March 27, 1914-. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 699 CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL ARD COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White paqes Metropolitan Water Board, April 2.—The Metro- politan Water Board invite tenders for the supply of 3,330 tons of Midland, North Country, or Welsh large, Welsh washed nuts, or Welsh through coal, to certain of their stations. Forms of tender and conditions of contract may be obtained from the engineer, Metropolitan Water Board, Savoy-court, Strand, W.C., by personal application or on receipt of a stamped addressed brief envelope. Tenders, which must be on the official form, enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to “ The Clerk, Metropolitan Water Board, Savoy-court, Strand, W.C,” and endorsed “ Tender for Coal,” must be delivered at the offices of the Board not later than 10 am. on Thursday, April 2, 1914. . The Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. A. B. Pilling, Clerk of the Board. Savoy-court, Strand, W.C. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Burntisland, April 1.—Gas coal, screened and un- screened, treble, double and single nuts (3,000 tons more or less). Further particulars from Mr. Alex. Ross, manager of the works. Carnarvon, April 11.—Good house coal, for police stations in the county of Carnarvon. Tenders to the Chief Constable’s Office, Carnarvon. Dublin, April 1.—Coal, at Mosney Camp. Forms from the Officer Commanding, Army Service Corps, Headquarters Office, Royal Barracks, Dublin. Edinburgh, March 30.—Coal washed singles (washed pearls, and washed or dry small dross or gum), for the Electricity Supply Department, for the Corporation. Forms from the engineer, Mr. F. A. Newington, Dewar-place, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, April 1.—Coal, for the Governors of George Heriot’s Trust. Forms from Mr. Peter Macnaughton, S.S.C., clerk, Heriot Trust Offices, 20, York-place, Edin- burgh. Letterkenny (Ireland), April 4.—Gas coal, for the Urban District Council (about 700 tons). Tenders to Mr. John G. Larkin, town clerk, Town Council Office, Letter- kenny. Lisnaskea (Ireland), April 10.—About 30 tons best Scotch coal (screened) and 20 tons Irish coal (screened), for the Guardians. Endorsed tenders addressed “To the Presiding Chairman, Board of Guardians,” must be sent to Mr. J. O’R. Hoey, clerk or the Union, Boardroom, Lisnaskea Workhouse. London, A^ril 2.—The Crown Agents for the Colonies, acting for the Government of Mauritius, invite tenders for 21,000 tons of Welsh steam coal. Forms can be obtained at the Crown Agents’ Office. Newport (Fife), April 1.—Cannel, gas coal (screened and unscreened), treble, double, and single nuts, for the Corporation. Tenders to Mr. John Scrimgeour, town clerk. Rochester, April 8.—About 36,000 tons of gas coal, for the directors of the Rochester, Chatham, and Gillingham Gas Company. Forms from Mr. C. Valon Bennett, engineer and general manager. Swadlincote, March 31.—Coal and slack, for the Swadlincote and Ashby Joint Water Committee. Forms from Mr. A. J. Mason, water engineer, Swadlincote. Tangier (Morocco), April 1. — The “ Commission Generale des Adjudications et des Marches ” intends to contract, by private arrangement after competition, for the supply of 1,500 tons of briquettes required by the “ Control© de la Dette.”* Tunbridge Wells, April 20.—About 4,000 tons of small coal (for use with underfeed stokers), for the Corporation. Specifications from the Borough Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Stanley-road, Tunbridge Wells. Warrington, March 30.—About 40 tons per week of good firing slack, for the Sanitary Works Committee. Tenders to the Chairman, Sanitary Works Committee, Town Hall, Warrington. Warwick, March 30.—Cobbles, to the Warwick County Lunatic Asylum, for the Committee of Visitors, for engine purposes. Forms from Mr. H. W. Blenkinsop, clerk, Warwick. Westport (Ireland), April 2.—About 50 tons best double-screened Irish coal, for the Guardians. Sealed tenders to Mr. E. J. Gallagher, clerk of Union, Clerk’s Office, Westport. The date given is the latest upon ivhich tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON ABD STEEL WORK, &c. Alnwick (Northumberland), April 3.—Water Mains.— For 450 lineal yards or thereabouts of 3-in. cast iron coated water main, for the Urban District Council. Specifications at Urban District Council Offices, Green Bat, Alnwick. Antwerp (Belgium), April 6.—Steam Engine.—For the Municipal Authorities, steam engine with pressure pumps, for the North Hydraulic Station at Antwerp.* Bampton (Oxon), April 6.—Waterworks Extension.— Laying about 1,800 yards of 3 in. service mains, with necessary fittings, and supplying a vertical oil engine, three-throw pump, two air compressors, air-lift plant, and necessary piping to connect to existing main, for the Witney Rural District Council. Particulars from the Council’s consulting engineer, Mr. H. Howard Humphreys, of 28, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W., on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). Barnsley.—Sinking Shaft.—For sinking colliery shaft 50 yards by 8 ft. Particulars of strata may be had from the Victoria Colliery Company Limited, Barnsley. Belfast, March 31.—Cast Iron Pipes.—About 7| tons of cast iron pipe special?, for the Corporation. Specification at the office of the city surveyor, Belfast. Blackpool, April 4.—Pipe Laying.—For the supply of labour, lead, fuel, &c., in connection with the laying of about * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. 3,236 lineal yards of cast iron pipes, sluice valves, hydrants, &c., for the Corporation, in compliance with specification, obtainable from the borough engineer, Town Hall, Blackpool. Bridgwater, April 13.—Cast Iron Pipes,