April 3, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 755 CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages London, April 16. — The directors are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 150,000 tons of clean, dry, unscreened, fresh-wrought gas coals, delivered f o.b. to the company's steamers at any suitable port during a period of 12 months commencing June 1, 1914. The deliveries to be in about equal monthly quantities. Pay- ment in cash monthly. Particulars and forms of contract may be obtained from the engineer and general manager, Mr. S. H. Jones. The directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Tenders sealed and endorsed “Tender for Coals" to be addressed to the chair- man and delivered at the company's offices, Commercial Gasworks, Stepney, E, not later than 9 a.m. on the 16th inst. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Carnarvon, April 11.—Good house coal, for police stations in the county of Carnarvon. Tenders to the Chief Constable's Office, Carnarvon. Coseley, April 15.—Coke and best quality thick coal, for the Education Committee. Forms from Mr. Fred J. C. Poole, secretary, Education Offices, Coseley. Goole, April 7.—About 100 tons of steam coal and 70 tons of house coal, for the Guardians. Forms of Mr. G. England, clerk, Bank-chambers, Goole. Hawick, April 10.—About 9,000 tons of gas coal (screened and unscreened), treble and double nuts and coking dross, for the directors of the Hawick Gas Light Company. Forms from Mr. James D. Keillor, engineer. Hull, April 9.—Best South Yorkshire screened hard steam c >al, for the Corporation. Forms from the Water $nd Gas Offices, Alfred Gelder-street, Hull. Leith, April 15.—Coal, for the Harbour and Docks Commissioners. Particulars from superintendent, Tower- place, Leith. Lisnaskea (Ireland), April 10.—About 30 tons best Scotch coal (screened) and 20 tons Irish coal (screened), for the Guardians. Endorsed tenders addressed “ To the Presiding Chairman, Board of Guardians," must be sent to Mr. J. O’R. Hoey, clerk oZ the Union, Boardroom, Lisnaskea Workhouse. London, April 15.—About 175,000 tons of clean, dry, unscreened, fresh wrought gas coal, for the directors of the Wandsworth, Wimbledon and Epsom District Gas Company. Further particulars from the engineer, Mr. H. O. Carr. Rochester, April 8.—About 36,000 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Rochester, Chatham, and Gillingham Gas Company. Forms from Mr. C. Valon Bennett, engineer and general manager. Sofia, April 17.—Tenders are invited by the Bulgarian Directorate-General of Railways and Ports for 12,000 metric tons of Cardiff coal for locomotives.* Tunbridge Wells, April 20.—About 4,000 tons of small coal (for use with underfeed stokers), for the Corporation. Specifications from the Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Stanley-road, Tunbridge Wells. West Buckland (Devon), April 7.—Coal and oil, for the Governors of the West Buckland (Devon) County School Foundation. Tenders to the Governors. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Aberdare (Wales), April 15.—Cast Iron Pipes.—About 132 tons of 9 in. case iron pipes, for the Urban District Council. Specifications from the surveyor, Town Hall, Aberdare. Aberdare (Wales), April 15.—Pipe Laying —Laying 1,630 lineal yards of 9 in. cast iron water pipes, 2,370 lineal yards of 7 in. steel water tubes, and 1,050 lineal yards of 4 in. steel water tubes, for the Urban District Council. Specification from the Surveyor, Town Hall, Aberdare. Bootle (Lancs.), April 22—Converters, $c.—For the Corporation:—Two 500-600-kw. rotary converters, trans- formers and switch gear. Forms at the Borough Electrical Engineer's Office, Electric Light Station, Pine-grove, Bootle. Bristol, April 13.—Wrought Iron and Steel.—Wrought iron and steel, for the Corporation. Specifications from the city engineer, 63, Queen-square, Bristol, on payment of 10s. {returnable). Bampton (Oxon), April 6.—Waterworks Extension.— Laying about 1,800 yards of 3 in. service mains, with necessary fittings, and supplying a vertical oil engine, three-throw pump, two air compressors, air-lift plant, and necessary piping to connect to existing maim for the Witney Rural District Council. Particulars from the Council's consulting engineer, Mr. H. Howard Humphreys, of 28, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W., on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). Barnsley.—Sinking Shaft.—For sinking colliery shaft 50 yards by 8 ft. Particulars of strata may be had from the Victoria Colliery Company Limited, Barnsley. Bridgwater, April 13.—Cast Iron Pipes,