March 13, 1914 - THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 599 The Genuine Glass bears this Trade Mark Insist on having it. REGISTERED TRADE MARK. DON’T BE SATISFIED with AS GOOD AS, but insist on getting APPROVED Resisto - Glass Miner Lamp Glasses. RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES have passed the British Home Office Heat, Chill and Drop Tests at Eskmeals. They are ground perfectly true and accurate. RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES are always of uniform quality and, therefore, never fail. RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES can he supplied promptly in large quantities at the rate of 20,000 pcs. per week. RESISTO MINER LAMP GLASSES are always to be relied on, and all consignments will conform with the Home Office regulation. RESISTO MINER LAMP GLASSES compare favourably with other makes on the market. PRICES FOR If you wish to reduce cost of maintenance and avoid complaints, use RESISTO MINER LAMP CLASSES exclusively. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND PRICES- Apply to the Miner Lamp Manufacturers of Great Britain. “TYNOS” NON CONDUCTING f Boiler & Pipe Coverings On Admiralty & War Office Lists. S. T. TAYLOR & SONS, Tel. Add. TYNOS WORKS, scots wood.” Scotswood-on-Tyne. MAGGIE BROS. Ltd. Gateshead-on-Tyne. Established, 1800. MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED PATENT Flat and Round Wire and Hemp ROPES OF ANY LENGTH FOR COLLIERIES AND RAILWAYS, FROM EITHER BEST SELECTED CHARCOAL IRON, IMPROVED PATENT OR PLOUGH STEEL WIRE. . . Flexible Galvanized Steel Hawsers (all guaranteed to Lloyd’s test), with Winches or Reels and Stoppers. Wire Signal Lines for Railways and Collieries. Copper Lightning Conductors, complete. Galvanized Fencing Strand. Galvanized Wire Rope for Ships’ Rigging. Galvanized Wire Rope fitted up to order. Picture and Sash Cord made from Copper, Brass Plated or Galvanized Wire. Crane Ropes, made to suit small Drums and Pulleys. We have Crane Ropes working on the same Barrels as Chains. Wire Rope Springs; Wire Rope Pulleys. Wire Rope Composition or Grease. White Block Ropes and general Hemp Cordage. Chains of every description. Wire Ropes made specially to suit small Pulleys. We can guarantee uniformity of all our Ropes, as we draw our owu Wire from SpecialRods, got up to our own specification. Owing to our “ Special Qualityhave Haulage Ropes running 14 years and Winding Ropes 6| years. flelegraras Haggle, Gateshead.” Stone Dust in Collieries What the Home Secretary says : In a recent official communication the Home Secretary writes :—“ It will be necessary to embody the recommendations in statutory regulations under the Coal Mines Act, but I would urge owners most strongly, without waiting for the formal settlement of the regulations, to take the matter into immediate consideration... “ The Committee have not in the report recommended the adoption of stone dusting to the exclusion of watering, but it is generally recognised that any system of watering which does not render inert the dust, not only on the floor, but on the supports and sides, would not be equivalent to the system of stone dusting recommended by the Committee.” TTrzfe for full particulars of Alien’s Stone Dust Making Plant and its many advantages over other types of machines. Edgar Allen & Co. Limited, IMPERIAL STEEL WORKS, SHEFFIELD. Coal Bunkers, Bentley Colliery, Doncaster, for Messrs. Barber, Walker & Co. Capacity, 400 tons. THE YORKSHIRE HENNEBIQUE CONTRACTING Co. Ltd., Viaduct Works, Kirkstall Road, LEEDS. ’Grams- “ Ferro, Leeds.” ’Phone—4457 Leeds (two lines). HENNEBIQUE FERRO-CONCRETE The best construction for all buildings and Engineering work. Used by the Admiralty War Office, H.M Office of Works, and the leading1 Corporations and Companies.