March 13, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN.. 587 EXPERTS OF COAL, COKE, AM MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KK0OH During February and the first two months of 1912, 1913 and 1914 T., February, 1914. February. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. Q- All coal, lantity (tons). ! All coal. Value (£). Tons. £ Tons. Tons. £ 1912. 1913. 1914. 1912. 1913. 1914 Russia ... 6,097 4,074 1,890 1,299 130,430 87,212 54,327 107,742 138,417 32,106 i ' 76.178 92,585 Sweden 39,291 22,496 9,814 6,186 171,284 118,568 225,928 299,751 220,389 123,858 | 195,704 147,25) Norway 62,238 27,807 7,877 4,996 174/-83 114,663 240,537 224,496 244,198 127,582 ; 139,160 147,466 Denmark 57,961 34,354 48,137 30,713 95,959 64,183 234,499 270,765 202,057 127,591 ; 174,192 129,250 Germany 188,260 105,229 215,665 129,122 180,639 118,815 506,033 594,211 584,564 256,825 1 339,285 353,166 Netherlands .. 52,558 28,860 57,187 35,957 29,889 19.483 170,125 186,459 139,634 88,851 114,983 84 300 Belgium 74,892 37,208 34,921 21,855 63,015 42,570 135,337 196,767 172,’828 61’182 j 111*852 101,633 France 524,698 272,433 331,293 2)5,370 464,776 367,216 1,079,225 1,001,941 1,320,767 609,422 j 616,457 845,019 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 22,381 12,232 19,167 12,281 56,669 47,214 109,428 138,746 98,217 69,628 ; 94,081 71,777 Spain and Canaries 50,507 31,184 96,106 59,942 147,071 118,360 370,731 313,732 293,684 250,215 : 242,904 209,486 Italy 129,726 59,310 181,493 115,931 553,936 454.070 830,657 76 ,695 865,145 532,442 534,903 629,311 Austria-Hungary 20,871 12,822 11,537 9,242 46,496 35,654 54,521 144,032 81,904 28,687 99,707 57,718 Greece 15,230 11,157 36,212 21,987 28,729 23,885 81,812 59,406 80,171 2,498 2,664 57,029 Roumania — — — — — — 3,028 3.049 — 49,323 ' 40,419 Turkey 3,000 1,903 21,946 13,710 38,129 31,424 30,172 9,186 63,075 21,218 8,003 47,037 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 12,643 6,920 65,970 41,859 186,484 150,642 ' 281,484 212,595 265,097 191,171 182,998 199,421 25,142 13,770 26,789 16,466 33,121 26 995 116,344 131,871 85,052 72,390 87,715 57,231 Portuguese West Africa — — 1,930 1,2 1 21,208 19,195 30,291 37,045 23,138 24,993 32,731 20*406 Chile 383 468 — — 46.255 36,428 75,743 28,863 46,638 60,121 24,733 36,896 Brazil 14,015 1 ,006 4,840 2,904 143,940 130,448 205,148 ) 150,448 162,795 161,617 129,511 144,358 Uruguay 4.817 3,926 — — 59,485 54,430 102,884 ! 50,568 64.302 82,862 42,688 58,356 Argentine Republic 5,092 6,167 — — ’ 321,084 282,623 257,590 | 309,334 326,176 198,240 258,111 288,790 Channel Islands 120 135 3,963 2,524 8,676 6,670 19,926 1 10,542 12,759 14,477 7,809 9,329 Gibraltar 1,962 938 7,088 4,058 10,818 8,727 38,453 1 26,551 19,868 ' 25,888 18,480 13,723 Malta •• 13,558 7,439 8,257 5,427 22,320 19,038 50,699 i 85,628 44,135 32,672 63,718 31,904 Aden and Dependencies — —■ — — 11,481 9,759 33,710 1 16,483 11,481 27,666 13,861 9,759 British India 722 630 — — 19,123 16,463 17,107 ; 26,540 19,845 11,409 21,519 17,093 Ceylon ... — — — — 26,206 23,153 ; 37,284 ! 13,678 26,206 29,621 11,026 23,153 Other countries 12,990 1 11,358 914 500 99,431 83,525 121,961 90,793 113,335 ! 98,206 72,091 95,443 Anthracite 117,780 87,100 — — 132,437 122,941 205,275 187,057 - 250,217 160,385 148,311 210,044 Steam 997,923 501,763 315,453 191,849 2,873,392 2,259,886 3,996,301 4,046,314 ’ 4,186,768 2,559,297 2,807,408 2,953,498 Total Gas . 70,005 40,439 719,640 454,313 93,425 65,182 903,273 . 875,335 ; 883,070 469,262 513,323 559,934 Household 36,152 22,475 — — 89,496 61,988 125,224 147,861 i 125,648 73,896 94,932 84,463 Other sorts 117,294 72,099 160,903 97,438 1,977 1,413 284,911 323,350 280,174 152,954 193,509 170,950 Total . 1,339,154 723,876 1,195,996 743,600 3,190,727 2,511,413 5,514,984 5,569,917 . 