698 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 27, 1914. XIL—Signalling. The “ Adnil ” Mine Shaft Signalling System. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 6, 1914, p. 517 ; 6 fig. An Electrical Colliery Indicator. March 20, 1914, p. 624; 1 fig. (App. by Theedam.) Underground Central Signal Boxes at the Augusta Victoria and Saturn Collieries. (Die unterirdischen Zentralstellwerkanlagen auf der Zeche Auguste Victoria und der Saturngrube.) 0. Dobbelstein. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 9, p. 339-43; 12 ill. XIII.—Lighting. The Clifford Lamp. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 20, 1914, p. 626 ; 4 fig. XIV.—Ventilation. Conversion of an Old Ventilating Fan at the Ander- lues Collieries. (Transformation d’un Ancien Venti- lateur aux Charbonnages d’Anderlues.) D. Haenens. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” 19, 1, p. 128-30 ; illus. (Lambert fan converted into a Guibal.) Some Notes on Water-gauges in connection with the Testing of Ventilating Fans. A. J. Kennedy. “ Ir. Coal Tr. Rev.,” February 27, 1914, p. 322. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.) Mining at Great Depths, with Special Reference to Ventilation. W. H. McMillan. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 6, 1914, p. 514. (Lecture at Coalville.) The Testing of Fans. March 13, 1914, p. 570; 4 fig. (The Blackman testing set.) Mine Fans for Main and Separate Ventilation. (Grubenventilatoren fur Haupt- und Sonderbe- wetterung.) E. Blau. “ Prakt. Masch. Konstr.,” vol. 47, No. 7, p. 55-6, 4 ill.; No. 9, p. 70-2; No. 10, p. 76-7, 2 ill.; No. 11, p. 81-2, 3 ill. XV.—Mine Gases, Testing. Analysing Pit Air for Firedamp. (Etude du Grisou : Analyse des Courants Gazeux.) —. Desenfans. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” 19, 1, p. 109-22. (Data of gas given off in various seams, &cj The Analysis of Combustible Gases by Explosion. (Sur 1’Analyse des Gaz Combustibles par Explosion.) E. Hauser. “ Arch. Sciences Phys, et Nat.,” October 1913, p. 326 (reprint). London : Dulau. Possible Origin of the Compressed CO2 occurring in Coalmines. (Die Entstehungsmoglichkeiten der in Steinkohlenbergwerken auftretenden verdichteten Kohlensaure.) G. Thiel. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50. No. 7, p. 251-6. Outbursts of Carbon Dioxide in Coalmining in Lower Silesia, the South of France and Mahrisch-Ostrau. (Kohlensaureausbriiche beim Steinkohlenbergbau in Niederchlesien, Sfidfrankreich und Mahrisch-Ostrau.) — Werne and — Thiel. “ Z. Berg- Hiitten- u. Salinenwes,” vol. 62, No. 1, p. 1-89; 47 ill. (Reports on outbreaks at various collieries, with the Austrian Regulations for dealing with these occurences, as an appendix.) XVI.—Coaldust. The Prevention of Coaldust Explosions in Coalmines. (Ueber die Bekampfung der Kohlenstaubexplosionen in Steinkohlenbergwerken). M. Tornow. “Dingier,” vol. 329, No. 10, p. 145-148 ; No. 11, p. 170-1. XVI I.—Explosions. Notes on the Prevention of Dust and Gas Explosions in Coalmines. G. S. Rice. “ U.S. Bur. Mines, Techn. Paper 56 ” ; 24 p. Washington, D.C. Earthquakes and Mine Explosions. “ Colliery Eng.,” March 1914, p. 460. (Editorial arguing the absence of relations.) The Explosion at Ravenwood, Colorado. S. Dean. “ Coal Age,” March 7, 1914, p. 411; 1 fig. (Tends to prove the efficacy of shale dust, this serving to quench the flame in the entries.) The Prevention of Dust and Gas Explosions. G. S. Rice. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 20, 1914, p. 625. (From U. S. Bur. Mines. Techn. Paper 56.) XVIII.—Mine Fires. Gob Fire at a West Yorkshire Colliery. H. F. Smithson. “Iron, Coal Tr. Rev.,” March 6, 1914, p. 343; 6 fig. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.) The Burning of Coal Beds in Place. A. Bowie. “ Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Engin.,” February 1914, p. 195. (Experiences in New Mexico and Colorado.) A Method of Measuring Goaf Temperatures. T. F. Winmill. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 46, 3, p. 559 ; 1 fig., 2 tab. The Absorption of Oxygen by Coal. (Part 1.) T. F. Winmill. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 46, 3, p. 563 ; 3 fig., 18 tab. Spontaneous Combustion in Coalmines. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 27, 1914, p. 423 ; March 6, p. 533; March 13, p. 585 ; March 20, p. 642. (A digest of evidence before Departmental Committee: Messrs. J. Criddle, D. Bailey, J. Upton, H. Ross, G. Probert and J. Owen). Notes on Gob Fires and Blackdamp, &c. J. Morris. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 27, 1914, p. 463. (Abst. paper read before N. of England Inst. Min. Engin.) Experiments on the Absorption of Gases by Coal. (Experiences sur 1’Absorption des Gaz par la Houille.) F. Leprince-Ringuet “ Comptes Rendus,” vol. 158, No. 8, p. 573-576. Stonedusting at Bentley Colliery. R. Clive. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 27, 1914, p. 457. (Report to Doncaster Coalowners’ (Gob Fires) Comm, presented to Midland Inst. Min. Engin.) XIX.—Rescue and Ambulance The Use of Rescue Apparatus in Mines. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 27, 1914, p. 461. (Report of enquiry into draft regulations.) XX.—Drainage, Pumping, &c. Oneida No. 2 Anthracite Drainage Tunnel. M. C. Reed. “ Coal Age,” February 21, p. 324. Operating Characteristics of Centrifugal Pumps. A. B. Morrison, jun. . “ Power,” February 3, 1914, p. 166 ; 2 fig. Electric Pumping Plant at Tilmanstone Colliery. H. J. Wroe. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 13, 1914, p. 565; 7 fig. (Abst. paper read before Ass. Min. El. Engin.) High-pressure Centrifugal Pumps. (Les Pompes Centrifuges a Haute Pression.) C. Hanocq. “ Rev. Univ. Mines,” ser. 5, vol. 5, No. 1, p. 1-56; 19 ill. (Tests carried out at the Mechanical Laboratory, Liege University.) XXL—Preparation. Coal Washing in Illinois. F. C. Lincoln. “Univ. Illinois Bull.,” 11, 9 (Bull. No. 69, Engin. Exp. Station); 25 fig. (History ; impurities ; crushing; sizing ; washing ; arrangement of washeries; results ; costs; moisture in washed coal (S. W- Parr)). XXIII.—Goke Ovens. Cokemaking in the United States. A. W. Belden. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 20, 1914, p. 627. (From U.S. Bur. Mines Techn. paper 50.) The Horizontal Regenerative Chamber Oven as a Connecting Link Between Gasworks and Coke-oven Plants. (Der Horizontal-Regenerativ-Kammerofen als Bindglied zwiscben Gasanstalten und Kokereien.) A. Gobiet. “Feuerungstechnik,” vol. 2, No. 9, p. 146-51; No. 10, p. 163-66; Hill. Mixing Plant for Coking Coals. (Ueber Mischanlagen fur Kokskohlen). F. Korten. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 7, p. 257-61; 10 ill. “ Colliery Guard,” March 20, 1914, p. 623 ; 10 fig. Mechanical Coke-Quenching and Loading Appliances. (Mechanische Kokslosch-und-Verladeeinrich tungen). A. Thau. “Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 9, p. 321-330; No. 10, p. 365-76 ; 4 ill. . Coloration Phenomena in Sulphate of Ammonia. (Ueber die Farbungserscheinungen der Ammonium- sulfate.) K. Leo. “ Gliickauf.” vol. 50, No. 11, p. 413-18. Measuring the Energy Consumed in Regenerative Coke Ovens. (Expose des Differentes Methodes de Mesures de 1’Energie consommee par les Fours a Coke a Regene- ration de Chaleur.) E. Lecocq and J. Pieters. “ Rev. Metallurgie,” vol. 11, No. 1, p. 95-126; 11 ill. (Two new methods are proposed, as giving more accurate results than those in use.) Economies to be Realised in the East and North of France by the Utilisation of Coke Oven and Blast- furnace Gases. (Economies realisables dans 1’Est et le Nord de la France par 1’Utilisation des Gaz des Fours a Coke et des Hauts Fourneaux). A. Gouvy. “ Soc. Indust, de 1’Est,” November 1913, p. 45; 19 fig. Wider Use of Coke Oven Gas Advocated. H. J. Freyn. “ Iron Age,” February 26, 1914, p. 559. (Abst. paper read before Am. Inst. Min. Engin.) The Theisen Process of Cleaning Gas. “Iron Age,” February 12, 1914, p. 436 ; 2 fig. Points in Coke Oven Practice. G. E. Foxwell. “ JI. Gas Light,” February 17, 1914, p. 425. Metallurgical Coke. A. W. Belden. “U.S. Bur. of Mines,” Techn. Paper 50; 47 pp.; 23 fig. and map. Washington, D.C, 1913. Refractory Materials. J. W. Mellor. “Gas World,” March 14, 1914, p. 347 ; 4 fig. (Lecture before Man- chester and District Jun. Gas Assoc.) The Automatic Control of By-product Coke-oven Plants. A. Thau. “ Gas World ” (suppl.), March 7, 1914, p. 12 ; 11 fig. (This instalment deals with thermometers and pyrometers.) XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, &c. The Moore By-product Recovery Gas Producer. “ Engineer,” March 13, 1914, p. 297 ; 2 fig. Surface Combustion. “ Engineering,” March 13, 1914, p. 356; 2 fig. (Report of lecture by Dr. Bone at Roy. Inst.) Oil Fuels and their Application to the Generation of Power. Prof. T. Gray and Prof. A. L. Mellanby. “ Trans. Inst. Engin. Shipbuilders, Scotland,” vol. 57, 4, p. 1; 12 fig. (Use of oil: coal tar : creosote oil and tar oils: benzol: distillation at low temperatures: shale oil: petroleum : motor spirit.) The Macklow-Smith Coal Calorimetor. “ Engineering,” February 27,1914, p. 285 ; 6 fig. Carbonising in Bulk for Gas Production. G. S. Cooper. “Gas World,” February 28, 1914. p. 274. (Lecture before London and S.W. District Gas. Assoc.) The Motor Fuel Position (including consideration of By-product Coke Ovens and Low Temperature Distillation Processes.) W. R. Ormandy. “ Motor Traction,” February 14, 1911, p.153. Reflections on Carbonising Temperatures and their Influence on By-products—I. G. P. Lewis. “ Gas World,” March 7, 1914, p. 296; 4 fig. Machine-Firing at the Bedwas Pit. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 20, 1914, p. 622; 1 fig. (Use of Bennis stokers.) Improved Methods of Coal and Shale Distillation. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 6,1914, p. 516 ; 2 fig. (The Del Monte Process.) Utilising Low-grade Fuels. (Verwertung minderwertige Brenstoffe.) A. Gobiet. “ Montan. Rund.,” vol. 6, No. 3, p. 58-63, 4 illus.; No. 4, p. 85-91, 10 illus. (Steam raising, and use in various types of gas producer.) XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers. Recent Tendencies in the Construction of Steam Turbines and Turbo-compressors. (Neure Bestre- bungen im Bau von Dampfturbinen und Turbokom- pressoren.) W. Ott. “ Z. Oest. Berg. Hfittenwes,” vol. 62, No. 1, p. 6-9; 2 diag. Losses Due to the Waste Gases in Gas-fired Plants. (Der Verlust durch die Abgase bei Gasfeu erungen.) A. Dosch. “ Braunk.,” vol. 12, No. 49, p. 819-25; 3 diag. Flameless Surface Combustion and its Industrial Applica- tion. (La Combustion Superficielle sans Flamme et'ses Applications Industrielles. P. Gilard. “ Rev. Univ. Mines,” ser. 5, vol. 5, No. 1, p. 81-93; 5 ill. Guarantees of the Efficiency of Steam-power Plants, and Factors determining Maximum Efficiency. (Allge- meines fiber Garantien und deren Bedeutung ffir die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Dampfkraftanlagen, sowie uber die fur Erzielung moglichst hoher Wirtschaft- lichkeit wesentlichsten Gesichtspunkte.) G. Franz. •‘ Z. Oberschles. Berg- Hfitten.-Ver.,” vol. 53, No. 2, p. 47-53. Burning Brown Coal on Travelling Grates. (Die Verfeuerung von Braunkohlen auf Wanderrosten.) —. Pradel. “ Braunk.,” vol. 12, No. 46, p. 771-78 ; 8 ill.; No. 47, p. 787-92; 6 ill.; No. 48, p. 805-9 ; 4 ill. Pulverised Coal. “ Journ. Am. Soc. Meeh. Engin.,” January 1914, p. Iv. (A long list of references com- piled by Helen M. Craig, reference librarian, Engi- neering Societies Library.) A Remarkable Boiler. “Engineer,” March 13, 1914, p. 280; 4 fig. (Results of tests of a new form of Niclausse boiler; the evaporation burning 19J lb. of French briquettes per square foot of grate area exceeded 13 lb. of water evaporated from and at 212 degs. Fahr., the thermal efficiency reaching nearly 91 per cent. Under forced draught and burning 46J lb. per square foot of grate area, the evaporation was 10'8 lb. of water per pound of coal.) XXVI.