754 1'HE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 3 1914. the final dividend on the preference shares, .£8,750, and to declare a dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 6^ per cent, for the year (subject to tax), amounting to £29,250, leaving to be carried forward to next year’s account, .£13,438 18s. 6d. A new oil-engine department has been equipped during the year and is now in operation, and 25 acres of additional land at the east end of the works have been purchased from the Main waring estate, and Parliamentary powers have been obtained for connecting the existing works with this new land, by means of a bridge across the River Witham. .Copelands Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£3,000 in .£1 shares’, to carry on the business of agricultural implement manufacturers, and electrical, hydraulic, mining, and general engineers, manufacturers of plant, machinery, iron, steel, and brass founders, colliery owners and coalmasters, &c. First director: E. S. Copeland (permanent), Westwood-road, Beverley. Desford Coal Company Limited,—Final dividend of Is. per share and bonus of 4s. per share, making a total of 30 per cent, for the year 1913, against 25 per cent, in 1912. E.M.F. (1914) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£3,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business formerly carried on by E.M.F. Limited, at London, and elsewhere, and to carry on the business of electricians, mechanical and electrical engineers, suppliers of electricity, and dealers in lamps, and other apparatus required for the generation, distribution, &o., of electricity; also to enter into an agreement with G. Little (the liquidator of E.M.F.. Limited) and with W. H. Rowe. Signatories: W. H. Rowe, Stoneleigh-drive, Worcester- park, Surrey, and J. M. Bein, 91, Belvedere-road, Walsall, Staffordshire. Fleming and Ferguson Limited.—The directors intimate an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. Foundry Coke and Benzol Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£20,500 (20,000 preference shares of £1 each, and 10,000 ordinary shares of Is. each), to carry on the business of coke manufacturers, manufacturers of briquettes and patent fuels, and dealers in coal; alio to carry on the business of colliery proprietors, miners, smelters, engineers, steel makers and converters, and metallurgists, &c. Signatories : H. Richardson, 75, Victoria-street, S.W. ; J. Armstrong, 5, Victoria-street, S.W. ; H. Goodman, 20, Newman-street, Oxford-street, W.; and J. E. Mounsey, 13, Melbury-road, W. First directors : To be appointed by the signatories. Qualification, 500 shares (250 preference). Secretary, J. Armstrong, 5, Victoria-street, S.W. Helical Rollers Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£12,000 in .£1 shares, to acquire the business now carried on under the style of Wright, Midgeley and Davies, and in particular to acquire certain inventions in relation to the manufacture of helically constructed metal tubing, and to the manufacture of double helical metallic tubing, and to carry on the business of ironfounders, mechanical engineers, &o., tool- makers, brassfounders, metal-workers, iron and steel con- verters, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with T. A. Judge, A. Midgeley, H. J. Davies, W. Wright and G. Rumney. First directors, T. A. Judge, A. Midgeley, W. Wright, 24, Coop-terrace, Meltham, near Huddersfield ; H. J. Davies, 8, Havelock-street, Sheffield; and A. Rigby. Hos-Syb Works Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£1,000 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business of manufacturers of steel, iron, bronze, aluminium, wolfram and other metals, and metallic com- pounds, rock drills, hammers, picks and wedges, chisels, files, plough plates, screening bars, tip wagons, rails, forgings, and finished tools and mining tools, &c. First directors: W. Meckelburg, 1, Collegiate-crescent, Sheffield, and F. C. Hobbins, 24, Goddard Hall-road, Pits wood, Sheffield. Howard and Bullough Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum (6d. per share), less income tax, on the ordinary shares for the past quarter. Ince Hall CollierieslLimited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of miners, smelters, engineers, colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, ironmasters, and founders, &c., also to enter into an agreement with J. Craven, W. Latham, T. Latham, A. Ollerenshaw, A. Latham, E. Latham, M. Latham, H. Latham, C. Latham, W. Latham, D. Latham, T. Latham, E. Latham, E. Latham, R. Latham, M. Bentham, M. Latham, H. Latham, and J. Latham. Signatories; W. Latham, 2, Bank-street, Pemberton, Wigan, and T. Latham, 12, S wingley-road, Wigan. First directors: W. Latham (Newtown), and T. Latham (Victoria- buildings). Qualification, five shares. Institute of Structural Engineers and Structural Engineering Institution Limited.