804 THE COLLIER! GUARDIAN. Apbil 9, 1914. CONTRACTS OREN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader, and Last White paqes Londqn, April 16. — The directors are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 150,000 tons of clean, dry, unscreened, fresh-wrought gas coals, delivered f.o.b. to the company's steamers at any suitable port during a period of 12 months commencing June 1, 1914. The deliveries to be in about equal monthly quantities. Pay- ment in cash monthly. Particulars and forms of contract may be obtained from the engineer and general manager, Mr. S. H. Jones. The directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders sealed and endorsed “Tender for Coals” to be addressed to the chair- man and delivered at the company's offices, Commercial Gasworks, Stepney, E., not later than 9 a.m. on the 16th inst. Metropolitan Water Board, April 28.—The Metro- politan Water Board are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of steam, smiths' and house coal and coke to the various stations of the Board during the period from July 1, 1914, to June 30, 1915. Forms of tender in duplicate may be obtained from the Engineer, Metropolitan Water Board, Savoy-court, Strand, W.C., on or after Friday, April 10, 1914, upon production of an official receipt for the sum of 10s., which sum must be deposited with the Accountant at Savoy-court, Strand, W.C., and which will be returned on receipt of a bond fide tender. Payments and applications must be made between the hours of 10 a m. and 4 p.m., except on Saturdays. Tenders must be sent under sealed cover addressed to the Clerk of the Board, Metropolitan Water Board, Savoy-court, Strand, W.C., endorsed “ Tender for Coal and Coke," and must be delivered at the offices of the Board not later than 10 a m. on Tuesday, April 28, 1914. The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. A. B. Pilling, clerk of the Board. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Abergavenny, April 23.—Screened gas coal, through and through as worked, or slack, for the Gas Committee. Forms from the Gas Manager. Coseley, April 15.—Coke and best quality thick coal, for the Education Committee. Forms from Mr. Fred J. C. Poole, secretary, Education Offices, Coseley. Darwen, April 25.—Rough gas slack and nuts, for the Gas Committee. Forms from Mr. A. H. Smith, gas engi- neer, Darwen. Inverness, April 20.—About 10,500 tons of cannel, gas» and splint coal, for the Inverness Gas Commissioners. Forms from the Manager at the Gasworks. Ipswich, April 20.—About 500 tons of the best hard steam coal, for the Waterworks Committee. Forms from Mr. C. W. S. Oldham, engineer and manager. , Leith, April 15.—Coal, for the Harbour and Docks Commissioners. Particulars from superintendent, Tower- place, Leith. London, April 15.—About 175,000 tons of clean, dry, unscreened, fresh wrought gas coal, for the directors of the Wandsworth, Wimbledon and Epsom District Gas Company. Further particulars from the engineer, Mr. H. O. Carr. London, May 14.—Coal and coke, for the Lambeth Borough Council. Forms from Mr. B. Penny, town clerk, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, S.W. Manchester, April 20.—Screened steam bunker coal for the sludge steamship “Joseph Thompson" (about 2,200 tons), for the Rivers Committee. Forms from the Secretary of the Rivers Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Neath, April 15.—About 5,000 tons of large screened gas coal required at the Neath Corporation Gasworks. Sealed tenders to Mr. E. C. Curtis, town clerk, Neath. Norwich, April 14.—About 12,000 tons of coal suitable for burning on chain grate stokers, for the Electricity Committee. Forms from the City Electrical Engineer, Duke-street, Norwich. Peterhead, April 25.—About 7,500 tons cannel, gas coal, splints, and nuts, for the Gas Committee. Forms from the manager. Sofia, April 17.—Tenders are invited by the Bulgarian Directorate-General of Railways and Ports for 12,000 metric tons of Cardiff coal for locomotives.* Stratford-on-Avon, April 16.—Coal, for the Committee of the Stratford-on-Avon Working People's Coal Associa- tion. Tenders to Mr. H. Megainey, secretary, Clopton- road. Sutton (Surrey), April 22.—Coal and coke, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. H. Bolton, clerk, Municipal Offices, Sutton. Tunbridge Wells, April 20.—About 4,000 tons of small coal (for use with underfeed stokers), for the Corporation. Specifications from the Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Stanley-road, Tunbridge Wells. Wakefield.—Coal, for the West Riding of Yorkshire County Council. Full particulars from the clerk of the County Council, County Hall, Wakefield. Weston-super-Mare, April 16.—Coal, for H.M. Govern- ment. Forms from Officer Commanding, Army Service Corps, New Granby Barracks, Devonport. Westport (Ireland), April 16.—About 200 tons of best Orrell or Wigan double-screened coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Mr. E. J. Gallagher, clerk of Union, Clerk's Office, Westport. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEH FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK. &c. Aberdare (Wales), April 15.—Cast Iron Pipes.—About 132 tons of 9 in. cast iron pipes, for the Urban District Council. Specifications from the surveyor, Town Hall, Aberdare. Aberdare (Wales), April .15.