610 THE OOLLIEBT GUARDIAN. March 20 1914. FACTS The “ EICKHOFF ” Patent Roller Conveyor has thoroughly established its superb ority over all other coal conveyors, a FACT which is easily proved by enquiring of its users who have had other types of conveyors. Our staff of Certified Mining Engineers are kept continuously busy .superintending installations at collieries in all districts and in all conditions. Repeat orders have been received from wherever The “ EICKHOFF ” Conveyor has been tried, which is a FACT worth noting. The “EICKHOFF” Conveyor concentrates the coal to one point without trammers, boys, or ponies, and reduces the number of gate roads. Send post card for free advice, to The Mining Appliances Co., 32, Church Street, Sheffield. Telegrams—“ Conveyor, Sheffield.” Telephone—2401 Central.