h34 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 1, 1914, Ackroyd and Best Ld...................Lamps, Morley .......935,978 Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld«........ ..Allen, Lower Goraal....... 285 Allen, Edgar, and Co. Ld...........Allen, Sheffield.........Oovvriv Allen, W. G., A Sons (Tipton) Ld...Allens, Tipton............. 944 Anderson, Boyes and Co. Ld. ...Electric, Motherwell.........Cove i Angus. George, and Co. Ld...........Angus, Newcastle-on-Tyne... — Appleton and Howard........................................... 937 Aqueous Works A Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld.... Aqueous, London — Association of Private Owners of Bailway Bolling Stock........... — Auld, David, and Sons Ld...........Seducing, Glasgow ........... — Avonside Engine Co. Ld.............Loco. Bristol Bailey’s Patents Ld. ......... Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ld. .. Baird, Archd., and Son Ld........ Baird, J. W., and Co.......... Baker, Jno., and Co. Ld. ..... Barer, John, and Son ......... Bakers (Leeds) Ld............. Baldwin, James, and Co........ Baras, W., and Son............ Barry Sand and Gravel Co. Ld.. Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Ld. . Beiliss and Morcom Ld......... Bennis, Ed., and Co.Ltd....... Benthaus, D.................... Bentinck Motor Supply Co. Ld.................................. Best’s Safety Lamps Ld.......Best’s Safety Lamps Ld., Leede... Be ver, Dorling and Co. Ld.........Foundry, Bradford ......... B*ham By. Oar. A Wagon Co. Ld......Carriage, Smethwick, B*ham Bleioherts Aerial Transporters Ld. ...Bleichert, London...... Bradley Pulverizer Co. ............Equestrian. London......... Bridge, David, A Co. Ld...Coupling, Castleton, Manchester..... Briquette Machinery Ld.............Briquette, Leeds .......... Bristol & South Wales By. Wagon Co...Finance, Bristol......... “ British Clay-worker **...........Olavworker, London......... British Explosives Syndicate Ld.......Cordite, Glasgow ... British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld....Insulator, Prescot . British Mannesmann Tube Co. Ld.....Tubulous, London.......... British Oxygen Co. Ld..............Brins, Oxygen, London ...... British Wagon Co. Ld...............Hart, Botherham ........... Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield) Ld. Gearing, Huddersfield ... Brown, W. B., and Co. (Bankhall) Ld.... Vires,Liverpool....... Bumsted and Chandler Ld............Bags, Hednesford .......... Burnside, George.............................................. Bute Works Supply Co. Ld...........Getting, Cardiff....... Butterworth Bros. Ld................Glasses, Newton Heath..... Cambrian Mining School ............Mining School, Porth........ Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld..............Buffers, Cardiff........... Cameron, John, Ld...................Original, Manchester ..... Capell Fan (G. Fletcher A Co. Ld.)... Amarilla, Derby.. Carron Co...........................Carronade, Falkirk . Cawood. Walter, Ld.... ........... Engexhibit. London. •• Ceag ’’ Electric Safety Lamp Co.Ld. Georgorum,L’nd’n Ohorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld.......Wagon, Chorley....... Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld.........Cyclops, Gateshead . Cohen, Geo., Sons and Co............Coborn, Loudon..... Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld. ....Solvay, Sheffield... Cooke. Wm.. and Co. Ld.............Cooke. Sheffield........... Oopp4e Co. (Great Britain) Ld.....Evcoppde. Westcent, London Cottam, Edwin, and Co. Ld........ Solidity. Botherham ........ Cotton Powder Co. Ld...............Tonita, London ............ Coulson, M., and Co. Ld............Coulson Ld., Spennymoor Cover hi Cousland, Alex., and Son .................................... — Coventry Chain Co. Ld..............Chains, Coventry .......... 942 Cradock, George, and Co. Ld........Cradock. Wakefield......... 