808 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 9, 1914. the clearance of debris resulting from a cutting operation- Fig. 1 is a side elevation of a machine constructed according to this invention; fig. 2 is a plan, partly in section ; fig. 3 is a rear elevation ; fig. 4 is a part cross-section through the base member showing a guidewav thereon. The operation of the machine is as follows: The machine, after being arranged to suit the inclination of the substance to be cut into, is started. The cutters 2 first of all bore holes and when these holes acquire a depth such that the tools on shaft 1 reach the face of the working, they will cut into it, all deviation and torsion being rendered impossible by reason of the guiding action of the cutters 2. The screw devices on the shaft and spindles cause the removal of the debris. (Three claims.) HEW PATEHTS CONHECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 8030. Effecting the removal of carbon monoxide from gas mixtures whilst using iron or steel vessels. J. Y. Johnson. (Badische Analin and Soda Fabiik, Germany.) 8055. Wagon gear. D. T. Seale, P. Owen, und L. D. Owen. 8062. Protective casing for electric cables. R. McGeoch. 8063. Grooved pulleys for use in connection with wire repes or the like. C. King. 8067. Rotary tipplers. F. Turnbull. 8082. Apparatus for conveying coals, hot ashes, and the like on board ship. W. Hartmann. 8131. Electric accumulators. Tudor Accumulator Com- pany Limited. (Lorerz Lucas, Germany.) 8164. Jockey or rope grips for mechanical haulages and such like. J. W. Birtley Craggs. ,•8111. Supports for miners’ drills. G. C. Fewster and R White. 8229. Machine tools. Hon. Sir C. A. Parsons, A. Q. Carnegie and S. S. Cook. 8236. Device for stopping miners’ trucks. O. Gunderloch. 8237. Device for pushing miners’ trucks in the cages of mine shafts. S. Jarz imbek. 8278. Manufacture and production of chain links. J. Y. Johnson. (J. M. Dodge,, U S.) 8286. Safety devices for electrical winding mechanism. H. Wauchope and Stothertand Pitt Limited. ,8290 Core barrel for ingot moulds. J. P Bagley. 8291. Apparatus for making ingot moulds. C. G. Robinson. 8305. Signalling system for use in mines and the like. J. Smith. 8317. Haulage clips for rope haulage railways. J. L Button. ,8318. Apparatus for automatically opening and closing the gates of pit cages and the like. J. Fraser. 8362. Construction of joints for flexible rails, conveyor chains, and the like. J. G. Casteran. 8364. Grinding or disintegrating mills and the like. J. Wolfersdorf. 8413. Signalling in the shafts of mines and tunnels and the like. J. W. Land. 8428. Valve gear for central-exhaust steam engines. F. Hargreaves and H. A. Richardson. 8436. System of maintaining and indicating the water level of a boiler. P. R. Blarney. 8438. Apparatus applicable for use in the discharge of retorts. Drakes Limited and A. Walker. 8439. Mechanism for screening or sifting coke, coal, or like granulated substances. Drakes Limited and A. Walker. 8466. Pumping plants. H. Davey. 8482. Method of making fissured water-bearing strata watertight. A. Francois. 8502. Mining machines. R J. Tugwood. (Jeffrey Manu- facturing Company, U S.) 8506. Means for mine-shaft signalling and the like. H. C. Booth. 8507. Means for mine-shaft signalling and the like. H. C. Booth. 8510. Signalling apparatus. J. R ibinson and T. Harris. 8512. Electric furnaces. J. L. Dixon. 8513. Electric furnaces. J. L. Dixon. 8515. Miners’ safety lamps. J. Hunter and R. Melville. 8540. Instrument for use in breaking lumps of coal. P. J. Adams. 8550. Water-tube boilers. Babcock and Wilcox Limited. (Babcock and Wilcox Company, U.S.) 8551. Manufacture of pipes, tubes and the like. H. Whitehouse. 8571. Turbine. F. Micallef. 8573. Turntables. A.W.-Mathys. (J. Vogele Maschinen- fabrik, Germany.) 8595. Electric welding machines. AUgemeine Elek- tricit ats-Ges. 8597. Riveting machines. Vulcan Foundry Limited, and W. Collingwood. Complete Specifications Accepted. To be published on April 23, 1914. 1913. 