604 v'iWSSEESEE March 13, 1914 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ____________________________ ____________________________ Sitssatinns Vacant & Wanted, ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ (Xillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT & SON, Barnsley. For Sale, New Steel Lancashire Boilers. ready for immediate deliveryOther sizes in progress. 30 ft. long by 8 ft. diameter, for 1001b. working pressure. 30 ft. „ 8 ft. „ 1601b. „ „ 30 ft. „ 8 ft. 6 in., „ 1201b. SPURR, INMAN & CO. LTD Calder Vale Boiler Works, Wakefield. _________________________________________________ Locomotives of every description, Col- liery or main lines; COAL-CUTTER MACHINES to undercut up to 6 ft.—YORKSHIRE ENGINE CO. LTD., Meadow Hall Works, Sheffield. _____________________________________________________________________________ For Sale, one superior Vertical High- speed EN GINE, enclosed type, 200 h.p., fitted with extended sole- plate for carrying dynamo; cheap before removal.—Box 5262, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. JLk. 250 tons of good Relayable Steel Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb. upwards. Quantity of Bull Head RAILS, all suitable for sidings: all accessories to suit. B. M. RENTON & CO., Midland Works, Savile-street, Sheffield. For Sale, High-class Electric Plant, as underOne 100-kw. Belliss-Morcom “Balancer” Electric Gener- ating Set, 230 volts; also two 250-kw. Belliss-Morcom Generating Sets, 510 to 550 volts; all equal to new. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. 3 750 kw. Turbo Alternators with Con- densers, 440 volts; a high-class Corliss Engine, by Marshall, 16in. cylinder, 33in. stroke, in splendid condition; Babcock Boiler, 1,176 square feet heating surface; pair of 15 in. Robey Drop Valve Engines, 33 in. stroke; Steam Alternator, 2,100 volts; single phase 35-kw. Ventilating or Electric Lighting Engine, by Browett, cylinders 8in. and 14in.by 8in. stroke,totally enclosed; Hydraulic Pump (Duplex), steam 12in., water 1 in., 10in stroke Send for our catalogue. HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LTD., Staines For Sale, two Powerful Diagonal Steam WINCHES, by Clarke, Chapman & Co., 6 in. cylinders by 10 in. stroke, newly overhauled. RIDDEL & CO., 40 St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. A Rickaby, Bloomfield Engine Works. * Sunderland. Re East Gwanda Mines. Three-throw PUMPS. 4, 7, 8 in. rams. Compound Vertical ENGINES, 5J—9J by 6 stroke. DYNAMO, 220 v., 40 amps., 10-h.p. Motor, 220 v. ________________________________________________________ 3 Turbo Alternators, each rated to give 1,550 k.v.a., 50 cycles, 1,500 r.p.m., voltage 6,600, with Condensers and Edwards Air Pumps ; Willans and Robinson’s Engine and D.C. Generator, 190-k.w., 550 volts; two 100-k.w. Beiliss Crompton GENERA- TING SETS, 500/550 volts ; pairs 25 in. and 10 in. WINDING ENGINES ; pair 20 in. by 3 ft. HAULING ENGINES; pairs 10 in. by 12 in. HAULING ENGINES, two drums; double 10in. by 14in. Horizontal WINCH; Single 26 in. by 4ft. Horizontal Corliss ENGINE ; Single 22in. ditto; pairs 18^ in. andl3?in. Vertical “Robey” ENGINES; Evans SINKING PUMPS, 21 by 16 by 24 ; 3 Compressed Air Hurd BAR COAL CUTTERS, 5ft. undercut* R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. _______________________________________________ For Sale, Winding and Hauling Engines. One pair of coupled High-pressure HAULING ENGINES, by Leigh, of Patricroft, 18 in. cylinders, 30in. stroke, with drums 4 ft. by 2ft. and gearing complete. One pair ditto. 16in. cylinders, 36 in. stroke, highly finished. One pair ditto, 16 in. cylinders, 39 in. stroke, fitted with link- reversing motion and drum, 4 ft. 6 in. diameter. One pair ditto, 14 in. by 36 in., link-reversing motion. CUD WORTH & JOHNSON, Eagle Foundry, Wrexham. ______________________________________________________ For Sale, 1 complete Endless Rope HAULAGE GEAR, by David Bridge & Co., new, with Blocks, Tension and Guide Bars, Striking and Brake Gear, Ac. 1 Mavor & Coulson’s Pick-quick medium size BAR COAL CUTTER, almost new. 2 Temple Ingersoll Electric RADIALAX COAL CUTTERS, No. L 15, complete with Motor and Pulsator on tram, very little used. 1 Set of CAGE KBPS. 1 150-k.v.a. TRANSFORMER, 440/3.300 v., 40 periods. 