644 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 20, 1914. COAL, IRON AHD EKGIHEERIHG COUPAHIES. Baldwins Limited. — The directors have declared an interim dividend of 2| per cent., free of income tax, on the ordinary shares for the half-year ended December 31 last. Beardmore (William) and Co. Limited.—The net profits for the past year, including .£204,461 brought forward, were .£368,697 after providing for debenture interest and depre- ciation. The directors place £50,000 to the preference dividend reserve, and recommend a distribution of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares, carrying forward .£186,947. Bearpark Coal and Coke Company Limited. — The directors state that the net profit for the year amounts to £97,989 17s. 8d. The balance brought forward from, last year was £3,142 15s. 6d., making .£101,132 13s. 2d., which the directors recommend should be disposed of as follows : In dividends, 45 per cent, for the year, .£85,050; reserve account, .£10,000; balance carried forward, £6,082 13s. 2d. Bell Brothers Limited.—The annual report states that the company's operations for the year 1913 have resulted in a profit of £130,736 10s. 7d., to which must be added the balance of undivided profit brought from the year 1912, amounting to £20,264 19s. 2d., giving a total of £151,001 9s. 9d. Out of the above the following amounts were pro- vided up to December 31, 1913:—Interest on 4 per cent, debenture stock for 1913, £15,681 6s. 6d.; dividend on 6 per cent, preference shares for half-year to June 30, 1913, £15,000; interim dividend on ordinary shares of 5 per cent., paid September 10, 1913, £13,500; amount carried to reserve fund, £15,239 0s. 6d.; extensions and improve- ments written off, £36,934 6s.; income-tax, £2,000—total, £98,354 13s. This left a sum of £52,646 16s. 9d., and since December 31, 1913, the following has also been paid thereout:—On February 1, 1914, dividend on 6 per cent, preference shares for half-year to December 31, 1913, £15,000, leaving still to be dealt with £37,646 16s. 9d. The directors recommend the following appropriation of this balance:—Final dividend on ordinary shares at 5 per cent., free of income-tax, £13,960 5s. 6d.; balance carried forward, £23,686 Ils. 3d. Berthlwyd Colliery Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £60,000 in £10 shares, to carry on the business of colliery proprietors, miners, manu- facturers of patent fuel and coke, &c., smelters, founders, iron and steel converters, and to deal in coal, slack, iron, steel, and other metals, and minerals, &c. Signatories: D. Williams, D. D. Williams, J. A. Thomas, and G. E. A. Thomas. Registered office : The Park, Growerton, Glam. Boeket Soenoer Syndicate Limited. — This private company has been registered, with a capital of £4,000 in £1 shares (1,000 deferred), to acquire from P. A. Reuss, Hazlewood, Sheffield, certain rights in respect of a coal concession known as the “ Boeket Soenoer Coal Concessions," in the island of Sumatra, and to prospect, examine, test, and prove the said concession, and any concession, whether in the island of Sumatra or elsewhere, containing coal or any other mineral, and to turn to account same, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with P. A. Reuss. First directors : T. Groldney and J. H. Ronaldson. Registered offices : Bevois House, Basinghall-street, E.C. British Insulated and Uelsby Cables Company Limited. —The report for the past year discloses profit amounting to £247,351, while £74,231 was brought forward. After paying directors' and trustees' fees, debenture interest, &c., the directors write off £22,000 for depreciation on building plant, machinery, &o., transfer £20,000 to reserve, £8,500 to special reserve account, £5,000 to first mortgage deben- ture stock account, and write £35,000 off patents and goodwill. The directors recommend a final dividend of 9s. per share on the ordinary shares, making 13 per cent, for the year, and carrying forward £98,267. Coltness Iron Company Limited. — The directors have declared an interim dividend of 4 per cent, (actual) on the ordinary shares. Doxford (William) and Sons Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 last states that the balance of profit and loss account unappropriated is £100,758, which the directors recommend should be disposed of as follows : Dividend on preference shares for half-year to December 31, 1913, £6,250; final dividend on ordinary shares, £5,000; bonus on ordinary shares, £15,000; general reserve account (making it £145,000), £35,000; reserve account for equali- sation of dividends (making it £115,000), £36,000; leaving to be carried forward, £3,508. The sum of £28,131 has been applied towards maintenance and depreciation of buildings and plant. Dundee Coal Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 last states that the last balance-sheet of the Dundee Coal Company was to September 30, 1912, and that of the late St. George's Company to December 