2283. Treatment of peat by wet carbonisation. Testrup, Adam, Rigby, Andrew, and Wet-carbonising Limited. 7273. Gas-driven pumps. Tooley. 7464. Rotary pumps. Hammer. 7481. Rope-grips or jockeys for mechanical haulage and the like. Cannon. 7495. Valve mechanism. Mellersh-Jackson. (Galvin and Smith.) 7783. Turbine pump or compressor. Lawaczeck. 7821. Internal-combustion turbine, applicable also as a steam turbine. Flower, Bradley, and Wichmann. 8126. Gas-producers. Hart. 8636. Driving or conveyor belts. Turner and Turner. 8897. Automatic combined lever brakes for pit cages, hoists, and the like. Parkes and Parkes. 8991. Rotary engines, motors, air-compressors, and pumps. Hodges. 9321. Lighting of miners’ and like safety lamps. Paxton. 10686. Rail-bending apparatus. Vojacek. 10878. Operation of cooling iron or steel bars preparatory to rolling into sheets. Morgan and Davies. 12096. Means for supplying air to boiler furnaces. McKee, Powers, and Tait. ’ 13971. Regulating superheat in connection with steam generators. Babcock and Willcox Limited and Rosenthal. 14129. Hydraulic hoisting machinery. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., and Murray. 14554. Automatic controlling appliances for air-compressors. Wilson, and Tilghman’s Patent Sand Blast Company. 14586. Packing or stuffing device for axle and other bearings. Roderwald. 16145. Mining columns. Simon and Scott. 17956. Regenerative gas furnaces. Siemens. 18006. Turbines. Fottinger. 18705. Compound for treating coal and like fuel. Harris. 23004. Apparatus for electrically smelting metal, metal ores, and the like. Guggenheim 24421. Loading and conveying machines. Billings. 24532. Steam-boiler settings. Babcock and Wilcox Limited. (Babcock and Wilcox Co.) 25065. Hydraulic compressor. Davey. 27536. Process for briquetting iron ore and the like. Crusius. 29028. Method of covering or armouring electric conductors with metal. Chase. 30093. Rotary mechanical shovel intended more especially for the handling of coal and ores in pieces. Schwander. 1914. 1283. Device for measuring the amount of methane or other inflammable gases in the air. Accumula- toren-Fabrik Akt.-Ges. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1913. 25180. Welding rails and other fixed constructional parts. 27860. Steam generators. Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. 1914. 7265. Regenerative braking. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri, et Cie. 7471. Shafts for roasting-furnaces. Fowler. 7484. Regulating-devices for pumps. AUgemeine Elek- tricitats Ges. 7485. Regulation of elastic fluid turbines. Vereinigte Dampfturbinen Ges. 7664. Manufacture of agglomerated combustibles. Martel. Hull Coal Exports, - The official return of the exports of coal from Hull for the week ending Tuesday, March 31, 1914, is as follows :—Amsterdam, 1,197 tons ; Antwerp, 457. Alderney, 130 ; Assens, 2,044; Bandholm, 2,151; Bordeaux, 1,829; Bremen, 1,047 ; Christiania, 2 998 ; Copenhagen, 353 ; Drontheim, 155; Drammen, 491; Ghent, 1,104; Hamburg, 3,361; Harlingen, 1,301; Halmstad, 213; Harburg, 3,247 ; Libau, 1,342; Malmo, 1,410; Novorossisk, 900; Naples, 499; Newfairwater, 117; Oxelosund, 4,803; Port Said, 4,434; Palermo, 219; Reval, 1,790; Rio de Janeiro, 1,649; Rouen, 9,010; Rotterdam, 767; Riga, 5,053; Stockholm, 562; St. Malo, 1,048 ; Savons, 3,744; Trieste, 247; Warburg, 1,283; Wyk, 319; total, 61,274 tons. Corresponding period March 1913, total 80,232 tons. G0VERHMEHT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Bills, 1914: Prevention of Unemployment, 3d.; Work- men’s Compensation, 1906, Amendment, Id.; Amalgamation of Trade Unions, Id. ; Coroners’ Inquests, Fatal Accidents, Id. Board of Education : List of Schools in Wales and Monmouthshire, 91. Trade Unions: Annual Return, Form No. 26, 2Jd. Factory and Workshop Order, 1914, 2s. 41. St. Vincent Report, 1912-13, 3|d. Boiler Explosion at Blair Ironworks, Dairy, Ayrshire,4)d. Royal Commission on Railways, Fifteenth Day’s Evidence, March 13, 1914, Is. Id. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Report of the Mine Rescue Station Commission of the State of Illinois ” (Illinois, Springfield); “ Canada Depart- ment of Mines .- Annual Report on the Mineral Produc- tion of Canada, 1912, by J. McLeish ; ditto, “ Preliminary Report on the Mineral Production of Canada, 1913 ” by J. MeLeieh ; “ Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Industrielle du Nord de la France ” (No. 201), February ; “ Gassier’s Engineering Monthly ” (Vol. 45, No. 4), April, price Is. ; “ The Journal of State Medicine ” (Vol. 22, No. 4), April, 2s.; “Southern Rhodesia Geological Survey Bulletin" (No. 4), price 3s. 6d. ; “ Trade of the Union of South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia and British South Africa during the month of January,” price 3s. 6d.; “ Eighth Annual Statement of the Trade and Shipping of the Union of South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia, 1913 ” price 30s. CATALOGUES ANO PRICE LISTS RECEIVED The A.EG. Journal for March has an article on small oil engines; another is entitled “Electricity Works of the A.E G. type ” Messrs. E. A. Reed and Co. Limited (14, Victoria- street, S W.) are the manufacturers of Marten’s patent adjustable scaffold brackets, concerning which they send us a les fl it. Mr. John F. Wake (Darlington) sends us a catalogue of second-hand machinery, plant and rolling stock. In the catalogue, which is copiously illustrated, is listed a variety of mining machinery, ranging from pithead gears to theodolites. The Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company have issued a bulletin relating to the Duntley electric sensitive drilling stand for use with spindle drills ; a second bulletin deals with these drills and various forms of portable electric grinders, &c. Suspension bridges is one of the several lines in which Messrs. George Cradock and Co. Limited (Wakefield), the well-known wire rope makers, specialise, and they have issued a handsome illustrated brochure dealing with this branch of work. It consists of a description of a bridge recently erected across the Bulkley River in Western Canada. TheLillehall Company Limited (Oakengates, Shropshire) have prepared an eight-page pamphlet giving views of various manufactures turned out by them. These include converters, blastfurnace plant, pumping engines, blowing engines, rolling-mill engines, electric winders, air com- pressors, gas engines, crane bridges, hydraulic cranes, pithead gears, flywheels, &c. Messrs. Heenan and Froude Limited (Worcester) forward a catalogue dealing with the Heenan patent coolers, of which about a thousand are now at work. Special plant has been laid down, and a portion of the works devoted entirely to their manufacture. Their applications are numerous, including internal combustion engines, freezing machines, air compressors, and steam engine condensers of all makes and types; various instances are illustrated in the catalogue. An important application is that of supplying dry air to blastfurnaces. 7 Oxygen Resuscitating Apparatus. The Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. BEWARE of Automatic Suction Appliances. — Vide Eminent Physiologists’ REPORTS. ALSO MAKERS OF “Proto” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) Rescue Apparatus. SMOKE HELMETS. RESPIRATORS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. Merryweathers’ Patent HATFIELD PUMP For Fire Protection, Boiler Feeding, Draining, &c. COMPACT. LIGHT. ECONOMICAL. MERRYWEATHF.1 LONDON SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptune" Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“ Siebe, Lamb, London.” Telephone No—251 Hop. Acent for North America and Mexico-H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Block, Chicago. Can be driven by any motive power. An Engineer writes“I am pleased to inform you that the ‘ Hatfield ” Pump is working splendidly. I have never had the least trouble with it in any way since it was fixed.” WRITE FOR PAMPHLET 193P. V5ERRYWEATHER & SONS,