2 35-k.v.a. TRANSFORMERS, 3,300/440 v. Apply, Box 5603, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London, E.C. FOR SALE. 90 tons of New Perfect Steel Bridge Rails, 16 lb. per yard, 6 ft. lengths, punched for nails. 800 tons Relay able Steel B.H. Rails, 80/85 lb. per yard, with all accessories. 250 tons Relayable Steel 50/56 lb. Flange Rails, with accessories. 20 tons Nearly New Steel Flange Rails, 41£, and 44 lb. per yard, with accessories. 150 tons New Perfect Steel Flange Rails, 14, 16, 18, and 20 lb. per yard, with Fishplates (delivery ex stock). 50 tons of capital second-hand Steel Bridge Rails, 100 lb. per yard. 4,000 good second-hand Creosoted Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10in. by 5in.; also large quantity of ditto Crossing Timbers. 20/25 tons of good second-hand Steel Flange Rails, about 20 lb. per yard. 100 tons of good second-hand Iron Flange Rails, about 28 lb. per yard. Also 100 tons of 40/45 lb. per yard. A large stock of capital second-hand steel 2/3rd and 1-yard Side-tipping Wagons, 24 in. gauge. Also 20 capital second-hand Crane Tipping Skeps, and 6 good second-hand Contractors’ Hand Carts. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., New and Second-hand Bails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. "'he Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. -JL Telegrams—*’ Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). __________________________________________________________ WANTED. LOCOMOTIVE.—One 2ft. 6in. gauge, and one 3ft. gauge, cylinders not less than 9 in., also one standard gauge, 4 wheels coupled, and one 6 wheels coupled Tank Loco., the larger the cylinders the better; all must be in good working order and ready for immediate work. State present working pressure, wnere to be seen, and lowest cash price. DEAD-BUFFER WAGONS for breaking up. State number, tares of each, also lowest price for cash against invoice and delivery Cardiff. FOR SALE. STEEL RAILS with Accessories when required. Rxa-Aij ,, xi. x Trznjviw.— leu-wnueLB lur pjcuixiyu uenvery, ucw Bpeuiuua- ,z-, -” r'*''',"*' ’ S- 1— - -. V,- V - tion, for cash or redemption hire; all now in main line traffic. And 10-ton ™°^hly,oy as often as desired, according to arrangement.-Reply, Box A dvertiser, a strict economist in general ATjL. mining management for 20 years, and who at present occupies the post of mining and consulting engineer to a large successful colliery com- pany, is also prepared to act as CONSULTING ENGINEER for other collieries; has had wide practical experience in the management of soft and hard coal seams, thick and thin seams of varying gradients, and also in up- to-date screening, washing, and coking of coals respectively, and by-product plants; has introduced mechanical coal cutters and conveyors into mines of varying conditions with great success ; only those principals needing _____________________________________ 1 sound practical advice on the economical and safe working of their mines, RAILWAY WAGONS-Ten-tonners for prompt delivery, new speciflca- who mean business, need apply; inspections made and reports given >______t-_____n______ vi________■ r._ _ j __ a __ _T -»/i j _ Tnnnrnlv nr n.® riff-xn n..Q nAfiiron annnrnintr t.n QrrnuoPTnpnt' — Ronlu Dead-buffer Wagons, with one end and two side doors, only just out of main line traffic, well adapted for private sidings, &c. Also Wheels and Axles and Wagon material, new and second-hand. EARTH WAGONS.—Contractors, end and side tippers, wood or any gauge. PASSENGER CARRIAGES.—Two four-wheeled third-class Coaches, five compartments in each, both have automatic vacuum throughout; now at Cardiff. THUNDERBOLT HAMMER DRILLS as supplied the British Admiralty. Catalogues on application. LIFTING JACKS.