May 1, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 977 BRUSSELS EXHIBITION: “GRAND PRIX.” ROUBAIX EXHIBITION, 1911: GRAND PRIX.” Hopkinson-Ferranti ----- PATENT -- STOP VALVE For Steam and High Pressure Water Service. The GREATEST ADVANCE in VALVE CONSTRUCTION of the TIMES. Less Weight, Cost & Leakage. This Valve has been invented, and designed to enable a valve having operative parts of half the ordinary diameter to pass a large amount of steam through a small working part. PRINCIPLE: Converting the pressure of the fluid into velocity and reconverting the velocity into pressure, thereby passing an amount of steam equal to full carrying capacity of pipe. SELLING POINTS: Passes the same quantity of steam as a full-bore valve. Reduction in cost over ordinary fullway valves. Considerably less weight. Seats half diameter of ordinary sluice valve, therefore halves possible leakage. Reduces vibration in pipes. Graded opening—no sudden rush of steam in opening. No bye-passes necessary, thereby saving their cost. Is not subject co wedging action or mechanical strain. The discs slide with a flexible pressure upon the seats, thereby preventing cutting and scoring. When the valve is open the seats are protected from the flowing fluid by the eyepiece. Always easy to open and close under pressure. It is an ideal valve for high temperature superheated steam, as there are no cast iron internal working parts. DISCS AND SEATS OF M0PK.NS0NS “PIATMAM” METAL Suitable with Superheated Steam UPWARDS OF 9,000 IN USE AT 220 Collieries, 180 Electric Power Stations, 90 Iron and Steel Works, 130 Textile Mills. Turbine Makers, &c., *c. VALVES in STOCK WITH IRON or STEEL CASINGS. Hopkinson’s Patent Safety Boiler Mountings & Valves For High Pressure Superheated Steam, High-class Exhaust and Water Sluice Valves for Condensing plants, &c., Automatic Exhaust Valves, Reducing Valves, Steam Traps, &c.< &c. r n s o n's PBIPATENT PJOSITE CLAN Di 1 Upwards of 500 tons ol Standard Steel Casting's kept in stock. We can give immediate delivery of iron and steel Valves. Write for Illustrated Specifications and Catalogue No. 660, 4th Edition. J. HOPKINSON & CO. L= HUDDERSFIELD, JSukerx of Patent Valves anti Patent Safety Boiler Mountings, 165, Queen Victoria Street, LONDON; 41, Bothwell Street, GLASGOW; 2, York Buildings, York Place, EDINBURGH; Royal Buildings, Park Place, CARDIFF; 7, Manchester Street, OLDHAM; w ,76 PARIS and ST. PETERSBURG.