April 9, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, 781 COAL, COKE & ORE BRIQUETTING and CEMENT MAKING PLANT, BRICK & TILE GRINDING MILLS. GROUND AND PREPARED TO A VARYING FINENESS IN ONE SPECIAL MACHINE ONLY. WM. JOHNSON & SONS,(LEEDS)LTD.: Armley,Leeds. ECONOMICAL DRYING PLANT, CRUSHING, GRINDING & SCREENING PLANT, GENERAL ENGINEERING. PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. Speciality - COAL SCREENING & CONVEYING • .Sj.’ •mRBI ■ 3 -“Nev- _ . J SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER CONSIDERABLY OVER mil Pl AMT? "°-»tbZr.v iiiii I LHIw I O 4ND THE colonies Estimates and Designs on application. Agent for South Wales: A. LEIGHTON STEVENS, 16, Fields Road, Newport. Mon. CONTRACTORS’ PLANT FOR SALE. TO BE INSPECTED AT JOHN A1RD & CO.’S DEPOT. FULHAM. 6-wheel Ccupled LOCOMOTIVE, 12 in. cylinder, 17 in. stroke, copper firebox and brass tubes, 4 ft. 8| in. gauge 6-wbeel Ditto, Ilin, cylinder, 18in. stroke. 4-wheel Ditto, 8 in. „ 14 in. „ 4-wheel Ditto, 10 in. „ 14 in. „ and several others, also PORTABLE ENGINES, from 6-h.p. to 30-h.p., all in first-class condition, ready for wcrk. 25-h.p. PORTABLE BOILER by Davey, Paxman & Co., for 100 lb. w p. Several Dunbars & Rustons STEAM NAVVIES. Gwynnes and other PUMPS. Sissons & White Patent STEAM PILE DRIVERS, and a large assortment of various other plant all to be sold at very low prices. ___________________________ APPLY— GEORGE COHEN, SONS & CO., 6oo, Commercial Road, Stepney, E. IRONWORK DOES NOT CORRODE WHEN COATED WITH “BITUMASTIC SOLUTION. The ONLY Anti-Corrosive THAT IS NOT AFFECTED BY CHEMICAL FUMES, SMOKE FROM ENGINES, .... ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES, &c., &c. . . . WRITE NOW FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET TO PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS— WAILES, DOVE & Co. Ltd., Newcastle=on-Tyne, London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Leeds, Hull, &c. Every Office on the Telephone. Telegrams—“ BITUMASTIC Brussels Exhibition : " Grand Prix/’ Roubaix Exhibition, 1911: “Grand Prix.” PATENT Sheltered Seat Trycogk ------------------ For - WATER GAUGES. Fig. 6685. ADVANTAGES NO ASBESTOS PACKING TROUBLES. No plugs to work loose and leave the packing faces, causing cutting and leakage. No circular action to cause . grooving. Qi Easy method of operating, Mf as there is no packing fric- ■■f *‘*on to overcome- I Is not affected by expan- ' sion. Large outlet for discharge of sediment, &c. Self Cleansing. Main valve opened and closed at atmospheric pres- sure, which overcomes the cutting action of the steam and water at the point of opening and closing. VALVE AND SEAT OF HOPKINSON S “PLATNAM’ SPECIFY FIG. 6685. Sent on Approval METAL, which does not cut and score like gunmetal & other alloys. Upward* of 500 ton* of standard Steel Castings Kept in stock. We can give immediate delivery of iron and steel valve* Write for illustrated specifications & catalogue 660, 4th ed., post free. J. HOPKINSON & C9 LD Huddersfield. Makers of Patent Safety Boiler Mountings and Valves For High Pressure Superheated Steam, High-class Exhaust and Water Sluice Valves for Condensing Plants, &c.. Automatic Exhaust Valves, Reducing Valves,! Steam Traps, &c., &c. Depots and Showrooms—London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff. No, 2~5.Oldham, Blackpool, Paris & St. Petersburg.