—24 12-tonners, good as new, with brass nuts, cheap to clear. Particulars on application. LOCOMOTIVES.—One 4 wheels coupled, standard gauge, by Manning* Wardle & Co., in perfect order at about half the price of new, cylinders 9in. by 13in., 1401b. pressure, recently thoroughly overhauled and painted, now at Cardiff ready for immediate delivery. Photo and further particulars on application. Also one 4 wheels coupled (type 4-4-2) radial Bogie Tank Engine, built by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Manchester, cylinders 18in. by 24in., wheel base 8 ft. 6 in., driving wheels 5 ft. 7 in., 140 lb. working pressure, total weight in working order 59 tons, fitted with steam and hand brakes, and vacuum brake fittings for applying the vacuum automatic brake to trains. Qinking Pumps and Plant to be Sold in perfect order ; two Evans Sinking Pumps, 24 by 16, with c -------------O ----------Jr --------- — ------------- | ” s »ourn waxes, experienced in designing and detailing screw con- IO' perfect order ; two Evans Sinking Pumps, 24 by 16, with chains ; veyors, patent fuel and by-product plants ; the position entails the sufficient for 300 yards depth, blocks, wooden head frame, winch, girders, ■ improvement in mechanical detail of plant now running on a small scale, all complete in perfect order, pumps and chain re-conditioned ; can be seen ’ and the complete designing and detailing of a large unit on the same at Mid-Cannock Colliery.—Apply to WM. HARRISON LTD., Brownhills ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ’* ----------------------------------------- ---------- Collieries, near Walsall. W anted, good Second-hand Direct V Y Coupled Non-condensing STEAM GENERATOR, steam pressure lOOJb., 550 volts, D.C , about 180 to 200 kw.- State full particulars and lowest prices, to Box 5598, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. __________________________________ For Sale, 37-kw. Generating Set, 215 volts, 172 amps., 450 revs., compound wound, concurrent, direct coupled on one bedjlate to Willans Engine; excellent condition, price £150.—Box “ 6 P. O.,” Hollinwood, near Manchester. anted, two large Second-hand Lanca- * ’ shire BOILERS, with fittings, to work at 120 lb. pressure; also 1 or 2 large Electrical SINKING PUMPS for immediate delivery.—Write “ W. G.,” care of J. W. Vickers & Co Ltd., 5, Nicholas-Iane, E.C. __________________________________________________ OIS-'U'EsEO COLLIERIES & WORKS. We make best cash offer for any quantity machinery, metals., and all kinds of scrap-iron in any district. We supply own labour for cutting up and trucking. Box 5560, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. WILLIAM FIRTH Ltd., GREEK STREET, LEEDS, aod Secoad-haad Rails, Contractors’ Rant and Locos, Cranes, Wagons, &c. 2 RIVETTED BRIDGE GIRDERS, 64ft. 10in. long, 5ft. deep. 30-h.p. PORTABLE ENGINE, makers Ruston, Proctor and Co. 16-h.p. PORTABLE ENGINE, makers Ransome, Sims & Jeffries. 3-ton. LOCO. STEAM TRAVELLING CRANE, with 33 ft. or 21 ft. lattice jib, by Booth Bros. 2-ton WHARF CRANE, with 21 ft. lattice jib, by the Bedford Engineering Co. Two 20-cwt. HAND DERRICK CRANES, 27ft. jibs, by Butters Bros. _____________________________________________ “THOMPSON” DISH ENDED BOILERS. We have m stock ready for immediate delivery, 2 DISH END BOILERS, 30 ft. by 9 ft. 3in., 160 w.p. 3 „ „ 30 ft. by 8ft. 3in., 160 w.p. 1 ,, „ 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3 in., 100 w.p. And many other smaller sizes and lower pressures. Also the following second-hand BOILERS:—3 Economic and 2 Water Tube Boilers. JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampton, Eng. STEAM ENGINES. HIGH-CLASS PAIR SELF-CONTAINED VERTICAL ENGINES, by Marshall, cylinders 14Hn- by 20in. MARSHALL, 10in dia. cyl. by 14in. stroke, Horizontal. do. 11 in. dia. cyl. by 22 in. stroke, Horizontal. ROBEY, 10|in. cyl. by 20 in. stroke, Horizontal. SIDE-BY-SIDE HORIZONTAL COMPOUND