March 27, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 697 No. 36. MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. Steel Corporation Mines at Gary. W. Z. Price. “ Coll. Engineer,” March 1914, p. 463 ; 13 fig. (Description of' plant and labour system). Wattenscbeid Collieries in Westphalia, Germany. C. A. Tupper. “ Coal Age,” February 28, 1914, p. 368 ; 2 fig. , Safety in West Virginia. F. H. Kneeland. “ Coal Age,” February 21, 1914, p. 314 ; 10 fig. (Methods at the mines of the United States Coal and Coke Company ; assistant mine foremen encouraged by bonus system ; systematic timbering, dust sprinkling, cable suspension, &c.) Calculating Industrial Prime Costs. (Die Selbstkosten- berechnung industrieller Betriebe.) F. Leitner. 4th edn., 377 pp.; pub. J. D. Sauerlander, Frankfurt a/Main. 7 marks. Report on the German State Collieries in 1912. (Die unter der preussischen Berg-, Hiitten- und Salinen- verwaltung stehenden Staatswerke im Jahre 1912.) Bussing. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 7, p. 261-4. ^Production and profits.) Condition of the Workers in German State Collieries in 1912. (Verhaltnisse der Arbeiter der staatliche Bergwerke im Rechnungsjahr 1912.) “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 7, p. 267-7. (Economical and social conditions; relief; earnings.) Mining in German Protectorates in 1912-13. (Der Bergbau in den deutschen Schutzgebieten im Jahre 1912-13.) “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 8, p. 298-301. British Coal Exports in 1913. (Die britische Kohlen- ausfuhr im Jahre 1913.) E. Jiingst. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 8, p. 302-7. Condition of MineWorkers in the South African Union. (Die Bergarbeiterverhaltnisse in der Siidafrikanischen Union.) B. Korting. ‘‘ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 10, p. 384-9. II. —Education. The Board of Education Examinations in Coalmining. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 13, 1914, p. 567. III. —Geology. Conditions affecting Mining in the Bering River and Matanuska Coalfields, Alaska. W. R. Crane. “ Coll. Engineer,” March 1914, p. 481 ; 8 fig. (Folded and faulted coalbeds with irregular cleavage and much water.) Bower River Coal Deposits. B. Dunstan. “Queens- land Government Min. JI.,” December 15,1913, p. 648. Report on the International Geological Congress, Canada, 1913. T. H. Holland. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 46, 3, p. 497. The Coal Deposits of Belgium. (Les Gisements Houillers de Belgique.) A. Renier. “ Ann. Min. Beig.,” vol. 19, No. 1, p. 3-36. (Lithological characteristics.) Thirty-fourtn Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey. 1912-13. G. O. Smith. Washington, D.C. Contributions to Economic Geology. 1911. Part 2, Mineral Fuels. M. R. Campbell. “U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 531 ” ; ill. Washington, D.C. (Short papers and preliminary reports.) Bibliography of North American Geology for 1912. J. M.Nickles. “U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 544.” Washing- ton, D.C. Mineral Resources of Alaska. A. H. Brooks and others. “ U.S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 542 ” ; ill. Washington, D.C. (Report on Progress of Investigations in 1912.) Tertiary Oil Shales of Baffle Creek, Port Curtis District. L. C. Ball. “ Queensland Gov. Min. JI.,” Jan. 15, 1914, p. 19; 1 fig. (Analyses show yields up to 82 gallons of crude oil per ton and 2701b. of paraffin wax, but samples were not taken systemati- cally. Beds vary from 5 to 50 ft. in thickness.) Coronation Coal Company’s Property at Bundamba. W. E. Cameron. “ Queensld. Govt. Min. Journ.,” January 15, 1914, p. 46. Mount Mulligan Coalfield. J. T. Watson. “ Queensld. Govt. Min. Journ.,” January 15, 1914, p. 47. Discovery of a Musk-ox Skull in the Diluvium of the Emscher Valley. (Der Fund eines Moschusochsen- schadels im Diluvium des Emschertales.) P. Kukuk. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 8, p. 295-8 ; 5 ill. A Description of the Headings Driven from the Aldridge Collieries to Prove the Mines over the Main Eastern Boundary Fault. F. B. Clark. