March 13, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 589 CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Bilston, March 23.—Coal, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. Vincent Turner, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., engineer and surveyor, Town Hall, Bilston. Coventry, March 17.—Engine coal (not larger than double-screened nuts), for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. J. E. Swindlehurst, M.Inst.C.E., city engineer and surveyor, St. Mary’s Hall, Coventry. Devonport, March 16.—Coal, for H.M. Government. Forms from the Officer Commanding, Army Service Corps, New Granby Barracks, Devonport. Gainsborough, March 18.—Steam coal, for the Urban District Council. Tenders to Mr. Sam W. Parker, engineer and surveyor, Council Offices, Gainsborough. Hull, March 20.—Coal, for the Corporation. Forms from the City Engineer, Guildhall, Hull. London, March 18 —For the supply of gas coke, for the Commissioners of H.M. Works, &c. (maximum quantity 13,000 tons). Forms from the Controller of Supplies, H. M. Office of Works, 18, Queen Anne’s-gate, London, S.W. London, April 2.—The Crown Agents for the Colonies, acting for the Government of Mauritius, invite tenders for 21,000 tons of Welsh steam coal. Forms can be obtained at the Crown Agents’ Office. Lowestoft, March 20.—Coal and coke, for the Corpora- tion. Forms from Mr. Geo. H. Hamby, A.M.I.C.E., borough surveyor, Town Hall, Lowestoft. Portsmouth, March 18.—About 250 tons Hall’s nutty slack and 250 tons Measham washed beans, including delivery, for the Guardians. Forms at the Guardians’ Offices, St. Michael’s-road, Portsmouth. Sheerness, March 21-24.—About 600 tons of washed slack, for the Sheerness Urban District Council. Forms form Mr. V. H. Stallon, clerk, Council Offices, Sheerness. Tangier (Morocco), April 1. — The “ Commission Generale des Adjudications et des Marches” intends to contract, by private arrangement after competition, for the supply of 1,500 tons of briquettes required by the “ Controle de la Dette.”* York, March 21.—Steam and house coal, for the Elucation Committee. Forms from Mr. J. H. Mason, secretary, Education Offices, Clifford-street, York. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Antwerp (Belgium), April 6.—Steam Engine.—For the Municipal Authorities, steam engine with pressure pumps, for the North Hydraulic Station at Antwerp.* Auckland (New Zealand), March 26.—Hydro-eleotric Power Plant.—For the directors of the Dominion Portland Cement Company Limited, New Zealand (Wairua Falls) :— Hydraulic equipment (including turbines, 1,500-horse power each, governors, penstocks, valves, &c.) ; generators, I, 000 kw. each, exciters, automatic regulators, &c. Specifi- cations from Messrs. Walker, MacEwen and Co. Limited, 7, Princes-street, Westminster, S.W., on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). BeEston. March 28—Cast Iron Pipes.—About 324 tons of cast iron pipes and special castings, for the Urban District Council. Particulars from the engineer, Mr. W. H. Radford, C.E., Albion-chambers, Nottingham, on deposit of £2 2s. (returnable). Farnworth, March 18.—Rotary Converter, fyc.—One 500 kw. rotary converter, transformer, switchgear, and cables, for the Urban District Council. Specification from the Council’s engineer, Mr. A. J. Hutchinson, Electricity Works, Farnworth, upon payment of £2 2s. for each specifi- cation (returnable). Guildford.—Furnaces.—Three furnaces to be fitted to three water-tube boilers, capable of burning 30 lb. to 40 lb. of slack coal per hour per square foot of grate area, for the directors of the Guildford Electricity Supply Company. Smokeless combustion imperative. Further particulars can be obtained by personal inspection of the works. Hennock (Devon), March 19.—Pipes Laying.—About 3,300 yards of 15 in. cast-iron pipes, for the Torquay Cor- poration. Specification from Mr. S. C. Chapman, water engineer, upon the payment of .£1 Is. (returnable). Huddersfield.—Drift.—Driving a drift from the surface to the Halifax hard coal, a distance of about 100 yards. Particulars obtainable from Read, Holliday and Sons Limited, Huddersfield. Keighley, April 11,—Reservoir, cfc.—Construction- of a storage reservoir, for the Corporation. Specification from the engineer, Mr. H. Ratcliffe Barnett, at the Town Hall, Keighley. London, March 17—Mechanical Stokers.—Two mechanical coking stokers, for the Lambeth Guardians. Specifications obtained at the Guardians’ offices. London, March 17.—Steel Sleepers,