CONDENSING ENGINE, h.p. cyl 9g in dia., l.p. cyl. 16jin. dia. bv 18in. stroke. PAIR HORIZONTAL UROSS COMPOUND, by POLLOCK & MACNAB, h.p. cyl. 10£ in. dia., l.p. cyl. 18 in. dia., stroke 20 in., with Variable Expansion Gear. OTHER SIZES, including 250 BRAKE HORSE-POWER, and ONE 100 I.H.P., and Plenty of Smaller Engines, Ready for Delivery. WINDING & HAULAGE ENGINES. STEAM WINDING GEAR, with Double Cylinder Engines, 6in. by 12in. 10 in.fcbyk20in. HORIZONTAL SINGLE DRUM HAULING or WINDING ENGINES. VER1ICAL SINGLE CYLINDER HAULING ENGINE, 8?; in. by 14in. 3-TON DIRECT’ACTING LIFTING HAND or POWER WINCH and WIRE ROPE. WILL LET ON HIRE OR PURCHASE-HIRE. C13L£i>i?les D. IPliilliiss, Emlyn and Central Engineering Works NCWpOFt, MON. Established 1867. ______________________________________________________ Charge (which must be prepaid): One Penny per word; minimum, 2s. 6d. 5595,tCollierv Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival st., Holborn, London, E.C. steei. I TV/Tining Surveyor (qualified) desires ’ ‘ IVA change of district as CHIEF SURVEYOR at colliery home or Colonies; 14 years’ experience in mining and estate work, skilled draughts- man, excellent credentials.—Box 5592, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Kurnival-streei, Holborn, London, E.C. oiliery Manager.—Experienced Mana- ger of large collieries, very large output, desires engagement; age 37. —Testimonials or references, Box 5593, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. TVanted, position as Bookkeeper, Cashier y V or CLERK, competent to take full charge cost sheets, wages, stores buying, &c.; first-class references.—Apply, Box 5604, Colliery Guar- dian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Draughtsman Designer required for South Wales, experienced in designing and detailing screw con- principles.—Applications containing full particulars of past experience, copies of testimonials, salary required, and when services available, will be treated as confidential, and should be addressed Box 5589, Colliery Gu irdian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. YWanted by an active young man, age V V 24,10 years in coal trade, position as MANAGING CLERK ; good ledger clerk, neat and careful; highest references.—Apply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 531.4, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Advertiser seeks berth as Clerk or TRAVELLER; thorough knowledge of trade; 14 years’ experience, age ‘<8 ; excellent references.—Apply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5582, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only.—Address, FAIRCLOUGH & SONS, Bank’lane, Clayton, near Manchester. _____________________________________________________________________ PROPERTIES. Wanted for immediate Buyers, York- shire, Lancashire and Durham Collieries; also I have several good collieries for sale.—JEYES, Surveyor, Shenfield. For Sale, a moderate sized well equipped COLLIERY in the Midlands, good position and prospects.—Apply * Box 5600, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. WAG0E WORKS FOR SALE. Anew fully equipped modern Works for the manufacture of Wood Framed Railway Wagons ready for immediate occupation. New Buildings well laid out with modern wood-working machinery, electrically driven. Smithy, 12,800 square feet. Woodmill and Building Shop, 18,240 square feet. Extensive Sidings connected with Midland and Great Central Railways. Situated in middle of South Yorkshire coalfield, and 10 miles from Sheffield. If desired, a substantial portion of purchase money would be left on mortgage. JOHN BAKER & CO. (ROTHERHAM) LTD., Kilnhurst Steel Works, near Sheffield. __________________________________________________________________ ESTATES FOR SALE. ________________________ FOR SALE PRIVATELY. BY DIRECTION OF SIR CHARLES B. LOWTHER. Bart.. The Swillington Estate, about six miles from Leeds, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, comprising a highly- important LANDED AND