April 24, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 913 TOE MO 80SL TMDE, Thursday, April 23. DabliiL In most branches of the coal trade business continues to be fairly good, but a few weeks of the present fine weather would make a considerable difference in the demand for household qualities, which so far has shown very little falling off. There is no change in prices, which are as follow—Best Orrell, 28s. per ton; Abram, 27s.; best Wigan, 26s.; best Whitehaven, 26s.; best kitchen, 24s.; steam coals from about 22s. per ton ; best slack, 22s. ; house coal, retail, Is. 8d. per sack. Coke has been reduced Is. per ton since last week, best qualities now being 20s. per ton delivered. The collier vessels arriving in the port during the past week amounted to 60, as compared with 45 the week previously, chiefly from Maryport, Ayr, Glasgow, Garston, Newport, Ellesmere Port, Irvine, Liverpool, Point of Aire, Whitehaven, Troon, Preston, and Campbeltown. The total quantity of coal discharged upon the quays was 27,000 tons. There is a little more contract business offering for house, steam coals and coke, both locally, and from outlying districts. Belfast Recent labour troubles in Yorkshire have curtailed supplies of best English coals for this market, and stocks of these qualities are considerably reduced in consequence, while prices continue to be firm. The trade in this port is still quiet following the Easter holidays, and inland business continues to be somewhat slack. There is no change in prices, viz. Best Arley house coal, 27s. 6d. per ton; Hartley, 26s. 6d.'; Wigan, 25s. 6d.; Orrell nuts, 26s. 6d.; Scotch house, 23s. 6d.; Orrell slack, 23s. 6d., all less the usual Is. per ton discount for cash. Some qualities of steam coal are a little easier, but there is no quotable change. Current prices are :—Scotch steam, 16s. to 17s. per ton; Scotch slack, Ils. 6d. to 12s. 6d. ; navigation steam, 17s. to 18s.; Welsh steam coal 17s. to 18s. per ton delivered. Coal cargoes arriving during the week were chiefly from Ayr, Glasgow, Troon, Partington, Garston, Neath Abbey, Maryport, Cardiff, Preston, Girvan, Ardrossan, Manchester and Irvine. THE TW-PLATC TKADE. Liverpool. The tone of the market is very quiet. Enquiries have fallen off a good deal, and the volume of business booked during the past week or so is small. Prices on the whole are unchanged; here and there transactions at very low figures are reported, but these are generally made by works who require quick specifications; for instance 12s. 7|d. for I C 14 x 20 and 12s. basis for odd sizes has been accepted for May-June shipment. Makers* quotations for shipment over the rest of the year may be called:—Coke tins : I C 14 x 20 (112 sh. 108 lb.), 12s. 9d. to 12s. 10^d. per box; I C 28 x 20 (56 sheets 108 lb.), 13s. 3d. to 13s. 4|d. per box; I C 14 x 18^ (124 sh. 1101b.), 13s. l^d. to 13s. 3d. per box; I C 14 x 19^ (120 sh. 110 lb.), 13s. l^d. to 133. 3d. per box; I C 20 x 10 (225 sh. 156 lb.), 18s. 9d per box; I C 28 x 20 (112 sh. 216 lb.), 253. 9d. to 26s. per box; I C squares and odd sizes, 13s. 3d. basis for usual specifications. Charcoal tins rule quiet at 15s. basis and upwards, according to tinning. Coke wasters are meeting with a moderate demand, and prices rangeC W 14 x 20, 12s. 3d. to 12s. 4|d. per box; C W 14 x 18f, Ils. 3d. per box; C W 20 x 10, 14s. 6d. to 14s. 8d. per box; C W 28 x 20, 24s. 4|d. to 24s. 6d. per box; C W 30 x 21, 28s. 6d. to 28s. 9d. per box. All f.o.b. Wales, less 4 per cent. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White paqes Birkenhead, May 4.—The Corporation of Birkenhead are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of washed slack, or washed small coal, and screened coal, to be delivered at the pumping stations of the Spring-hill, Flay brick-hill, Borough-road, Mount-road, and the Ford waterworks, and the Hind-street Water Stores, for a period of six or 12, months, commencing on July 1, 1914, the period to be at the option of the Corporation. Forms of tender and specifica- tion, together with any further information, may be obtained from Mr. J. W. M. Richardson, A.M.Inst.C.E., ’ water engineer, 52, Balls-road, Birkenhead. Tenders, stating the price per ton delivered at the various pumping stations and the water stores, Hind-street, must be sent to me, sealed and endorsed “Tender for Coal and Slack, Water Com- mittee,” not later than 10 a m. on Monday, May 4, 1914. All deliveries to be made from time to time, according to the requirements of the Water Engineer. The parties whose tenders may be accepted will be required to enter into a contract containing a clause as to the payment of the rate of wages and the observance of the hours of labour recog- nised and agreed upon between the trades unions and the employers in Birkenhead or in the locality in which the work for carrying out the contract is executed, as the case may be. The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, James Fearnley, town clerk, Town Hall, Birkenhead. Shrewsbury Gas Light Company, May 22. — The ‘ directors invite tenders for the supply of about 22,000 tons of screened or picked gas coals, cobbles or nuts, to be delivered free at the Great Western or London and North- Western Goods Yard, Shrewsbury, during the year com- mencing July 1,1914, and ending June 30,1915. The directors reserve to themselves the right to divide the quantity into two or more contracts, and do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders must be made on forms (containing further particulars) which may be obtained on application at the company’s works, or by post, and must be sent to the undersigned, on or before May 22, 1914.