664 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 27, 1914. __________________ The IDEAL Machine for Producing STONE-DUST. Coaldust Explosions Preventative. WSBgPS’ RICHARD SCHOLEFIELD ENGINEER LEEDS ENG. Correct Proportions of Dust in one operation. ■ VARYING OUTPUTS. ........~. DON’T take risks Write NOW. Particulars on application— RICHARD SCHOLEFIELD, Engineer, Burley Vale Foundry, LEEDS. —i“TREFOR ”i—| BORING and MINING Co. Ltd. (Societe Anonyme de Forage et Entreprises Minieres), 41, RUE ROYALE, BRUXELLES. CONTRACTORS FOR DEEP BORINGS. Wells drilled for petroleum in all parts of the world. Special outfit for coal borings to any depth and of any diameter (Vogt’s Patents). BREJCHA’S PATENTS. Boring to any depth without casings and without reduction of diameter. Speed record in England: Boring Heswall (Cheshire), 3,400 feet in eight months. Shafts sunk by freezing method Shafts sunk by cementing the watery grounds (cementing and sinking simultaneously). BORINGS MADE IN ENGLAND TO-DAY. Heswall (Cheshire) __________ 3,416 ft. Furnace End (Warwickshire) ... 1,600 ,, Maidensole (Kent) ___________ 3,823 ,, Oxney (Kent) ... ______ ... 3,800 „ Bishopsbourne (Kent)___________ 3,225 „ Ash (Kent)____________________ 1,966 „ Great Missenden (Buckinghamshire) 1,264 ,, __________________________________________ USE STEAM WAGONS FOR ECONOMY. V-A MANN’S PATENT STEAM CART and WAGON CO. LTD., HUNSLET, LEEDS. __________ London Office— STEAM WAGONS, to carry 3 or 5 tons. 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. _____________________________________________________________ STEAM CART, to carry 5 tons. L ■ - HAULAGE AND WINDING GEARS Main and Tail Haulage Gear fitted with Friction Clutches and Squirrel Cage Motor, thereby doing away with Controller. k' I' 4 OF ALL TYPES AND SIZES, ALSO THREE-THROW PUMPS. VERTICAL SHAFT FRICTION CLUTCHES. ________________________ M. B. WILD & C° LTD NECHELLS, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—Hauling, Birmingham. ABO (5th Edition) and Lieber’s Code. LONDON OFFICE—37, WALBROOK, E.C. Telephone—7476 City. Telegrams—Clutching, London.