MINERAL PROPERTY, of about 3,200 acres in extent, including Swillington House and Park, 13 Dairy and Mixed Farms and other Holdings, Accommodation and Building Land, and Village Properties. The present income from the surface lands let at moderate rents, and the minimum rent and average yearly royalties derived from the collieries, which are leased to a well-established company for a limited period, aggregates to about £10,000 a year, with valuable reversion to a large area of undeveloped coal. Full particulars may be obtained by principals or their duly authorised agents on application to Mr. JOSEPH STOWER, Surveyor and Auctioneer, 43, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. __________________________________________________________ EBOCATION. TTniversal Mining School. Lessons by Post. Thorough preparation for all Mining Exams. Syllabus free. T. A. SOUTHERN and H. W. HALBAUM, The U.M.S., 215, Cardiff. __________________________________________________ /Colliery Managers’, Inspectors’, and Snr- V7 VEYORS’CERTIFICATES Electricity in Mines. Director of Oral Tuition in London : A. P. PENNELL, M. A—PENNINGTONS, Univer- sity Tutors, Oxford-road, Manchester, and 36, Maiden lane. Strand, W.C. "IVrining Electricity. Correspondence 1 V M Lessons for those engaged in Mining. Thorough and practical. Special Short Course. Inclusive Fee 25/- Write for prospectus, the ELECTRO-TECHNICAL BUREAU, 312, Deansgate, Manchester. ______________________________________________ MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. our new Steel Chimneys, each 90 ft. high by 4ft. 6 in diameter, plates % in. thick, gussetted to base plate, 9 ft. square by 3 in. thick. ECONOMISER of 144 pipes, by Clay Cross Co., ne v 1905, 1451b. pressure, with small engine, for driving scrapers, scrapers, &c. One Green’s ECONOMISER, 48 pipes, for 1001b. pressure, no engine* usual fittings. One Cast Iron TANK, 60 ft. by 17 ft. by 4 ft. deep, plates about f in. thick, inside flanges, capacity about 25,000 gallons. Nearly new Cross Type Babcock BOILER, furnace fired, 672 square feet heating surface, steam drum 10 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 6 in., pressure 1351b., new in 1909. _________________________ CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. _________________ W. WARD LIMITED, ALBION WORKS. * Tel.—“Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engine?. R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO., LTD., NEWCASTLH-ON-TYNH. —- Locomotives always in stock or in progress. — Tblegrams—" Looomotivb.” ________________________________________ New Locomotives In Stock ready for immediate delivery. Cylinders, 10 in., 12 in., 14 in., 15 in., 16 in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKETT & SOWS, ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. PARTNERSHIPS. "Partnership required by Mining Engineer B and Surveyor, long and varied experience in management of large colliery.—Full particulars to Box 5594, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31,. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. ______________________________________________________________________________ PATENTS. ___________________________ The Proprietors of the Patent No. 14964, of 1906, for " Apparatus for Quenching, Screening, and Conveying Coke,” are desirous of entering into arrangements by way of license and otherwise on reasonable terms for the purpose of exploiting the same and ensuring its full development and practical working in this country.—All communications to HASELTINE, LAKE & CO., Chartered Patent Agents and Consulting Engineers, 28, Southampton Buildings, Chancery- lane, London, W.C. _____________________________________________________ *#* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges see Page 576 (Leader Page). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed and Published by the Proprietors, Thu Collibry Guardi aw Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, March. 13, 1914.