732 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 3, 1914. Smoke Helmet with Telephone, * SMOKE HELMETS (ALL-BRITISH MANUFACTURE) for extinguishing Gob Fires, and for other short distance work in Collieries. A necessary Apparatus for every Colliery to cope immediately with emergencies within short distances from fresh air. Extremely simple. Nothing to get out of order. ALSO MAKERS OF THE “PROTO” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) RESCUE APPARATUS, OXYGEN REVIVING APPARATUS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. SELF-CONTAINED DIVING APPARATUS (no air pumps or tubes) for use in difficult situations where the use of air pumps and tubes would be impracticable. SIEBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “NEPTUNE” WORKS, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“Siebe, Lamb, London ” Telephone No—251 Hop. MINERALBORING. Thomson Bros. (Dunfermline) U. (On Aatnirnltv Lift), Prospectors for Mineralm, Ac., by Diamond Drill and other Systems. Deepeit Bore* undertaken. Several already executed to depths from 3,400 to 4,536 feet. Quotation, given for all kinds of Boring, Sinking Artesian Well., Proving Foundations,