938 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 1, 1914. Important Facts ABOUT CONVEYORS “The EICKHOFF ” system converts Trammers into Miners and reduces the amount of non-productive labour. “The EICKHOFF” system makes the miner’s work less laborious and increases his output and his wages. “The EICKHOFF” system concentrates the Coal to one point and deal with any length of face and gates. can “The EICKHOFF” system means less number of gate roads, less rippers, and saves the cost of maintenance of gate roads. “The EICKHOFF ” system has, wherever it has been installed, shown a most gratifying increase in output and a big saving of costs. “The “The EICKHOFF ” EICKHOFF ” Conveyor is the simplest, easiest to move, and requires the least upkeep and attention, and system is rapidly replacing all other systems through- out the United Kingdom, which is the soundest testimonial to its unrivalled utility. We are pleased to give a guarantee of success and satisfactory working with our installations. THE MINING APPLIANCES CO., 32, Church Street, Sheffield. Telegrams—’■ Conveyor Sheffield.** Telephone—2401 Central.