936 Crawford, J., and Sons Ld....................................985,987 Crew er Lamp and Engr. Co. Ltd.....Cremer, Leeds ............Cover i Cudworth and Johnson ...........Cud worth, Johnson, Wrexham Curtis’s & Harvey Ld........Gunpr., London, A Curtis’s, London Daglish, B., and Co. Ld............Daglish, St. Helens ....... Darlington and Co............... Davidson and Co. Ld............. Davidson, J. S., and Son............................... Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld....Davis, Derby ....... Diamond Coal-Cutter Co.............Diamond, Wakefield. Dinnenaahl, E. W. ...................................... Dixon, Geo. N., and Co.............Tenacity, Liverpool. Earle, G. and T. (1912), Ld........Cement. Hull ______________ Elliot. George, and Co. Ld.........Elliot Co., London ......Oovwff Evans and Dodd.....................Dodd, Cannock ............. 944 Evans, D. Liewellin.................Brattice, Cardiff ........ 936 Evans, Joseph, A Sons (Wolverh’pton Ld.) Evans, Wolverhampton — Fairdough and Sons............................................. 988 Farnley Iron Co. Ld................Farnley, Leeds ...........Cover i .Fell, Dronfield ......... 948 .Bails, Leeds............ 948 .Amarilla, Derby........... 942 ........................... 987 ........................... 979 ....Fraser, Arbroath ............ .Friction, Chapel-en-le-Frith ... ...Alfro, Sheffield ............. ....Furse, Nottingham ........... 936 940 .Covsriv .Beacon, Manchester.... ..Excello, Hamilton ... .Baird, West Hartlepool .... 934 .... 988 981,988 934 948 985 945 960 937 960 ........................... 93g ...Exhaust, Leeds ...... J. *.'****.*.' 915 .Baldwin, Engineers, Keighley 985 ...Perforation, London,.,... Coveriv ...Aitken, Cardiff ......... ...Bayliss, Wolverhampton ...Beiliss, Birmingham..... ...Bennis, Little Hulton.... ...Benthaus, Sheffield.... 934 939 939 933 945 946 933 987 985 979 979 943 933 942 934 937 944 988 979 960 933 942 ... 937 Cover ii .... 933 .... 945 979 935 983 981 940 .Sirocco, Belfast ... 988 ... 947 ... 960 ... 945 Cov*ri ... 933 ... 960 Firth, William, Ld........... Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld. Foot, Bowland, G., and Co. ... Foyle, W. and G.............. 941 Fraser, Douglas and Sons...... Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld....... Frost, Albert, and Co......... Forse. W. J.................. Galloways Ld.................. Gardam, Harry H., and Oo. Ld,........................ lillott, John, and Son ............GiUott, Barosley . Glover, M., and Oo.................Glovers, Leeds ... Glover, Wm. Jas., and Oo. .........Glover, St. Helens....... Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld............Gosforth Foundry, Dronfield Greene, Tweed and Oo...............Greene, Quancham. London Griffin, Chas., and Oo. Ld................................... Guilbert-Martin......... .......Photophore, London............ Haggle Brothers Ld.................Haggie, Gateshead ......... Hanley, A..................................................... Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. .........Hardypick, Sheffield....941,947 Harling, W. H......................Clinograph, London......... 979 Harris and Mills ..................Privilege, London.......... 960 Harvey, G. A., and Oo. (London) Ld,..Cheaper, Char, London ... Cover i Haslam and Sohontheil Ld...........*• Thor,” Cardiff.............. Hathorn, Davey and Oo. Ld« ........Hathorn, Leeds ...........Cover i Hawksley, Wild, and Co............Hawksley, Sheffield......... 942 Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld........Locomotive, Newcastle-on-T. 988 Head, Wrightson and Oo. Ld.........Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees Covtr i Hbnderson and Glass................Vulcan, Liverpool..........Ooi> rii Hodgson, E. W., and Co.............Metalman, Sheffield........ Hollingdrake and Son.... ............Hollingdrake, Stockport.. Holmes, J. H. and Op...............Holmes, Newcastle-on-Tyne Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld..........Hopkinson, Huddersfield .. Horsfield, J. and J., Ld...........Vulcan, Dewsbury.......... Houghton, W. D., and Co. Ld.........Houghton, Sankey Bridges Hudson, T., Ld.....................Hudson, Coatbridge......... Humble, Stephen....................Stephen Humble, Westmin’r Hurd Coalcutter and Engineering Oo. Ld, .Cutterbar, Glasgow ... Hurst. A., and Co..................Vivifler, Smith, London.... International Channelling Machines Li.... Outtabit, Sheffi’d.. Isca Foundry Oo.....................Isca, Newport, Mon ....... Jardine, John........ .............Jardine, Nottingham ....... Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld. ...Benksley, Armley.......... Johnston, John................................................ Jones, W. B.» Colliery Exhibition............................ Kaye and Co. Ld....................Kaye, Southam ............. Keith.Jame-i,& Blackman Co. Ld. ...James Keith, Fleet, L’nd’n.. Kenyon, William , and Sons Ld......Kenyon, Dukinfield........ King, John, and Co.................King, Leeds............... Knowles, John (Wooden Box) Ld. ...Knowles, Woodville....... Knowles Oxygen Co. Ld..............Oxygen, Wolverhampton.... Koppers Coke Oven and Bye-Product Oo. ..Kochs, Sheffield .... ■* K.S.B. ” Manufacturing Co. .....Kleinpump, Sheffield ..... Kynoch Ld......................... ..KyUOch, Rirminghn-m Lancashire & York. Wagon Co.Ld.....Wagon, Heywood........... Lancaster and Tonge Ld.............Pistons, Manchester...... Latch and Batchelor La. ...........Latch, Hay Mills ......... Lawson, John, and Sons....................................... Leech, Goodall and Oo..............Vertical, Leeds ......... Legard and Son........... .........Legard, Barnsley ......... Lewis, Edwm, and Sons..............Lewis, Wnl varh ampton 1O< Lewis, William, and Son ...........Bobert Lewis, Bilston...... Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. ...Wagon, Lincoln Llewellyn and Oubitt Ld............Oumtt, Pentre ........... Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld......Engineer, Wakefield....... Lowmoor Oo. Ld...............Ironworks, Lowmoor, Bradford < Lhhrig Coal A Ore Dressing Appliances Ld....Nettoyage,L’nd’n.... Lyell, J. C , and Co. Ld........________________' 1____' _ Mann’s Patent Steam Cart A Wagon Co. Ld. . Canning, Leeds. Marple and Gillott Ld. ............Ferric, Sheffield...... Mather and Platt Ld.................Sprinkler, Manchester...... Mavor and Coulson Ld...............Prodigious, Glasgow........ Merryweather and Sons............. Merry weather, London Meyer, C. H., and Co................Meyer 3190 Begent ........ Middleton, Bobert, and Co...........Hydraulic, Leels .... Midland By. Car. A Wagon Oo. Ld.... ...Wagon, Birmingham “ Mines and Minerals ” ....... Mining Appliances Co......... Mining Engineering Oo. Ld. .... Moxon, E...................... Mov, Thomas, Ld.............. Mudford, J. H„ and Sons...... Newton, Chambers and Oo. Ld. Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld..... Nortons (Tividale) Ld......... Ormerod, Edward............... Osbeck and Co. Ld............. Pasley, Henry, and Sons ... ..... Pattison, W................... Peara, Frank, and Oo. Ld...... Peckett and Sons.............. Phillips, Charles D......... Pillatt and Co. Ld............ 936 977 935 933 913 934 944 945 934 975 944 987 ... 933 Coveri 940 985 942 933 933 988 ----------------------------1.... 936 .Electrinus, Wesdo, London o ,e* iv ------ . , . - - 946 988 ..Conveyor, Sheffield ■Meco, Sheffield... .. . 987 987 985 938 .... 96J .... 933 , Cover ii .... 944 ... 943 ,... 939 .Moy, Peterboro*... Tenting, Sheffield . .Newton, Sheffield , .Nobel, Glasgow .... .Screening, Tipton......... .Ormerod, Atherton, Man’tbr .Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne .Brocco, Sheffield ........ .Pumps, Manchester.......... .Peckett, Bristol....988, Oowrii .Machinery, Newport ......... — .Pillatt, Stapleford. Notts ... 