5,725,877 3,415,794 3,757,483 3,978,889 Total (February 1913) 1,306,334 729,568 1,202,628 713,800 3,060,955 2,314,115 — — — — — Total (February 1912) 1,242,263 599,711 1,177,956 621,828 3,094,765 2,203,255 — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 108,169 98.755 94,595 80,725 92,935 79,757 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 161,251 154,253 154,136 119,235 131,694 135,162 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — 5,784,404 5,822,925 5,974,608 3,615,754 3,982,112 4,193,808 First two months of 1914. First two months. f Anthi acit e 1 254,326 182,157 — — 265,762 246,420 447,199 485,365 520,088 351,997 393,008 428,577 1 Steam i 2,016,939 1,019,000 623,162 385,195 5,778,048 4,538,567 7,941,579 8,464,307 8,418,149 4,975,402 5,841,474 5,942,762 Totals Gas 124,407 71,937 1,454,585 927,697 189,791 134,061 1,730,471 1,776,699 1,768,783 880,930 1,035,734 1,133,695 Household 79,858 50,345 — — 177,504 123,135 264,903 293,587 257,362 150,849 186,875 173,480 L Other sorts 231,883 140,667 312,955 191,367 11,427 8,392 552,007 620,277 556,265 286,132 384,325 340,426 Total 2,707,413 1,464,106 2,390,702 1,504,259 6,422,532 5,050,575 10,936,159 11,640,235 11,520,647 6,645,310 7,841,146 8,018,940 Total for two months of 1913 2,706,048 1,504,739 2,432,934 1,431,936 6,501,253 4,904,741 __ — — — __ — Total for two months of 1912 2,471,161 1,145,481 2,295,545 1,183,279 6,169,453 4,316,550 — — — — — Coke 222,040 205,850 218,851 164,294 194,657 187,191 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 310,183 350,992 324,081 228,194 290,312 283,370 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — 11,468,382 12,197,077 12,063,579 7,037,798 8,326,415 8,489,501 debenture guarantee premium, £625 j written off expenses of issue of debentures, &c., .£4,277; for depreciation of plant, &c., £8,444; leaving to be carried forward .£3,573. Martens (R.) and Co. Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£20,000 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business of coal contractors, coal brokers, colliery proprietors, coalowners, coal, coke and patent fuel merchants, and coal exporters, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with R. C. Martens, 14, Chaucer-mansions, Kensington, S.W., W. A. H. Hyde, 34, St. Mary-axe, E.C., and R. H. Thompson, who are the first directors. Mining Agency Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of .£1,000 in .£1 shares, to carry on the business indicated by the title, also to enter into an agreement with G. H. Safford. First directors: A. R. Pole and G. H. Safford. Registered office, 18, Eldon-street, EC. Mirrlees Watson Company Limited. — The directors recommend a dividend of 5 per cent., less tax, out of the profits of the past year. Naylor Battery Company Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £12,000 in .£1 shares, to acquire the business of metallurgists, electricians, and manufacturers of electric batteries and accumulators now carried on by E. H. Naylor at 1, Lammermoor-road, Balham, S.W.; also to enter into an agreement with E. H. Naylor and G. Pauling. First directors, Sir S. O’Brien Hoare, E. H. Naylor, and G. H. Pauling. Newbold Colliery Company Limited.—This private com- pany has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business now carried on under the style of the Hill Top Colliery at Mow Cop, Staffordshire, and to carry on the business of colliery proprietors, coke manufacturers, miners, ironmasters, smelters, ironfounders, and dealers in coal, coke, cannel, iron, and other metals,' and manufacturers of patent fuels, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with A. C. Peake and J, Bailey. First directors, A. C. Peake, D. Cope, and R. Lomas. Registered office, Mow Cop, Cheshire. Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Company Limited—The report for 1913 states that the profits for the year were 1,255,954 dols., as compared with 1,000,609 dole, for the previous year. The balance to the credit of profit and loss account at the end of the previous year was 452,600 dole., which, with the profits of 1913, make a total of 1,708.555 dols., which has been dealt with as follows:—32,659 dols. has been paid on account of sinking fund and applied by the Eastern Trust Company in retiring bonds of the company ; 70,165 dols. has been added to the reserve funds and 107,682 dols. expended