612 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 20, 1914. CURTISS & HARVEY’S NEW PERMITTED« EXPLOSIVES which have successfully passed the latest Home Office test of being fired unstemmed into Coal Dust and Gas. SUPER-EXCELLITE. A Powerful Explosive, suitable for Ripping and Hard Coal. SUPER'KOLAX. For Coal Getting. Samples and full particulars— CURTIS’S and HARVEY LTD., Cannon Street House, London, E.C., or any of their Agencies. NO MORE PIT CAGE ACCIDENTS! .. i I ; Si ,’ ■ ■>'1 Ascending and Descending Gages Safeguarded, No Interference with Winding Starting in the Wrong Direction Prevented. Safety assured with ‘THE VISOR.’ The most Effective Machine on the Market. Over 200 at work piirlicularK to JOHN WOOD & SONS Ltd., Telephone : 55 Wigan. Engineers, YHTIOrAN’. Telegrams Haulage, Wigan.