1001 Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld __...........Teale, Swinton, Lancs.....1002 Theedam, E. 0., Ld.................Theedam, Dudley .......................__ — Thomas, E., and Williams Ld.......Lamps, Aberdare __ __ 1043 Thompson and Ooa .........................Spiegel, Wigan ............__ — Thompson and Southwick Ld.......Pulleys, Tamworth __...............__ — Thompson, John...................Boiler, Wolverhampton... 1044 Thomson Brothers (Dunfermline) Ld.... Minerals, Dunfermline — Thornton, A. G„ Ld................Drawing, Manchester ___.... ... — Toope’s Asbestos Covering Co. Ld. ...Toopes, London..... Coviriv Treasure, J. B., and Co.............Treasure, Liverpool_______ 989 “ Trefor ” Boring A Mining Co. Ld....Trefor, Brussels........... 989 Trier Bros. Ld.....................Viscosity, London ____......... ... — Tuck and Co. Ld...........................Tucks, Liverpool __.....__ Ooveri Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld.........Fan, Llanelly .................._____ — Turner, E. B. and F., Ld............Gippeswyk, Ipswich....... — United States Metallic Packing Co. Ltd....Metallic, Bradford ...Cover iv Universal Mining School ...................................1016,1044 Valor Co. Ld................................................. 1002 Veithardt and Co. Ld........... Telleferro, Cannon, London 998 Vivian’s Boring Co_______________Vivians, Parkside, Oleator Moor — Waddle Patent Fan A Engineering Co. Ld....Fan, Llanelly..........O»««ri Wailes, Dove and Co. Ld........ Bitumastic, Newcastle-on-T. 1003 Wakefield, 0. 0., and Co______..........Cheery, London __ Coveriv Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld.... Pagefleld, Wigan __.................__ — Ward. T. W., Ld...................Forward. Sheffield......1016,1044 White, Geo_______..........................White, Saddler, Normanton 990 Wigan Wagon Co. Ld. .....Wagon, Wigan ...... 989 Wild, M. B., and Co. Ld............Hauling, Birmingham..... 1001 Willcox, W. H., and Co. Ld..........Willcox, Southward St. ...t o iv Winter, T. B., and Son ......................................Coveriv Witton Fire Brick Co. Ld______________________ ____ ________ — — Wolf Safety Lamp Co_______________Lupus,^Sheffield..........Coveriii Wollescote Galvanizing Co.........Wollescote Co., Brierley Hill 1035 Wood, John, and Sons Ld...........Haulage, Wigan ________...................... 995 Wootton Brothers Ld...............Wootton, Coalville .......................__ 1033 Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld......Engines, Wigan_____.................... 991 Wright’s Forge A Engineering Co. Ld.... Wright, Tipton __.......... — Yeadon, Son and Co_________................Yeadon, Leeds ..........._____ 1039 Yorkshire Engine Co. Ld............Engine, Sheffield................_____ 1044 Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld....Ferro, Leeds __....... 998 Youngs________............................Oldens, Birmingham ,,,.,,.,... 1035 Classified List on Page 1034. MEDALS. MEDALS. Diploma of Honour, Brussels, 1887. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. THE COLLIERY OFFICIALS* LEATHER CAP Is Comfortable, Light and Effective. Made to Fold for Pocket or otherwise. Send, 4/6 for Sample to the Maker— CEO. WHITE, 31, High Street, Normanton, YORKS. ___________________________________ GUILBERT-MARTIN, 9, Edmund Place, ALDERSGATE, LONDON, E.C. Telephone—2799 Central. Telegrams—“Photophore, London.” GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS of the various patterns designed by Dr. J. S. HALDANE, ACTUAL MAKERS : F.R.S., &C. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., Westminster Bridge Road, LONDON, S.E. Illustrated Catalogues post free on request. Telegrams—“ Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone—251 Hop. Agent for North America & Mexico— H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Block, Chicago. ________________________________________________________ STEPHEN HUMBLE'S PATENT IMPROVED “KINGS” HOOK, WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORCED THICKENED INNER PLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. Sole Malcei— STEPHEN HUMBLE, Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., LONDON, S.W. ___________________________________ “Bep coq” Glasses Showing through the water a broad, rich, red Hne, thus ren- dering the level very distinct. A large stock always on hand. trade'’1’' Titflo” mark i GqUce GLflSses For high pressure, and to withstand extreme variations of temperature. Are not affected by draughts or sea-spray. All glasses have fire-polished ends of a deep claret tint. ALFRED ALLEN & SON IVIa.Kex'H or COLLIERY AIR PIPES A__________ ■<’J awar and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Tolegrami—“Allen, Loweb Gornal.” Telephone—106 Dudley. r514 COLLIERY HAULAGE. ______ “THE COVENTRY” SPEED REDUCTION GEAR=BOX. ____________________ WILLIAM RIGLEY, .Silent, Vibrationless, Dust-proof, Enclosed in Oil°tight Cast Iron Case, fitted with Inspection Lid, 98% of PowenTransmitted through the They are the last word in speed reducing gear. Treatise C/2 free. “THE COVENTRY” CHAIN CO. LTD COVENTRY, E NGLAN O. 16W 'YY .k-'Y n-1 SILMTOHE CAS & S IE AM CC Al COLLIERIES GARNSLEY r •; ■: r-'T ■ ... . •. . • . '■ Bulwell, Nottingham. BUILDER OF — RAILWAY WAGONS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Cash or on Purchase Lease, for Three, Five, Seven, or Ten Years. __________ CONTRACTOR FOR MAINTENANCE and REPAIRS of RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK. _____________ WACONS LET ON SIMPLE HIRE. Branch Depots at all principal stations.