31, 1912, therefore the accounts now presented cover a period for Burnside mine of 15 months, and for the St. George's mine 12 months. At the extraordinary meeting of share- holders held on April 29 last authority was given to increase the capital from £100,000 to £175,000. This has been done, and after paying 62,500 shares to the shareholders of the late St. George's Coal and Estate Company Limited 21,500 shares are held in reserve. The amount of debentures issued is £83,075, no further allotments having been made during the period under review. The output from the company's mines was 449,355 tons, of which 289,467 tons was from Burnside and 159,888 from St. George's. The directors regret the death of the late Sir George Sutton, K.C.M.G. Mr. Robert Lewis Hitchins, a director of the late St. George's Company, has been elected to fill the vacancy on the board. After paying £12,225 in dividends, providing £6,230 for interest on debentures, and writing off £17,037 for deprecia- tion, an amount of £12,090 is carried forward to next account. It is the intention of the directors to recommend a dividend of 5 per cent., amounting to £7,675, be paid out of this balance. During the period under review the amount on fixed deposit has been increased by £3,000. The latter half of 1913 has been more or less marked by industrial unrest. All the details in connection with the amalgama- tion of the Dundee and St. George's companies have been completed. Elders’ Collieries Limited. — The accounts for 1913 show that the profit for the year amounted to £12,484, making, with £2,093 brought forward, a total of £14,577. Debenture interest absorbs £1,670. The directors recom- mend that £3,238 be transferred to the depreciation reserve account (making that account £10,000), that £1,216 be written off freehold wagons account, and that a dividend of 3 per cent., less tax, be declared, leaving £1,955 to be carried forward. Employers’ Liability Assurance Corporation Limited.— The tnirty-second annual •. eneral meeting of this corpora- tion was held in London on the 11th inst., Lord Claud Hamilton, M.P., presiding. The chairman said the premiums for the past year amounted to £1,734,967, against £1,729,874 in 1912, and the total increase in gross receipts for the 12 months was £11,772. There was a growth of £19,000 in the expenses. The losses paid and outstanding for 1913 amounted to £1,067,948, and for 1912 to £874,415, being an increase of £193,533. The balance of income over expenditure was £156,342. He then dealt with the Work- men's Compensation Acts in this country and in the United States and Canada, and said that in the colonies generally the company's business was developing, but competition was very keen. The report was adopted, and a final divi- dend of 10s. per share, making 14s. per share for the year, was agreed to. Hamilton Brown and Co. Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £10,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business now carried on by J. H. Brown, under the style of Hamilton Brown and Co., at 3, St. Peter’s-buildings, York-street, Leeds, and to carry on the business of iron, tin-plate, and metal merchants, &c. First and governing director, J. H. Brown. Registered office; 3, St. Peter's-buildings, York-street, Leeds. Krebs (P. M.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business now carried on by P. M. Krebs, at 34, Hart-street, Bloomsbury, W.C., under the style of P. M. Krebs and Co., and to carry on the business of ironfounders, mechanical engineers, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with P. M. Krebs. First directors : P. M. Krebs (chairman) and F. M. Stieler. Qualification, £100. Registered office, 3, Old Gloucester-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. Matthews (Thomas) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £15,000 in £1 shares (5,000 preference), to acquire the business now carried on at the Imperial Ironworks, Pendleton, Manchester, under the style of Thomas Matthews, and to carry on the business of mechanical and hydraulic engineers, makers of pumps and pumping machinery, smoke-consuming apparatus, and steam pokers, air compressors, earth and well boring machinery, well and borehole sinkers, and general engineers, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with T. Matthews. First directors: T. Matthews (governing director), Hill Crest, Upper Colwyn Bay ; E. L. Matthews, Irlams- o'-th'-Height, Manchester; R. L. Matthews, 62, Park-lane, Pendleton; and F. A. Matthews, 32, Alresf ord-road, Pendleton. Middleburg Steam Coal and Coke Company Limited —A circular has been issued to the shareholders stating that, in view of the considerable development in the export coal trade from the Transvaal, it has become necessary for the company to guarantee an output beyond the tonnage allocated to it under the agreement with the Transvaal Coalowners’ Association. The development of the colliery is so far ahead of present requirements