726 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 3, 1914. SECOND NORTHERN COLLIERY AND MINING EXHIBITION 1914 JUNE lath to 27th, CITY EXHIBITION HALL, MANCHESTER. 1914 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF The NORTHERN MINING INDUSTRIES EXHIBITORS’ COMMITTEE. OF THE GROUND FLOOR ALREADY APPLIED FOR BY FIRST CLASS FIRMS. Manchester Is the centre of some of the Greatest Coalfields in the World, and the natural business centre for a population of 10,000,000 people, --------------- 'THEREFORE ___ THE BEST CENTRE FOR A COLLIERY EXHIBITION. For further particulars apply to — The Exhibition Director, Exhibition Offices, 196, Deansgate, MANCHESTER. THE $$ EFFICIENCY & WEAR (fiBS 2 MOST IMPORTANT POINTS to have in mind when purchasing Machine-cut Gearing. GENUINE DOUBLE HELICAL GEARS Offer all this and more. Made from specially selected material, with teeth accurately cut in one continuous piece direct from the solid—they are an ideal drive for heavy power transmission. SILENT RUNNING. & Sons