for improvements and betterments has been written off. 10,104 dols. has been transferred to the insurance reserve fund. 527,886 dols. remains at the credit of profit and loss account, after providing for the above transfers and payments, interest on bonds and debenture stock, dividends and other charges. Dividends at the rate of 8 per cent, on the preferred and 6 per cent, on the common stock for the year have been paid quarterly. The regular quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, on the preferred and 1| per cent, on the common stock has been declared for the first quarter of 1914. Pearson and Knowles Coal and Iron Company Limited.—The directors have declared an interim dividend of 24 per cent, actual bn the ordinary shares. Penrikyber Navigation Colliery Company Limited.— The report of the directors says the profit for the year, after writing off the sum of £10,839 10s. lid. for new works and equipment of Miskin pit, and paying £3,750 for deben- ture interest, amounts to £48,034 7s. 7d., which, added to the sum brought forward from the last report, £16,597 17s. 9d., makes a total of £64,632 5s. 4d. The directors have placed a further sum of £10,000 to reserve account, and also written off a sum of £1,800 to cover the depreciation in the market value of the investments as at December 31 last. The directors recommend, after providing a sum of £5,000 towards further equipment to be carried out during the current year, a dividend of 3| per cent, on the preference shares and 7| per cent, on the ordinary shares, less income- tax, which, together with the interim dividend of 3| per cent, on the preference and 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares paid to June 30 last, will make 7| per cent, on the preference shares and 12| per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year, leaving £14,082 5s. 4d. to be carried forward to next account. The directors have decided to redeem 200 of the 5 per cent, first mortgage debentures (£20,000), and, in conformity with the trust need, these will be paid off on the 31st inst. Providence Safety Clip^Company Limited.—This private company has been registered, witn a capital of £5,000 in £1 shares, to carry on the business indicated by the title, and also of manufacturers and merchants of steel, iron and other metals, ironmasters, miners, smelters, engineers, steel and iron founders, &c.; also to enter into an agreement with J. Yates and C. Heyes. First directors: C. Heyes, W. Kilmurray, J. Kilmurray, and J. P. Winstanley. Registered office, 8, Hardshaw-street, St. Helens, Lancs. Shelton Iron, Steel, and Coal Company Limited.— This company reports a profit for 1913 of £81,185, as com- pared with £63,496 in 1912. After providing £20,388 for sinking fund, the directors place £10,000 to reserve account, and recommend a dividend £t the rate of 5 per cent., carrying forward £18,157, as against £9,173 brought in. The total sales of the company during the past year amounted to £1,170,000, a sum largely in excess of any previous period. Stewarts and Lloyds Limited.—Dividend of 2s. per share on the deferred shares, with a bonus of 6d. per share; a fund of £2,000 is established for the benefit of the employees, £100,000 is set aside for depreciation, £50,000 to reserve, and £95,000 carried forward. Sumner (George) Limited.—This private company has been registered, with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares, to acquire the business now carried on by T. Clark (as trustee under the will of G. Sumner, deceased), at Rhodes Bank, Oldham, Lancs., under the style of George Sumner, and to carry on the business of iron, brass and other metal founders, &o., also to enter into an agreement with T. Clark. First directors : T. Clark, 1, Railway-buildings, Central Drives, Blackpool ; H. Kay, 33, Frederick-street, Oldham; J. C. Butterworth, 186, Shaw-road, Royton, and E. L, Thompson, 89, Union-street, Oldham. Temiskaming (Ontario) Development Syndicate Limited. —This private company has been registered, with a capital of £6,300 (6,000 preference shares of £1 each and 6,000