that the present output could be doubled at any time. It is anticipated that it will be necessary to consider an extension of plant in order that the output can at any time be still further increased to take advantage of trade demands. The exten- sion now contemplated will bring the capacity of the colliery up to 1,500 tons per day. The increased profit- earning capacity of the colliery should, in the opinion of the board, justify a moderate increase of capital, which would leave a larger proportion of the company's profits available for distribution as dividend than heretofore. The directors consider that the repayment of the small deben- ture issue at an early date will add to the financial standing of the company. They do not propose to issue the balance of the debentures. The other alternative is to issue the balance of the ordinary share capital, £15,544, and these shares are now offered to shareholders at par. The new shares will rank pari passu with the existing issue for participation in the profits of subsequent years. North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) juimited.—At an extraordinary general meeting of this company last week the chairman moved that the existing £5 shares should be divided into five fully paid-up £1 shares. The resolution was carried unanimously. Pegler Bros, and Go. (Doncaster) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £48,000 in £1 shares (36,000 preference), to acquire the business of brass, iron, copper, and aluminium founders and finishers, metal refiners, engineers, and coppersmiths, &c., now carried on at Belmont Works, Belmont-avenue, Doncaster, in the West Riding, Yorkshire, by F. Pegler, of the Northern Rubber Company, East Retford, Notts., under the style of Pegler Bros, and Co.; also to enter into an agreement with F. Pegler and S. F. Pegler. First directors: F. Pegler (chairman and governing director) and F. E. Pegler, both of FairView, East Retford ; F. Birchall, Langside, Axholme- road,Wheatley, near Doncaster; and A. Birchall, 13,Victoria- road, Balby, near Doncaster. Premier Valve Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £1,500 in £1 shares (750 A shares and 750 B shares), to carry on the business of mechanical and general engineers, &c. First directors : H. C. Barber and R. T. Beard. Registered office, Capel House, 54, New Broad-street, E.C. San Salvador Spanish Iron Ore Company Limited.— The report, which covers the year ended December 31 last, states that, after making due allowance for depreciation on machinery, plant and investments, the revenue account shows a net profit of £11,287, to which must be added balance brought forward of £2,450, making together £13,737. The directors recommend a dividend for the year on the 8 per cent. “ Pier " shares, £960, and of 10 per cent, for the year on the preference shares, £5,500, placing to special expenditure fund £5,000 and carrying forward £2,277. The quantity of mineral produced and shipped was less than in the preceding year. The falling off in the production is attributable to the exceedingly wet weather. The prices obtained were also slightly lower than those for 1912. Transvaal Coal Trust Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31, 1913, states that the directors regret to report that the results obtained from prospecting work on certain farms in the Breyten district over which options had been secured were so unsatis- factory as to warrant the abandonment of the options. The increase in the amount standing to the debit of the property account—namely, £2,025—was occasioned by expenses incurred during the year in the prospecting operations above referred to, and expenditure on certain other proper- ties in the Middleburg district, the results from which were also unsatisfactory. The net amount accruing to the com- pany during 1913, after allowing for assessment rate, road construction, deviation of power line, agency fees, &c., amounted to £5,850. The asset has been written down to £1 and the balance transferred to profit and loss. An amount of £16,112 was owing to the company as at December 31 last, being the unpaid instalments on stands sold since the formation of the township. The profit from the sale of coal amounted to £26,975, less a sum of £719 in respect of Government profit tax. The shortfall of £12,123, as compared with 1912, was mainly due to a short of water at Oogies Colliery during the last three months of the year. The output from the collieries, which amounted to 447,399 tons, was dealt with through the Transvaal Coal Owners Association (1910) Limited. The amount at debit of the De Rietfontein Colliery—namely, £42,488—has been reduced by the transfer of £37,806 to premium on shares account, the balance, £4,682, being represented by certain assets not yet disposed of. Capital expenditure for the year amounts to £16,279. The directors recommend the following interim dividends for the year 1913 :—(No. 27) 10 per cent. (2s. per share), (No. 28) 71 per cent. (Is. 6d. per share). United Collieries Limited.