—This company has been registered, with a capital of £100 in £1 shares, to carry on the business indicated by the title. Minimum cash sub- scription, £7. Signatories : C. A. Ellis, Capel House, New Broad-street, E.C. ; H. Heithrowe, Roslyn, Southwood Lawn-road, Highgate, N.; H. F. Campion, 140, Leadenhall- street,' E.C. ; C. J. Pryce, 5, Bartholomew-villas, N.Ww; W. C. Crofts, Anginerings, Glenwood-avenue, Westcliff- on-Sea, Essex; S. N, Cohen, 359, Goswell-road, E.C.; and J. Tooke, Ferndale-road, South Norwood, S.E. Kilmister (W.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £6,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of tin-plate workers, &c., now carried on by W. H. Kilmister, at 1-3, Broadgate, and elsewhere in Lincoln, under the style of W. Kilmister and Co. First directors: W. H. Kilmister (governing director), Eleanor Kilmister, and W. G. Kilmister, all of Glyn Garth, St. Catherines, Lincoln. Kinneil Cannel and Coking *CoalLCompanyJLimited.— Interim dividend of 5s. per share, or 2| percent., free of tax Lawrence (W. A.) Limited —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £500 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal and fuel merchants, &c. First directors : R. E. Ford and W. A. Lawrence (managing directors). Registered office,64, Sandhurst-road,Catford, S.E. Leeds Forge Company Limited.—The trading profits for 1913 were £59,992, and £17,071 was' brought forward. Debenture interest absorbs £7,062. A dividend of 10 per cent., free of income-tax, is recommended on the ordinary shares, writing off £25,000 for depreciation, setting aside £2,500 for directors’ remuneration, and carrying forward £19,591. Malleable Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares (2,000 preference), to carry on the business of founders, workers, and dealers in ferrous and non-ferrous metals, &c. First directors, H. Birch (managing director), J. Bird, and J. Williams. Qualification, £300. Registered office, Wisemore Foundry, off Littleton-street, Walsall. Metallic Alloys Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares (880 cumulative preference and 120 founders’), to acquire from C. M. Ferguson and J. Cuthbertson, the benefit of certain existing processes in relation to metal alloys, and to carry on the business of ironfounders, &c., also to enter into an agreement with C. F. Perguson and J. Cuthbertson, who are the first directors. Registered office, 102, Fenchurch- street, E.C. Moss (J. H.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £500 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of miners, smelters, &c. First director: E. Kerwin. Registered office, 17, Ironmonger- lane, Cheapside, E.C. Nantyglo and Blaina Ironworks Company Limited.— The directors announce a dividend of £3 on the £62 10s. preference shares. New Dunderland Company Limited.—The statutory meeting of the shareholders of the New Dunderland ;Company Limited was held on Friday, under the presidency of Mr. Theodore J. Hoover (the chairman of the company). The chairman said the meeting was convened solely for the purpose of complying with the statutory obligations of the Companies (Consolidation) Act of 1908. Orders had been placed with Messrs. Krupp for a 500-ton Ullrich wet magnetic separation plant, and the manufacture of all the machinery was proceeding. The plant would be erected under the supervision of Krupp’s engineers, and it had been promised to be shipped by the end of September, and the erection of the plant would continue during the winter months.: This plant was now estimated to cost £70,000 erected. The shareholders were informed by circular in November last that the company had an option to acquire an interest in the West Fjord Iron Ore Company Limited, and, although no arrangement had yet been made, the matter was still under consideration. In accordance with the scheme of arrangement between the Dunderland Iron Ore Company Limited and its creditorsand members, the company was now the holder of the £450,000 of capital stock, and, in lieu thereof, had issued allotment letters for 685,314 profit-sharing certificates. No resolution was submitted to the meeting. North of Scotland Electric Light and Power Company Limited.—The profit for the year, including £2,220 brought forward, amounted to £9,295. The directors propose to pay a dividend of 3 per cent., to place to renewal reserve £2,000, and to general reserve £1,000, leaving £1,858 to be carried forward. Ocean Coal and Wilsons Limited.