948 960 937 985 Where the Numeral is absent the Advertisement does not appear in the present issue. MEDALS. MEDALS. lSilqndo; Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle Chicago Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. 947 943 985 Plowright Bros. Ld...................Plowright Bros., Ohes’field Porteus, George .....................Elevator, Leeds............. Power Gas Economy Ld............... Cokeoven, Glasgow ........... Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. L t. Protector, Eccles........... Pryor, Edward, and Son ..............Pryor, Sheffield............ Pugsley, Joseph ........... .........Piston, Bristol ............ Pulsometer Engineering Co, Ld.......Pulsometer, London.........Ovieri Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld.......Pulsometer, Beading........(brori Queen’s Hotel .......................Queen’s Hotel, Manchester 979 Beddaway, F„ and Co, Ld.............Anchorage, Manchester ...... 981 Bea veil and Co. Ld..................Beavell, Ipswich...... 948 Senton, B. M., and Co. ..............Benton, Sheffield ... ...... 988 Rickaby, A. .........................Bickaby, Sunderland ........ 988 Bigley, William......................Bigley, Bulwell .....,...933,988 B seley, Henry L., and Sems .........Henry Bissley, Bristol...... 960 Bobey and Co. Ld.....................Bobey, Lincoln .............. — Bolling Stock Company................Bolingstok, Darlington ..... 953 Boyles Ld............................Elyor, Cadishead ....... Oovari Bussell, John, and Co. Ld...........Alma, Walsall.................. — M Scandinavia ” Belting Ld..........Scandinavia, London ......... 934 Schltiter, Franz....................Spezialbeton, Dortmund ... 937 Scholefield, Bichard ................Brick, Leeds ............«... 936 Scott, Walter, Ld...................Bessemer, Leeds............. 947 S sargeant B ros. Ld............................................... — Shaw, John, Ld......................Shaw, Sheffield.............. 935 Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Go. Ld...Shelton, Stoke-on-T •vat...Cov«r iy Sheppard and Sons Ld.................Sheppard, Bridge d . . Cover iff “ Shipping World ”....................Shipping World, London ... 987 Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld. ...........Siebe, London ............ 948 Simon-Oarves Ld. .......... Simoar, Manchester ............ — Smailman, J. W. .....................Smallman, Nuneaton ......... 942 Socidt4 de Fongage de Puits Franco Beige ..Fongage Bruxelles ... — Southern, T. A., and H. W. Halbaum ...Southern, Cardiff........960,988 South Wales Institute of Engineers............................. 987 Spencer and Co. Ld.............. ~ ’’ * Spencer, John, Ld, ......... Spurt, Inman and Co. Ld......... Stanley, W. F„ and Co. Ld....... Steiger, Alph................... Stewarts and Lloyds Ld........... Stewarts and Lloyds Ld. ...... . .< Sullivan Machinery Co........... Summerhill, J„ and Co_______________________ Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld .. ..Summerson,Darlingtoa .. Sutcliffe Bro?.......................Sutcliffe Bros.. Hyde!... Sutcliffe, Bichard.............. ....Sutcliffe, Horbury..,,., Tangyes Ld...........................Tangyes. Birmiugham ..... Taylor, S. T., and Sons..............Compo, Scotswood ........ Teale, W. E.. and Co. Ld ............Teale, Swinton, Lancs. .. Theedam, E. 0., Ld...................Theedam, Dudley ......... Thomas, E., and Williams Ld..........Lamps, Aberdare Thompson and Coo ....................Spiegel, Wigan ............... Thompson and Southwick Ld.............Pulleys, Tamworth ........ Thompson, John ......................Boiler, Wolverhampton.. Thomson Brothers (Dunfermline) Ld.... Mineral^, Dunfermline Thornton, A. G., La..................Drawing, Manchester ..... Toope’s Asbestos Covering Co. Ld. ...Toopes, London.......... Treasure, J. B., and Co..............Treasure, Liverpool......... “ Trefor ” Boring A Mining Co. Ld....Trefor, Brussels........,,.,.. Trier Bros...........................Viscosity, London.......... Tuck and Co. Ld......................Tucks, Liverpool Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld............Fan, Llanelly ............. Turner, E. B. and F., Ld.............Gippeswyk, Ipswich....... United States Metallic Packing Co. Ltd....Metallic, Bradfora .. Universal Mining School Valor Co. Ld.......... Veithart t and Co. Ld. ..Spencer, Melkiham ......... — ..Tubes, Wednesbury ........ 960 ..Spurinman, Wakefield ......... 988 ..Turnstile, London.......... ... 945 ...Prizable, Vic, London..... 942 ..Lloyds, Birmingham......Coveri ..Lapweld, Glasgow .......Cover i ..Mikewal, London ............ — 985 943 935 949 948 936 981 946 946 944 988 948 Cevsriv ,.Oo erii 936 937 946 .960,988 946 933 960 960 945 ....................................Telleferro, Cannon, London .................................... ..Vivians, Parkside, Oleator Moor Waddle Patent Fan A Engineering On. Ld..Llanelly.............. Wailea, Dove and Co. Ld....-.......Bitumastic, Newcastle-on-1. Wakefield, O. O., and Co............Cheery, London ........... Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld.........Pagefield, Wigan ..... Ward, T. W„ Ld. ...................Forward Sheffield?.......960,988 White, Geo..........................White, Saddler, Normanton — Wigan Wagon Co. Ld................Wagon, Wigan ... ... ....... 933 Wild, M. B.. and Co. Ld............Hauling, Birmingham......... — Willcox, W. H., and Co, Ld.........Willooc, Southward dv. ... 979 Winter, T. B., and Sou.................................. Ovvrriv Witton Fire Brick Co. Ld................................... ,M 933 Volf Safety Lamp Co. ... ....... ...Lupus, Sheffield..... — Voilescote Galvanizing Co. ............Wollescote Co., Brierley Hill — Wood, John, and Sons Ld. ..........Haulage, Wigan.., ... ...Cowr iff Wootton Brothers Ld................Wootton, Coalville , Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld........Engines, Wigan...... Wright’s Forge A Engineering Co. Ld,... Wright, Tipton . Yeadon. Son and Co..................Yeadon, Leeds ... ♦ Yorkshire Engine Co. Ld............Engine, Sheffield... .. Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld. ..Ferro, Leeds Youngs.............................Oldens, Birmingham Classified List on Page 980 WIRE ROPES OHrii . 960 . 988 . 933 Diploma of Honour, Brussels, 1887. STEPHEN HUMBLE’S PATENT IMPROVED KING'S" HOOK, WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORCED THICKENED INNER PLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. Sole Maker— STEPHEN HUMBLE, Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., LONDON, S.W GALLOWAYS LIMITED. MANCHESTER LANCASHIRE GALLOWAY, WATER TUBE, ano FIVE FLUEO BOILERS Modern Designs and Exceptionally Efficient. — WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. — Telephone 6312 Central. W. B. BROWN & Co (BANKHALL) Ltd Telegrams—^ VIRES, LIVERPOOr^ AGENTS FOR YORKS, NOTTS, DERBY ano LEICESTER- Telephone—Central 285. YEADON, SON & CO., ALBION PLACE, LEEDS. KAYE’S GEMENT Makes Concrete and Mortar of exceptional strength and durability. KAYE & CO. LD., SOUTHAM Works, RUCBY. A BUSINESS Chips and Sawdust FIRELIGHTERS. Glover’s Patent Machinery. ENORMOUS PROFITS. GLOVER & CO., Saw Mill Engineers, LEEDS Globe Works, Liverpool Telephones—213 4* 4445 Bootle. FOR BLACK ani>" BRIGHT BOLTS and NUTS WRITE TO THE MFRS. BAYLISS, JONES & BAYLISS;iI" A Illustrated Catalogue of all kinds of Hurdles. rENciRG.CATes.&c.. Free. VICTORIA WORKS, WOLVERHAMPTON. London offices and smow aoomt-139 & 141, CANNON STREET, E.c. PATENT RE INFORCED CABLE SLINGS FOR SUSPENDING ELECTRIC CABLES BELTING LTJ? ‘ 59, Southwark St., London.S.E.. Phone.979, Central* Teleg.Scandinavia London? Weight.. ) 2!S0UNC«- 36 ‘.breaKING 4^1000 P-— Also Makers of IRON FENCING, GATES &C. CAST IRON COLUMNS, MILL AND FORCE . CASTINGS, FLYWHEELS, &0., &0. Enquiries Invited.