—Pipe Laying—Laying 1,630 lineal yards of 9 in. cast iron water pipes, 2,370 lineal yards of 7 in. steel water tubes, and 1,050 lineal yards of 4in. steel water tubes, for the Urban District Council. Specification from the Surveyor, Town Hall, Aberdare. * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. COAL AND COKE EXPORTED FRO S PORTS IN ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND WALES During the month of March 1914, compared with the corresponding month of 1913.* Port. March 1914. March 1913. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrea^ Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 984.299 22,596 865,745 21,568 118,554 — 1,028 — North Shields 82,325 1,157 48,479 44 33,816 — 1,113 — South Shields 167,513 647 103,553 496 63,960 — 151 — Sunderland 269,736 1,528 . 185,294 3,598 84,442 — — 2,070 West Hartlepool 97,85u — 76,027 190 21,823 — — 190 Goole 101,031 1.901 80,525 1,184 20,506 — 717 — Blyth 344,763 '555 263,185 877 81,578 — — 322 Mewport 406,445 1,863 345,270 1,138 60,175 — 725 — Liverpool 17,358 439 37,216 2,925 — 19,858 — 2,486 Methil 237,660 1,060 211,460 1,116 26,200 — — 56 Glasgow 154,836 2,211 149,568 4,165 5,268 — — 1,954 Kirkcaldy 8,559 — 6,438 — 2,121 — — — Burntisland 123,152 442 162,914 809 — 39,762 — 367 Cardiff 1,631,896 13,812 1,597,786 7,685 31,110 — 6,127 — Borrowstoness 23,036 421 38,225 764 — 15,189 — 343 Llanelly 25,373 — 17,175 — 8,198 — — — Middlesbrough 1,040 1,068 149 2,003 891 — — 935 Seaham 92,299 — 69,031 — 23,268 — — — Swansea 241,659 1,303 281,735 695 — 40,076 608 — Granton ... 7,030 1,443 11,835 2,328 — 4,805 — 885 Port Talbot 133,679 844 144,050 148 — 10,371 696 — Alloa 11,386 — 7,789 — 3,597 — — — Grangemouth 105,131 5,057 100,655 1,781 4,476 — 3,276 — Meath — — — — — — — — Hull 246,734 4,762 351,910 5,590 — 105,176 — 828 Immingham 114,470 65 — - 114,470 — 65 — Amble 43,007 — 36,566 — 6,441 — — — Troon 13,494 — 13,0.3 — 471 — — — Grimsby 96,916 473 71,867 1,082 25,049 — — 609 Ayr ' 620 — 657 — — 37 — — Greenock — 1,795 — — 1,795 — — Leith 131,107 — 115,686 — 15,421 — — — Ardrossan 352 — — — 352 — — — Stockton — — — — — — — — COAL AND COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AND OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.* Port. March 1913. March 1914. Port. March 1913 Marc i 1914. Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 'Pons. Tons. Newcastle 340,167 206 336,539 835 Ayr 63,420 — 63,027 — North Shields ... — — — Irvine 6,016 — 5,663 — South Shields .. 320 — 220 — Alloa 2,871 — 1,167 — Blyth 35,650 — 40,360 — Whitehaven 19,869 — 20,295 — Amble 8,000 — 7,100 — Liverpool 44,733 — 151,491 676 c. 5p.f. Sunderland 112,635 — 124,118 — Grimsby 1,653 — 3,353 — Seaham 88,921 82,184 — Granton 21,820 — 21,189 — Hartlepool 53,680 — 63,260 — Borrowstoness .. 22,900 — 18,282 2 Stockton - — Burntisland 29,320 — 31,635 — Middlesbro' — 280 — 45 Kirkcaldy 3,655 — 1,712 — Hull 99,840 72,435 500 Methil 33,518 — 26,612 — Goole 113,737 — 123,786 — Port Talbot 13,946 1,305 10,587 912 p.f. Swansea 32,512 — 36,086 — Glasgow 35,397 803 37,426 526 Cardiff 229,818 2,000 232,830 72 Grangemouth ... 3,191 600 3,890 — Llanelly 4,988 — 7,935 — Greenock 464 267 ‘ 2,943 160 Newport 62,049 — 63,978 — Immingham .... — — 8,643 — Troon 14,111 18,840 Leith 10,816 10 5,476 — Ardrossan 6,833 — . 6,605 — * From Browne’s Export List. Birmingham, April 16.—Rails tyc.—About 2,700 tons of grooved steel girder rails and 4,000 pairs of fishplates, for the Tramways Committee. Specifications from Mr. A. Baker, general manager, Tramways Offices, the Council House, Congreve-street, Birmingham, on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). Bootle (Lancs.), April 22.—Converters, 1 Is. (returnable). Leeds, April 25.—Cast Iron Pipes, tyc.—Cast iron pipes, retort castings, flags, for the Gas Committee of the Corpora- tion. Specification from Mr. W. B. Leech, general manager, gas offices, Market HaU, Leeds. Leeds, May 11.—Plant.— Steam turbine, three-phase alternator and exciter, of 12,000-kw. capacity or thereabouts, running at a speed of 1,000 or 1,500 revolutions per minute, and steam turbine-driven surface condensing plant, for the Leeds City Council. Specification from Mr. C. N. Hefford, manager of the department, 1, Whitehall-road, Leeds, on k payment of £5 (returnable). Leicester, April 25.—Purifiers.—Four cast-iron purifiers, 40 ft. square, together with the necessary steel covers, valves, connections, &c., at their Belgrave Gate works, for the Gas Committee. Specifications from the engineer on payment of £o (returnable). London, April 23 —Wagons.—Covered goods wagons and open goods wagons, without wheels and axles, for the Bengal Nagpur Railway Company Limited. Specifications at the company's offices, 132, Gresham House, Old Broad- street, London, E.C. Macclesfield, April 14.—Exhausters, fyc.—A twin set of exhausters of a total capacity of 60,000 cubic feet per hour, and a Lancashire boiler, 24 ft. by 7 ft. diameter, for the Gas Committee. Specifications from the engineer, Mr. W. Newbigging, 5, Norfolk-street, Manchester. North Curry (Somerset), April 14.—Waterworks Construction.—For the Taunton Rural District Council, sluice valves, air valves, hydrants and surface boxes, &c. ; about 2 miles of 4 in., 4 miles of 3 in., and 4 miles of 2 in.