—The accounts for the past year show a divisible balance of £205,211. A final dividend of 10 per cent, is proposed on the ordinary shares, making 16 per cent, for the 12 months, and carrying forward £7,734. The directors ask for power to capitalise a portion of the reserve fund. Otis Steel Company Limited. — The balance-sheet for 1913 shows :—Assets: Plant, goodwill and deferred charges, 8,192,460’dols.; cash on deposit, 1,814,233 dols.; accounts and bills receivable, 607,416 dols.; merchandise stocks, 488,404 dols.; unexpired insurance premiums, 4,861 dols.; investments, 4,875 dols.; furniture and fixtures, 10,817 dols.; total assets, 11,150,066 dols. Liabilities: First mortgage 5 per cent, bonds, 3,000,000 dols.; sundry creditors and credit balances, 327,449 dols.; 7 per cent, cumulative preferred stock, 2,744,900 dols.; common stock, 4,409,800 dols.; preferred stock redemption fund, 22,049 dols.; depreciation reserve, 150,000 dols. • reserve for preferred, dividend, 96,071 dols.; profit and loss surplus, 399,797 dols.; total liabilities, 11,150,066 dols. Parkes (Herbert) and Nephew Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £15,000 in £1 shares (7,500 preference), to acquire tl e business now carried on by H. Parkes, at St. Petersgate, and elsewhere in Stockport, under the style of Herbert Parkes and Nephew, also the business carried on at Thomas-street West, South- port, under the style of the Star Foundry, and to carry on the business of iron and steel merchants, ironmasters, &c., also to enter into an agreement with H. Parkes, who is the first governing director. Registered office, the St. Peters- gate Iron Warehouse, St. Petersgate, Stockport, Cheshire. Renshaw and Fallows Patents Limited—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to acquire letters patent and inventions numbered respectively 16,034 of 1909, and 14,184 of 1913, and to carry on the business of ironfounders, mechanical engineers, and manufacturers of machinery, &c., also to enter into an agree- ment with C. Ranshaw, A. W. Dawson and others. First directors: G. H. Cranshaw, A. W. Dawson, and G. D. Walmsley. Qualification, £75. Registered office, Northgate- chambers, Blackburn, Lancashire. Robey and Co. Limited.—At the annual meeting of this company, Mr. W. Embleton Fox, presiding, stated that the profit for the past year amounted to £25,413, and after writing off £8,871 for depreciation and providing for deben- ture interest and management charges, the net profits were £13,015, including £5,652 brought forward. A dividend of 2| per cent., free of income-tax, was sanctioned, carrying forward £5,631. Roby (John) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £20,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business of brassfounders formerly carried on by T. S. Roby and W. H. Roby, under the style of John Roby, at Rainhill, Lancashire, and to carry on the business of engineers, ironfounders, manufacturers of machines, metal workers, boilermakers, smiths and electricians, &c. ; also to enter into an agreement with T. S. Roby and W. H. Roby, who are the first directors. Registered office . The Brass Foundry, New-road, Rainhill, near Liverpool. South Durham Steel and Iron Company Limited.—The directors have decided to pay an interim dividend of 5 per cent. South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Company. —The report for the year ended December 31 states that as, under the working arrangement with the Tref orest Electrical Consumers’ Company Limited, the whole of the working expenses in connection with the company are now borne by that company, theie is for the time being no revenue account to be submitted. The units sold amounted to 25,812,031, as compared with 19,689,656 sold in 1912, an increase of 6,122,375 units. Owing, however, to the higher working cost, due principally to the increase in the cost of coal, the surplus is not so large as had been anticipated, and after payment of all working expenses and interest on prior lien debenture stock, and making due provision for depreciation of new plant, amounts to £2,915 Ils. 4d., which, together with the surplus accumulated in previous years, makes the sum of £10,379 Ils. lOd. towards discharging the indebtedness to certain consumers of the Treforest Com- pany, amounting to £13,500. Thom (Alexander) and Co. Limited.—The directors announce a dividend at the rate of 5| per cent, per annum (2s. 9d. per share), less income-tax, on the preference shares for the half-year ended January 31, 1908. Vickers Limited.—An extraordinary general meeting was held on Friday, 27th ult., for the consideration of proposals to increase the capital of the company to £7,050,000 by the creation of and issue of 1,110,000 new ordinary shares of £1 each, ranking in all respects pari passu with the existing ordinary shares, the said new ordinary shares to be < ffered •ratably at £1 8s. per share to the holders of the existing ordinary shares. The directors to allot any of the said 1,110,000 new ordinary shares which might remain at a price not less than £1 8s. per share. The resolution was carried unanimously. Walker (J. W.