770 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN, April 9, 1914 _______________________________________ INDEX TO ADVERTISERS With Telegraphic -A.ddveaaen« Ackroyd and Best Ld______..............___Lamps, Morley ......... Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld..........Allen, Lower Gornal..._____ Allen, Edgar, and Co. Ld...........Allen, Sheffield ........... Allen, W. G., & Sons (Tipton) Ld....Allens, Tipton............. Anderson, Boyes and Co. Ld. ...Electric, Motherwell.......... Angus. George, and Co. Ld_________Angu?, Newcastle-on-Tyne... Appleton and Howard ...................................................................... Aqueous Works A Diamond Rock Boring Co. Ld,... Aqueous, London Association of Private Owners of Railway Rolling Stock ......... Auld, David, and Sons Ld..........Reducing, Glasgow ....... Avonside Engine Co. Ld...........Loco, Bristol _____...................... Bagnall, W. G.,Ld..................Bagnall, Stafford ......... Bailey’s Patents Ld. ......... Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ld. ,..... ..... Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Ld. Baird, J. W., and Co.......... Baker, Jno., and Co. Ld....... Baker, John, and Son __. Bakers (Leeds) Ld............ Barns, W„ and Son........... Barry Sand and Gravel Co. Ld. Beith, J. W.................. Beiliss and Morcom Ld________ Bennis, Ed., and Co.Ltd...... Benthaus. D ................ Bentinck Motor Supply Co. Ld. ... Best’s Safety Lamps Ld. x , Bever, Dotting and Co. Ld..........Foundry, Bradford ....... B’ham By. Car. A Wagon Co. Ld....Carriage, Smethwick, B’ham Bleioherts Aerial Transporters Ld. ...Bleiohert, London....... Bradley A Craven Ld.............. .........Craven, Wakefield......... Bradley Pulverizer Co.............Equestrian, London_______ Bret tell, Thos. A__________Brettell, Quarry Bank, Brierley Hill Bridge, David, A Co. Ld...Coupling, Castletcn, Manchester ___ Briquette Machinery Ld............Briquette, Leed’ __.................... Bristol A South Wales By. Wagon Co.. .Finance, Bristol__....... “ British Clay-worker ”.............Clavworker, London....... British Explosives Syndicate Ld....Cordite, Glasgow ......... British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld....Insulator, Presoot ... British Mannesmann Tube Co. Ld../..Tubulous, London......... ......... ......... British Oxygen Co. Ld.............Brins, Oxygen, London ... British Wagon Co. Ld..............Hart, Botherham ........................ Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield)Ld. Gearing, Huddersfield ... Brown, W. B., and Co. (Bankhall) Ld,...Vires,Liverpool........ Bumsted and Chandler Ld............Bags, Hednesford ......... ........... Burnside, George............................................ Bute Works Supply Co. Ld..........Gething, Cardiff.................... Butterworth Bros. Ld_______________Glasses, Newton Heath... Cambrian Mining School ...........Mining School, Porth..... Cameron, John, Ld.................Original, Manchester ..... Capell Fan (G. Fletcher A Co. Ld.) ..Amarilla, De by........... Carron Co................ ........................Carronade, Falkirk __...... Cawood. Walter, Ld______________ Engexhibit, London..... “ Ceag ’’ Electric Safety Lamp Co.Ld. Georgorum.L’nd’n ... Ohorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld......Wagon, Chorley............ Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld.......Cyclops, Gateshead , Cohen, Gej., Sons and Co...........Coborn, London... Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld.....Solvay, Sheffield... Cooke. Wm.. and Co. Ld. ..........Cooke. Sheffield___................___ Copp^e Co. (Great Britain) Ld.....Evcoppee, Westcent, London Cotton Powder Co. Ld..............Tonita, London __......................... Coulson, M., and Co. Ld............Coulson Ld., Spennymoor ... Oousland, Alex., and Son ....... Coventry Chain Co. Ld. __....... Cradock. George, and Co. Ld... ..... Crawford, J., and Sons Ld...... Cren-er Lamp and Engr. Co. Ltd. Cudworth and Johnson .......... . Curtis’s A Harvey Ld. Gunpr., London, A Curtis’s, London Daglish, R., and O