—The report for the year 1913 states that the profits amount to £100,503, which has. been carried to debenture interest and redemption appropriation account. Out of this the interest on the first debentures A and B has been met, £24,925 has been carried to sinking fund for redemption of first debentures and £20,000 retained to meet capital expenditure and treated in reduction of expenditure on property held by the company, leaving £37,554 available for further payments in respect of interest on the first debentures and for sinking fund. Under the provisions of the agreements with the debenture holders of July 1904 and April 1911, there have been redeemed during the year by tender first debentures A to the extent of £25,300 and first debentures B to the extent of £9,500. The output of the collieries was 2,341 336 tons. Vickers Limited.—The directors have decided to place £300,000 to general reserve and to recommend a final dividend of Is. 6d. per share (free of income-tax) on the ordinary shares, making 2s. 6d. per share, or 121 per cent, for the year. The amount carried forward is £222,810. Owing to the continued rapid and profitable expansion of the company's business the directors will propose to the shareholders an increase in the ordinary share capital of £1,110,000, or of one share in four of the present capital. These shares will be offered to the shareholders at 28s. per share. Vulcan Foundry Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend of 2| per cent, (actual) upon the ordinary shares. They also convene an extraordinary general meeting for to-day (Friday), when resolutions will be proposed to increase the share capital to £600,000 by the creation of 100,000 ordinary shares of £1 each, and that the sum of £27,861, being part of the undivided profits of the company, be distributed as a bonus among the holders of the ordinary shares in proportion to the ordinary shares held by them respectively, by the issue of 27,861 of the unissued ordinary shares credited as fully paid; the bonus proportion in question is one new ordinary share for each existing ten shares. Walker (C. and W.) Limited.—The directors’ report for the year ended January 31 last shows that the profit, after charging directors' fees and depreciation on buildings and plant and strengthening contingent reserve, amounts to the sum of £15,606 15s. After adding the balance brought forward from last year there is a sum of £24,348 16s. 6d., which the directors recommend be dealt with as follows :— To dividend already paid for six months ended July 31, 1913, viz., on preference shares at the rate of 5-2 per cent, per annum £1,100, on ordinary shares at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum £2,000—£3,100; to payment of a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum on the preference shares for the six months ended January 31, 1914, £1,100 ; to payment of a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, free of income tax, on the ordinary shares for the six months ended January 31, 1914, £2 000; to payment of a bonus of Is. per share on the ordinary shares, free of income tax, £2,000; to be carried to reserve fund, making it £33,000, £5,000 ; to carry forward to next year £11,148 16s. 6d.—£24,348 16s. 6d. The directors contem- plate further reorganisation and extension of the plant and machinery, and to meet the necessary outlay propose a further issue of capital. Whitham (Henry) and Son Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £7,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of steel and file manufac- turers, ironmasters, steelmasters and converters, &c. First directors, S. A. Whitham and C. H. Whitham. Registered office, 74, Arundel-street, Sheffield. Wilkinson (G. G.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,500 in £1 shares, to carry on the business of colliery owners, engineers, iron- masters, steelmakers, and converters, coke manufacturers, miners, smelters, ironfounders, and dealers in iron, coal and other metals and minerals, etc.; also to enter into an agree- ment with G. G. Wilkinson. First directors, G. G. Wilkin- son, St. James'-road, Dudley, and S. Cook, Greenfield-avenue, Stourbridge. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnerships:—H. Heaps and W. C. Heaps, engineers, millwrights and machinists Ann-street, Kendal, under the style of Wright, Heaps and Westwood ; H. C. Crowe, T. Banyard and J. Ward, engineers, Buckingham-road, Dalston, N., under the style of Crowban Engineering Company; A. C. Harris and S. Keats, engineers and machinists, Portland-road, Leicester, under the style of the Gripper Manufacturing Company ; G. F. Beare and H. W. Hill, instrument makers, manufac- turers and engineers, Harberson-road, Ba]ham, under the style of the Alpha Manufacturing Company ; S. Siddown and A. E. Maddock, motor engineers, Rutland - street, Ilkeston, under the style of Siddown and Maddock.