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £3,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of coal, coke, iron, iron ore, steel and general merchants, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with J. W. Walker, James Walker, J. G. Ballister, and John Walker. First directors : J. W. Walker, 58, Queen’s-road, Middlesbrough ; Jas. Walker, Beld Craig, Beechgrove, Middlesbrough; and J. G. Ballister, Grove-road, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough. Wilsons and Clyde Coal Company Limited. — The directors have declared an interim dividend of Is. per share. Yorkshire Coal Exchange Limited.—This company has been limited by guarantee, to provide an exchange or mart and other accommodation for the convenience of members, in which persons engaged in the coal trade or other trade may meet for transaction of business. Annual subscription : Full members shall pay to the funds of the exchange annual subscription as follows, viz., colliery owners, factors, exporters and wholesale merchants, 21s. per annum for the first ticket, and 10s. 6d. for each additional or secondary ticket; retail coal merchants, 5s. per annum ; all temporary members holding special tickets, 21s. per annum. All subscriptions shall be due in advance on April 30 in each year. Committee and officers of the exchange : The officers of the exchange shall be managed by a committee consisting of a president, 12 vice-presidents, treasurer, and not more than 25 other members of the exchange. The president shall be chosen alternately from the coal producers and coal buyers who are members of the society. Three of the vice- presidents shall be chosen from the West Yorkshire colliery owners or their representatives, three from the South York- shire colliery owners or their representatives, and six from the coal buyers or their representatives, being respectively full members of the society. The remaining members of the committee shall be, selected as follow :—Four members chosen from West Yorkshire colliery owners or their repre- sentatives, four from South Yorkshire colliery owners or their representatives, four from Leeds coal traders, three from; Hull coal traders, two from Bradford coal traders, two from colliery travellers, one from Gople coal traders, one from Dewsbury and district coal traders, one from Sheffield district coal traders, one from Halifax district coal traders, one from Keighley district coal traders, one from North-eastern district coal traders, all being full members of the society. First directors : J. S. Charlesworth, Ainsby Lodge, Wetrerby; T. Whitaker, The Hollies, Hyde Bark, Leeds ; J. H. Holdsworth, 72, Harefield-avenue, Leeds ; J. Hargreaves, Hope House, Harrogate-road, Leeds; T. Hargreaves, jun., 7, Lidgett-lane, Harrogate-road, Leeds ; W. T. Hartley, Fairfield House, Calverley ; and T. Barsons, Net her field-terrace, Yeadon. The London Gazette announces that the following com- panies have been struck off the register of companies:— Bryndu . and Bort Talbot Collieries Limited, Staple Hill Colliery Limited, Victoria Colliery Company Limited, Derbyshire Minerals Limited, Standard Oil Company of Scotland Limited, Ackworth Coal Syndicate Limited, Davies Batent Boiler Limited, Dreadnought Bneumatic Tool Company Limited, Gellihir Colliery Company Limited, Greymouth-Boint Elizabeth Railway and Coal Company Limited, Hendreforgan Anthracite Colliery Company Limited, Kilgetty Colliery Company Limited, Middleburg Central Collieries Syndicate Limited, Blasycoed Collieries Company Limited, Bontardawe Collieries Company Limited, Bortuguese Wolfram Syndicate Limited, Briory Foundry Limited, Rotherham Silkstone Collieries Limited, Southern Coal Company of N.S.W. Limited, Lian Coal Company Limited, Welsh Anthracite Collieries and Roumanian: Asphalte Company Limited. Unless cause to the contaary be shown, the following company is also to be removed from the register :—Barmoor Coal Company Limited. ; The Comptroller-General of Batents, Designs, and Trade Marks, in his 31st report just published, states that a general survey of the field of invention during 1913 demonstrates in a striking manner the fact that this is the age of locomotion. In the oil industry, a lively interest is still being shown in methods of converting heavy hydro- carbon oils into motor spirit, and considerable work has also been done in the distillation of carbonaceous substances at low temperature for the production of similar light oils. It is interesting to note also a number of applications dealing with deep boring apparatus for sinking oil wells. As a result, no doubt, of recent legislation, a series of inventions was received dealing with methods of signalling in winding and hauling operations in mines.