—By order, Wm. Belton, A.M.I.C.E., secretary and manager, Gasworks, Shrewsbury. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abbeyleix (Ireland), April 28.—About 100 tons of Kilkenny coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. Michael Maher, clerk of Union, Clerk’s Office, Workhouse. Cambuslang (Scotland), April 27.—About 10,000 tons double and treble nuts, for the directors of the Gas Com- pany. Endorsed offers to Mr. David J. Black, secretary, 12, Hamilton-road, Cambuslang. Forfar, May 8.—Gas coal, for the Corporation. Forms from the engineer and manager. Ghent, May 4.—Coal, for the pumping-engine boilers of the canals. Specifications from the Direction des Fonts et Chausseas, 22, Rue Basse des Champs, Gand. Grangemouth (Scotland), May 4.—About 4,500 tons of splint and coking coals for Grangemouth Gasworks, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. James P. Mackenzie, town clerk, Burgh-chambers. Hackney, April 30.—Hard steam coal, about 1,500 tons, for the Council of the Metropolitan Borough of Hackney. Tenders addressed to the chairman of the Tenders Com- mittee, at the Town Hall. King’s Lynn, May 30.—Best Portland hards, or other good engine coal, for the Magdalen Drainage Commissioners. Forms of Mr. W. D. Ward, clerk to the Commissioners, King’s Lynn. Kirkcaldy, April 29. — Coal, for the Corporation. Tenders to Mr. Wm. L. Macindoe, town clerk, Kirkcaldy. Limerick, May 4—From 12,000 to 15,000 tons of best screened or unscreened gas coal, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. H. Hawkins, Gasworks, Dock-road, Limerick. Llandudno, May 8.—About 8,500 tons of best screened gas coal and about 500 tons of cannel, for the Urban District Council. Forms from the Clerk to the Council^ Town Hall, Llandudno. London, April 27.—Coal and coke, for the Enfield and Edmonton Joint Hospital Board. Forms at the Public Offices, Enfield. London, April 28.—The Metropolitan Water Board are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of steam, smiths’ and house coal and coke. Forms from the Engineer, Metropolitan Water Board, Savoy-court, Strand, W.C. London, April 29.—Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District is prepared to receive tenders for supply of coal and coke to the police offices, police courts, police stations, and section houses in the Metropolitan Police district. Forms from the office of the Receiver, New Scotland Yard, S.W. London, May 14.—Coal and coke, for the Lambeth Borough Council. Forms from Mr. B. Penny, town clerk, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, S.W. London, April 29.—Gas coke, for the Metropolitan Asylums Board. Forms at the office of the Board, Embank- ment, London, E.C. London, April 29,—House, steam and gas coals, on rail at collieries, for the Metropolitan Asylums Board. Forms at the office of the Board, Embankment, London, E.C. Mallow (Ireland), April 30.—About 550 tons of best double-screened gas coal, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. T. Wrixon, clerk of Council, Town Hall, Mallow, co. Cork. Manchester May 1.—Best burgie coal, for the Corpora- tion. Further particulars at the Sanitary Department, Civic-buildings, 1, Mount-street, Manchester. London, May 20.—Steam and house coal, for the St. Giles, Camberwell, Guardians. Forms from Mr. Charles S. Stevens, clerk to the Guardians, Guardians’ Offices, 29, Peckham- road, SE. Montrose, May 6.—About 4,000 tons of best quality screened gas coal and washed nuts, for the directors of the Montrose Gas Light Company. Tenders to Mr. Jas. Mitchell, engineer and manager, Montrose Gas Offices. Newmilns (Scotland), April 27.—Gas coal for the Corporation Gasworks. Tenders to Mr. Hugh R. Young, town clerk, Newmilns. Plymouth, April 27.—About 160 tons of gas coal, for the Visiting Committee of the Plymouth Borough Asylum. Forms from Mr. C. Lintern, clerk of the asylum, Blackadon, near Ivybridge. Rochford, April 28.—Steam coal, for the Guardians. Forms from the clerk, 46, Alexandra-street, Southend-on- Sea. Roscrea (Ireland), April 30.—About 180 tons of best screened Whitehaven or other suitable coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. Thomas Dooley, clerk of Union, Board-room, Roscrea Workhouse. Rothesay (Scotland), April 27.—About 9,000 tons of gas coal, for the Corporation. Forms from the Gas Manager. Sevenoaks, May 2.—About 5,000 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Sevenoaks Gas Company. Further par- ticulars from Mr. J. H. Donaldson, engineer and manager. Stranorlar, April 27.—About 80 tons of the best double-screened Cumberland or Whitehaven coals and 20 tons of the best Glasgow splint, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. Geo. M’Laughlin, clerk of the Union, Board-room, Stranorlar Workhouse. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Barrow-in-Furness, April 30.—Steam Engine,