March 27, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 667 Belsize =earning requirements ? send you particulars oj , MOTOR Load at your end—unload at the other. Quicker — Easier — Cheaper — Safer. You can buy your Belsize lorry and pay foi gradually—it will earn you money the while, and need never disturb your capital. NO MORE PIT CAGE ACCIDENTS! r + • . WMN n Ascending and Descending Cages Safeguarded. No Interference with Winding Starting in the Wrong Direction Prevented. Safety assured with ‘THE VISOR.’ The most Effective Machine on the Market. Over 200 at work. particulars to JOHN WOOD & SONS Ltd., Telephone : 55 Wigan. Engineers, WTG-2VNT. Telegrams : “ Haulage, Wigan.”