—Compressed Air Standardising] for Compressed-Air and Mine-Watering Pipes. (Einheitlicho Abmessungen ffir Druckluft- und Berieselungsrohre). O. Dobbelstein. “ Glfick- auf,” vol. 50, No. 12, p. 457-9. An Air-Power Chart. D. Gerber. “ Coal Age,” March 7, 1914, p. 405. Moisture m Compressed Air. A. Hoffmann. “ Eng. and Min. Journ.,” February 14, 1914, p. 366. XXVII.—Electricity. The Cascade Induction Motor. L. J. Hunt. “ El. Rev.,” February 27, 1914, p. 378 ; 9 fig. (Abst. paper read before Inst. El. Engin.); “ JI. Inst. El. Engin.,” March 16, 1912, p. 406 ; 37 fig. Electrical Equipment for Low-energy Consumption. J. G. Williams. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” March 6, 1914, p. 359 ; 1 fig. (Paper read before Assoc. Min. El. Engin.) Use of Electricity at the Penn, and Republic Iron Mines, Michigan. W. Kelly and F. H. Armstrong. “ Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Engin ,” February 1914, p. 317 ; 23 fig. (No steam is used except in sawmill for heating and for supplementing power from the falls ; details are given of six electric hoists.) XXVIII.—Surface Transport. Automatic Coupling of Railway Wagons. (Attelage automatique des wagons de chemins de fer.) L. Bochet. “ Ann. Mines.” ser. 11, vol. 5, No. 2, p. 57- 123; 14 ill. (Report on the couplings entered for the Paris competition.) A Century of Railway Developments in South Wales and Monmouthshire. W. L. Meredith. ‘‘Journ. Perm.-Way Inst.,” December 1913, p. 216 ; 4 dia. An Aerial Tramway to Chinese Coal Mines. 0. A. Tupper. “Min. Scient. Press,” February 28, 1914, p. 379 ; 5 fig. (Bleichert plant at Toli.) The Utilisation of Ground Adjoining Harbours and Railway Stations by the Aid of Mechanical Con- veyors. H. Ollendorff. “ Trans. Inst. Engin. Ship- bldrs, Scotland,” vol. 57, 5, p. 17 ; 17 fig. Preparing the Trackway for Mechanical Navvies. (Die Herstellung des Baggerplanums) W. Botticher. “ Braunk,” vol. 12, No. 48, p. 803-5; 10 ill. XXIX.—Sanitation, Diseases, &c. Purifying Pit Water for Use in Shower Baths at the Mariemont-Bascoup Collieries. (Epuration des Eaux d’Epuisement Destines a 1’Alimentation des Bains- douches.) —. Molinghen. “ Ann. Min. Belg,” vol. 19, No. 1, p. 135-39; ill. (The water is treated with lime water and ferric sulphate, and passed through a decantation apparatus, where it is filtered.) Town Planning in Relation to the Development of Colliery Districts. A. B. Dunne. “ JI. State Medi- cine,” March 1914, p. 173. An Introduction to the Study of the Hygiene and Pathology of Coalminers. (Introduction a 1’Etude de ]’Hygiene et de la Pathologie des Mineurs (de Houille).) S. Chauvet. “ Com. Centr. Houill. France,” circ. 4895. (From the “ Gazette des Hopitaux,” August 28,1913.) Workmen’s Insurance in Germany from 1885 to 1912. (Die Arbeiter-versicberung des Deutschen Reiches von 1885-1912). “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 11, p. 430-1. (Comparative statistics.) The Hygienic Aspect of the Coalmining Industry. F. Shufflebotham. “ Coll. Guard,” February 27, 1914, p. 457; March 6, p. 510; March 13, p. 563; March 20, p. 619. (Series of “ Milroy ” lectures before the Roy. Coll. Phys.) XXX—Mining Laws, Royalties. Nationalisation of Mines and Minerals. H. Louis. “ Coll. Guard,” March 6, 1914, p. 512. (Lecture before Newcastle-upon-Tyne Economic Soc.) Coal Mining and Railways. H. Perkin. “Railw. News,” February 27, 1914, p. 487. In the House of Commons /on the 18th inst, in reply to Sir J. D. Bees, the Chancello>r of the Exchequer stated that the sale of fixed plant and/ machinery apart from land does not create an occasion for collection of increment value duty.