March 20, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 659 By Appoint- ment to H.M. The iuag, FIRE ENGINE MAKERS. MERRYWEATHERS’ Largest Makers of High-class HOSE PIPES in the World. Dub-Sub Canvas for Fire Duty* Admiralty Leather for Flushing. Armoured Rubber for Mines. Write for “ Hints on Hose,” and quotations. MERRYWEATHER & SONS, Fire Engine and Hose Works, GREENWICH, LONDON, S.E. WEISE SONS, Halle a/s ------------ WORLD FAMOUS - TURBINE PUMPS Perfect Construction, Highest Efficiency and Prompt Deliveries QU AR ANTFFD, Write for Illustrated Catalogue and Quotations to London Agent— ALPH. STEIGER, 32, Victoria Street, Westminster. THOMAS SUMMERSON k SONS LTD. ALBERT WORKS, DARLINGTON. D. Llewellin Evans PROPRIETOR OF THE Cardiff Brattice Cloth Company, 120, BUTE ST. CARDIFF. AGENT FOR Sobers Explosives, OXYGEN. THE BRITISH OXYGEN CO. LTD., The oldest and most extensive Oxygen producing and distributing business in the World. Factories in all Industrial Centres equipped exclusively with modern liquid air plants producing Oxygen of unrivalled purity, the only residual being a trace of Bltrogen, as sanctioned and recommended by the Home Office Order of May 4th, 1912, for use with RESCUE APPARATUS. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY’S WORKS : LONDON.... Elvebton Street, Westminster, S.W. „ .... Tunnel Avenue, East Greenwich, S.E. BIRMINGHAM Saltley Works. CARDIFF ... East Moors. MANCHESTER Great Marlborough Street. SHEFFIELD Celtic Works, Savile Street. NEWCASTLE- ON-TYNE... Walker Gate. GLASGOW ... Rosehill Works, Polmadie. “ The Shipping World.” Weekly. Illustrated. Price 6d. Annual Subscription (Post Free): United Kingdom, 21s. Foreign Countries, 28s. PRINCIPAL FEATURES— CURRENT EVENTS, by the Editor. SHIPPING in PARLIAMENT, by Special Representative SHIPPING and the LAW. SHIP SALES and CONTRACTS. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES. TECHNICAL ARTICLES. ARTICLES on TRADE, COMMERCE, SUBVENTIONS and all SHIPPING QUESTIONS. NEPTUNE’S MAIL, with interesting News & Comments NAVAL and ENGINEERING NOTES. REPORTS from the SHIPPING CENTRES. REPORTS on FREIGHTS and MARINE INSURANCE. TRADE and FINANCE. LAUNCHES and TRIAL TRIPS. CORRESPONDENCE. PRICES CURRENT. REVIEWS of TECHNICAL BOOKS. The Largest Foreign Circulation of its Class. The Largest Home Circulation of its Glass Offices of the "Shipping World Ltd.” Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. Telegrams and Cables—“Shipping World, London.” Telephone—2381 Gerrard. Sidings Contracted for Complete. MANUFACTURERS of SWITCHES and CROSSINGS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, FISH PLATES, PLATELAYERS* TOOLS & GENERAL CASTINGS. FISH PLATES & BOLTS for various sections of Rail kept in Stock, Summerton's Platelayers’ Guide. Fourth Edition now ready. By post, 5s. 3d. First=class Medals— Paris, 1885; London, 1862. “SHELTON’’ IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL <..-= ) “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON Gold Medals— Paris, 1878; Melbourne, 1881. Steel Pit Girders & Colliery Rails a Speciality; also High-class Bar Iron for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— • ---------- THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address: “Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. ] Telegraphic Address Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. TJEiJS ‘Bowie” Underground Lamp Re-Lighter. Patented in Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, U.S. America, in 1907-8, and since used with success and without accident in the most dangerous Mines in these Countries. Adopted by the French Government for use in French Mines. L-- BOWLE; "“’i .. . Air-tight, Non-Inflammable, Gas-proof, Insulated & Non-external Sparking. Electric Contacts are fixed and there are no switches or secondary cur- rent to contend with. No cells or accumulators to replace. The Lamp is totally enclosed in gas- proof chamber when being re-lighted, and can only be operated by authorised persons. It can bo used with absolute safety for igniting Lamps In the most ^gaseous atmosphere. Adapted to Ignite any form of Safety Lamps. Impossible to generate an electric current from the apparatus until the Lamp-containing receptacle has been made perfectly air-tight. Always ready for use and its upkeep is practically nil. Further particulars may be obtained on application to— E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS L”