978 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 1, 1914. 9997. Turbine installations. Fottinger. 10151. Conveying apparatus. Clark and Warman. 10972. Apparatus for concentrating ores. Michaelis. 11610. Gravity conveyors. British Mathews Limited, Barton and Barton. 12517. Rolling, crushing, and grinding rollers. Cruickshank and Paisley. 13134. Centrifugal pumps. Bertrams Limited and Robertson. 13780. Socket or capping for attaching to the end of ropes. Haggie and Haggle. 14C05. Trip gear or mechanism for a winding engine. Morton and Morton. 14230. Process and apparatus for continuous distillation. Raschig. 14541. Reversible regenerative gas furnaces of the Siemens type. Reynolds. 15700. Signalling apparatus. Stevenson and Moyes. 16318. Ovens for generating gas and producing coke. Koppers. 16978. Method of manufacturing safety dynamites. Ohno. 17066. Apparatus for automatically indicating and recording the combined efficiency of a steam motor and coupled electrical generator. Xenaky and Gilman. 17740. Adjustable double-acting rotary pump. Parkes. 19301. Ore-reducing machines. Wade (Copper Process Company). 21504. Device or contrivance for relieving or cleansing pump valves. Evans. 21690. Rotary air pumps for surface condensers. Soo. Anon, pour 1’Exploitation des Procedes Westinghouse- Leblanc. 22740. Fixing of turbine blades. Uffelmann and Baily. 22852. Trucks more particularly for use with coke furnaces. Sohnaekenberg. 26177. Jig conveyers. Peisen. 28571. Method of working pure iron. Carnahan. 1914. 717. Apparatus for straining driving belts, chains, ropes, wires, and the like. Strachan. 1749. Wire-rope clamp. Eddelbuttel-Reimers. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1913. 23928. Process of treating ores. McLarty. 26284. Construction of water-tube boilers. Soo. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. 26493. Plastic explosives and method of manufacturing the same. Herlin. 1914. 5651. Siemens-Martin furnaces. Eickworth and Sturm Ges. 7338. Heating retort furnaces used for the manufacture of coal-gas and the like. Dessauer Vertikal Ofen Ges. 7684. Methods of synchronising rotary and cascade converters. Siemens Schuckertwerke Ges. 9293. Machines for straightening rods and pipes. Abramsen. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *#* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named poet free. Boiler Explosion Reports: (No. 2285), at the Bradford Ironworks, Manchester, 2|d. ; (No. 2283), at Pinkerton, Glasgow, Is. 5d. Bills: Children Employment and School Attendance, 2jd.; Ditto, Report, 4d.; Railway and Canal Traffic, lid. COAL MINES : Explosion at Senghenydd Colliery (Glam.), Reports, Is. lOd.; General Regulations for the Use of Electricity, l|d. ; Explosives Order, April 7, 1914, lid. ; Safety Lamp Order, March 16, 1914, Is. 2d. Foreign Trade Accounts for April 1914, 6|d. Statistics of Notifiable Infectious Disease, No. 89, lOd. Trade Report: Persian Gulf, Bahrein Islands, for 1912-13, 4|d. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland), Thirteenth Report, for 1912-13, 2s. 8d. Statutory Rules and Orders : Dangerous and Unhealthy Industries, lid. Royal Commission on Civil Service: First Appendix to the Fourth Report, Is. lid. ; Second Appendix to the Fourth Report, 6s. 3d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Fuel Bbiquetting Investigations, July 1904 to July 1912 (U S. Bureau of Mines, Bull. 58). By C. L. Wright Hydraulic Mine Filling: Its Use in the Pennsylvania Anthracite Fields (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Bull. 60). By C. Enzian. Nitrate Facts and Figures, 1914. Compiled by A. F. Brodie James. London: Fredc. C. Mathieson and Sons. Price 2s. 6d. Oil and Petroleum Manual, 1914. By Walter R. Skinner. London : W. R. Skinner. Price 4s. Manuel Pratique de Fonderib. By J. Duponehelle. Paris: H. Dunod and E. Pinat. “ Iowa Geological Survey, ‘ The Weed Flora of Iowa,’ ” by L. H. Pammel and others; “ The Monthly Magazine of the Chamber of Commerce of Liverpool ” (Vol. 13, No. 4); “Sales Promotion” (Vol. 4, No. 43), April, price 2d.j “Metal Mine Accidents in the United States during 1912,” compiled by A. H. Fay (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Technical Paper 61); “ The Journal of the Western Society of Engineers ” (Vol. 19, No. 2), February, price 50 c.; “ New Zealand Geological Survey Branch” (Bull. 16); “The Geology of the Avoka