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 27, 1914, p. 453; 1 fig. (Paper and discussion before S. Staffs Inst. Min. Engin.) On the Discoveries of Vertebrate Animals in Austrian Mines. (Ueber die Wirtbeltierfunde bei den Oester- reichischen Bergwerken.) F, Konig. “ Z. Oest. Berg. Hiittenwes.,” vol. 62, No. 1, p. 1-6; No. 2, p. 19-23; Ipl. Earthquakes, Firedamp Explosions and Falls of Roof and Coal. (Erdbeben, Schlagwetterexplosionen und Stein- und Kohlenfall.) L. Mintrop. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 9, p. 330-9. Geology of W estphalia and Adjoining Districts. (Geologie Westfalens und der angrenzenden Gebiete.) T. Wegner. 316 p.; 197 ill.; pub. F. Schoningh, Pader- born. 7 marks. Characteristics of Roumanian Brown Coals. (Zur Kenntnis der rumanischen Braunkohlen.) N. Danaila. “ Braunk.,” vol. 12, No. 45, p. 755-9. (Geological formation, chemical composition, calorific value, &c.) Microstructure and Colloidal Character of Coal, and of Carboniferous and other Rocks. (Mikrogefiige und Kolloidnatur der Kohlen, der Kohlengesteine und anderer Gesteine). H. Winter. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 12, p. 445-9; 12 ill. IV.—Mine Surveying. Surveying Methods of the Consolidation Coal Company. A. W. Hesse. “ Coal Age,” February 21,1914, p. 321; 4 fig. V.—Mining Technology. New Plant, &c., in Belgian Collieries. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 13, 1914, p. 569; 2 fig. VI.—Working of Minerals. Employment of Hammerpicks at the Sainte Barbe Pit, Ressaix. (Emploi des Marteaux Piqueurs au Siege Sainte Barbe des Charbonnages de Ressaix.) —. Defalque. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 124- 127. (Description of tools employed and comparison of output with that of the ordinary pick.) The Stripping of Anthracite. E. G. Lewis. “ Coal Age,” February 14, 1914, p. 274; 5 fig. (Stripping with steam shovels. Maximum amount of overburden which may be handled per ton of coal is about 4 cubic yards.) Oil Shale Mining. J. F. Kellock Brown. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” March 6, 1914, p. 352. (Paper read before Scottish Fed. Inst. Min. Stud.) A New Type of Longwall Coal-cutter. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 6, 1914, p. 514 ; 3 fig. (The Jeffrey chain machine.) VII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Lining a Deepened Shaft with Ferro-concrete. (Char- bonnage de Bonne Veine. Revetement d’une Avalarese au Moyen de Beton Arme.) L. Demaret. “Ann. Min. Belg.,” vol. 19, No. 1,p. 105-9; 2 ill. Sinking New Pit at Ressaix Through Water-bearing Rock. (Creusement des Puits du Nouveau Siege Sainte Elisabeth, des Charbonnages de Ressaix, a Travers les Terrains Aquiferes.) — Libotte. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” vol. 19, No. 1, p. 123. (Water excluded by cementing.) Lining Shafts with Z-segments. (Le Revetement des Puits en Voussoirs Z.) M. Gilleaux. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” vol. 19, No. 1, p. 145-60. (Self-supporting ferro-concrete segments of Z-section.) Shaft Sinking in the Central Alberta Coalfield. E. I. Roberts. “ Bull. Can. Min. Inst.,” Feb. 1914, p. 147 ; 4 fig. (Costs about 8 dols. per foot for sinking, 10 dols. for timber, explosives, 4 dols., coal 6 dols., labour 50 dols. = total per foot of shaft, 78 dols.) Drilling Performances at the Kensico Dam, Catskill Aqueduct System, New York. W. L. Saunders. “ Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Engin.,” February 14, p. 279; 6 fig. Electric Rock Drills. (Ueber elektrisch angetriebene Gesteinsbohrmaschinen.) M. Weber. “Dingier,” vol. 329, No. 7, p. 97-100; No. 8, p. 117-20; 12 ill. VIII.—Explosives, Blasting, Aspect of the Flames Produced on Firing Explosives in a Mortar. (Aspect des Flammes au Tir au Mortier.) E. Lemaire. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” vol. 19, No. 1, p. 37-100 ; 57 ill. Electric Blasting in Shafts with Delay Action Explo- ders. C. W. Morse. “ Min. Scient. Press,” January 31, 1914, p. 216. The Use and Misuse of Explosives in Coalmining. J. J. Rutledge. “ U. S. Bur. Mines. Miners’ Circ. 7 ” ; 52 pp. ; 8 fig. Washington, D.C., 1913. Tests of Permissible Explosives. Clarence Hall and S. P. Howell. “ U. S. Bur. Mines, Bull. 66 ” ; 313 p. ; 4 fig. Washington, D.C. 1913. (Describes nature and results of tests.) Nature of Permissible Explosives. C. Hall. “ Coll. Engineer,” March 1914, p. 491. (Abst. paper read before W. Virginia Min. Inst.) Self-testing Shotfirer. O. Dobbelstein. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 13, 1914, p. 568; 5 fig. (Prom “ Gliickauf.”) The New Permitted Explosives List. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 13, 1914, p. 577. Explosives in Coalmines. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 27, 1914, p. 470. (Text of Order adding six new explosives.) Explosives and Blasting in Coalmining. (Sprengstoffe und Schiessarbeit beim Steinkohlenbergbau.) J. Recktenwald. “ Berg. u. Huttenmann. Rdsch.,” vol. 10, No. 8. p. 103-7 ; No. 9, p. 116-21. IX.—Timbering, Packing, &c. Impregnating Pit Timbers at the Courcelles-Nord Colliery. (Impregnation des Bois de Mine aux Charbonnages de Courcelles-Nord). —. Thonnart. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” 19, 1, pp. 132-134; ill. (Plant for steeping the timbers with ammoniacal copper and zinc oxides and benzol.) Use and Abuse of Wood in Anthracite Mining. E. E. Rueter. “ Coal Age,” February 21, 1914, p. 331; 8 fig. The Preservation of Pit Props. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 20, 1914, p. 624. (The Aczol process.) Mining Operations and Surface Subsidence. (Der Einfluss des Abbaues auf die Tagesoberflache.) A. Eckardt. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 12, p. 449-57; 7 ill. X. —Surface Arrangements. Black Diamond Concrete Tipple. W. G. Burroughs. “ Coll. Engineer,” March 1914, p. 475 ; 5 fig. (Description of an Ohio mine; the tipple is con- structed entirely of reinforced concrete.) Typical Coal Trestles. W. Wallace. “Coal Age,” February 28, 1914, p. 371; 4 fig. Building so as to Guard against Damage by Mining Subsidences. (Baukunstund Bergschaden.) “Berg- bau.,” vol. 27, No. 11, 177-79. The Friedrich Heinrich Colliery, Lintfort. (Das Steinkohlenbergwerk Friedrich Heinrich, in Lintfort.) P. Bussing. “Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 7, p. 241-51; 9 ill. (Winding engines, &c.); No. 8, p. 285-95 ; 9 ill. (Surface plants; washing and screening plant; coke ovens; by-products plant.) XI. —Winding and Haulage. Device for Opening the Covers of Intake Shafts by the Ascending Cages. (Dispositif pour le Soulevement des Clapets Obturateurs du Puits d’Aerage par les Cages d’Extraction a leur Arrivee a la Surface.) A. Debree. “ Ann. Min. Belg.,” 19. 1, p. 141-44; 2 ill. The Care and Protection of Wire Ropes. Letson Balliet. “ Min. Eng. World,” Feb. 28,1914, p. 417. Electric Traction in Mines. 0. Legrand. “Bull. Am. Inst. Min. Engin.,” February 1914, p. 205. (Com- parison of storage battery and trolley locomotives at Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee.) Some New Types of Electric Hoists. “ Coal Age,” March 7, 1914, p. 395 ; 8 fig. (Description of machines for use in replacing single cars in coalmines where the grades are too steep to admit of their being success- fully moved by man-power.) Types of Electric Winding Engines. L. F. Mitten. “ Coal Age,” March 7, 1914, p. 397; 13 fig. Some New Types of Haulage Engines. “ Colliery Guard.,” March 6, 1914, p. 517 ; 2 fig. (Engines made by T. and R. Lees.) Underground Haulage in Collieries. (Unterirdische Forderung beimSteinkohlenbergbau.) J.Recktenwald. “ Fordertechnik,” vol. 7, No. 3, p. 28-32 ; No. 5, p. 52-6. Haulage Arrangements at the Emanuelssegen Collieries, Upper Silesia. (Die Fordereinrichtungen der Fiirst- lich Plessischen Steinkohlenbergwerke Emanuelssegen und Bderschachte bei Emanuelssegen O.S.) H. Bansen. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 11, p. 405-12; 11 illus. Prussian Winding-Rope Statistics for 1912. (Ergebnisse der preussischen Seilstatistik fur das Jahr 1912.) F. Burklein. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 11, pp. 418-25. The Musnicki Gauge for Testing Cage Guides. (Der Leitungs-Spurpriifer von A. Musnicki.) H. Bansen. “ Z. Oberschles. Berg-, Hiitten-ver.,” vol. 53, No. 2, p. 54-7 ; 2 illus: Continuous Winding System for all Depths. (Kon- tinuierliche Scbachtforderung fur alle Teufen.) G. Schwidtal. “ Braunk.,” vol. 12, No. 45, p. 760-5; 2 illus. (Bucket elevator plant.) Modifications in Electric Winding Engines in con- sequence of the introduction of new methods of driving and of new safety and controlling devices. (Die Neugestaltung der Elektrischen Fordermaschine durch die Einfiihrung neuer Antriebssysteme und neuartiger Sicherheits- und Steuereinrichtungen.) L. Thallmayer. “ Z. Zentral-Verbandes der Bergbau- Betriebsleiter,” vol. 12, No. 2, p. 25-37; 20 illus,