Subdivision, Hauraki, Auckland,” by J. Henderson, assisted by J. A. Bartrum; “University of Illinois Bulletin” (Vol. 11, No. 14), “The Mortar-making Qualities of Illinois Sands,” by C. C. Wiley, price 20o.; “The Journal of the Monmouthshire Colliery Officials’ Association” (Vol. 3, No. 3), April; “Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Industrielle du Nord de la France” (No. 202), March; “ Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers”; “The Generation and Distribution of Producer Gas in South Staffordshire,” by H. A. Humphrey; “ Bridge Operations Conducted under Military Conditions,” by Capt. C. E. P. Sankey; “ The London and South-Western and Metropolitan District Railways Widening between Acton-lane and Galena-road,” by E. A. Ogilvie ; “ The Canton-Kowloon Railway, Chinese Section,” by F. Grove and B. T. B. Boothby; " Ditto, British Section,” by G. W. Eves ; “ Forms of Arms and Spectacles for Railway Signals,” by E. W. Timmis ; “ Further Experiments on the Gripping Force of Concrete on Steel in Reinforced Concrete Columns,” by W. C. Popple well; “ A Method of Designing Cams,” by F. Grover ; “ The Turbo Blower and Turbo Compressor,” by G. Ingram; “ Experiments on Stoneware Pipes and Pipe Sewers,” by E. P. Currall; “ Abstract of Papers in Scientific Transactions and Periodicals.” Immingham Coal Exports.—The export of coal from Immingham during the past week has been almost at a standstill owing to the difficulty experienced by shippers in getting supplies through from the collieries, consequent upon the (South Yorkshire dispute. Only one cargo was cleared for a foreign destination, this being 2,301 tons to Hamburg, while only two shipments were made in the coastal trade, 1,600 tons going to Woolwich and 880 tons to London. During the corresponding week last year the exports totalled 21,150 tons foreign and 3,190 tons coastal. Grimsby Coal Exports.—Coal exports from Grimsby during the week ended Thursday, 23rd ult., were fairly representative, considering the fact that supplies were not available from South Yorkshire, the official returns showing the shipments to be :—Foreign : To Aarhus, 1,391 tons ; Christiania, 5,088 ; Copenhagen, 671; Dieppe, 100; Helm- stadt, 1,530 ; Hamburg, 2,113; Halsingborg, 3,427 ; Malmo, 1,314 ; Oxelosund, 1,040; and Trelleborg, 1,436—total, 18,110. Coastal : To Gravesend, 420 ; and Sittingbourne, 210—total, 630. During the corresponding week last year the figures were : Foreign, 23,205, and coastal, 1,598 tons. In addition to the moral obligation to SAVE YOUR MEN'S LIVES AND LIMBS, there is ALSO THE £ s. d. ARGUMENT which makes it ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for you TO FIT your PITS with HAILWOOD’S LATEST COMBUSTION TUBE LAMPS and SAVE the DRAIN on your resources CAUSED BY COMPENSATION FOR “NYSTAGMUS" and other accidents. If THE ELECTRIC LAMP HAS PROVED SUCH A PRONOUNCED FAILURE, the only thing left worth talking about is the HAILWOOD’S NEW COMBUSTION TUBE LAMP, costing only half that of electric lamps, GIVING from 3 TO 4 TIMES the MAINTAINED LIGHT OF the BEST OIL OR ELECTRIC LAMPS on the market. Simple and easy to manipulate. ONLY HALF WEIGHT OF ELECTRIC LAMPS. Passed and Approved by English Government. Continental Governments who are testing it find it IMPOSSIBLE to get GAS to BURN INSIDE the LAMP, and are delighted with its EXTRAORDINARY SAFETY POWERS- In the Continental Tests the CANDLE-POWER registers from 2'25 to 2'50. 5.0 0DS- 'Kvhka.woqvi,,,- H It is NOT A TOY OR A FREAK, hut IS A PRACTICABLE, SENSIBLE, SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE. During the short time it has been on the market large installations have been ordered by the following firms :— Bolsover Colliery Co., Rufford Park Colliery. Barber, Walker and Co., Nottingham. Archibald Russell Ltd., Hamilton. Yorkshire Iron and Coal Co. Howden Clough Colliery Co. G. Taylor, Ayrshire. Giffnock Colliery Co., Scotland. Flockton Coal Co., Horbury. Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co., Chesterfield. Aldridge Colliery Co., Walsall. Crawshaw and Warburton Ltd., Dewsbury. Wilsons and Clyde Co., Scotland. South Wales Primrose Coal Co., South Wales. And a large number of other firms have ordered smaller trial installations. Send for particulars ACKROYD & i'fcj to Sole Makers • BEST LTD The World's Safety Lamp Experts, MORLEY, Near LEEDS. Telephone No.—86 Morley. Telegraphic Address—“ Lamps, Morley.”