March 13, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 561 IRONWORK DOES NOT CORRODE WHEN COATED WITH “BITUMASTIC SOLUTION. The ONLY Anti-Corrosive THAT IS NOT AFFECTED BY CHEMICAL FUMES, SMOKE FROM ENGINES, . . . . ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES, &c„ &c. . . . WRITE NOW FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET TO PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS— W AIDES, DOYE & Co. Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne, London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Leeds, Hull, &c. Every Office on the Telephone. Telegrams—“BITUMASTIC.” Contractors’ Plant for Sale. TO BE INSPECTED AT JOHN AIRD & CO.’S DEPOT. FULHAM. 6-wheel Coupled LOCOMOTIVE, 12in. cylinder, 17 in, stroke, copper firebox and brass tubes, 4 ft. 8|in. gauge 6-wheel Ditto, Ilin, cylinder, 18in. stroke. 4-wheel Ditto, 8 in. „ 14 in. „ 4-wheel Ditto, 10 in. „ 14 in. „ and several others, also PORTABLE ENGINES, from 6-h.p. to 30-h.p., all in first-class condition, ready for work. 25-h.p. PORTABLE BOILER by Davey, Paxman & Co., for 100 lb. w.p. Several Dunbars & Rustons STEAM NAVVIES. Gwynnes and other PUMPS. Sissons & White Patent STEAM PILE DRIVERS, and a large assortment of various other plant all to be sold at very low prices. __________________ APPLY— GEORGE COMEN, SONS & CO., 6oo, Commercial Road, Stepney, E. PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield, Speciality - COAL SCREENING & CONVEYING. fflt till SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY, DONCASTER CONSIDERABLY OVER inn pi ant2 IUU I Li® Is I 0 AND the colonie& Estimates and Designs on application. Agent for South Wales: A. LEIGHTON STEYENS, 15, Fields Road, Newport, Mon. COAL, COKE & ORE BRIQUETTING ahd CEMENT MAKING PLANT, BRICK & TILE Brussels Exhibition:“Grand Prix." Roubaix Exhibition, 1911: “Grand Prix.” HOPKINSON- FERRANTI Paten. YALYE For Steam and High Pressure Water Service. The Greatest Advance in Valve Construction of the Times. ____ GRINDING MILL?. /I OMPACT. WV0 GROUND AND PREPARED TO A VARYING FINENESS IN ONE SPECIAL MACHINE ONLY. « WM. JOHNSON & SONS,(le eosj LT D., Arm Iey, Leeds. ECONOMICAL PLANT, LESS WEIGHT, GOST AND LEAKAGE. This Valve has been invented and designed to enable a valve having operative parts of half the ordinary diameter to pass a large amount of steam through a small working part PRINCIPLE: “ Converting the pressure of the fluid into velocity and re-con- verting the velocity into pressure, thereby passing an amount of steam equal to full carrying capa- city of pipe. SELLING POINTS: Passes same quantity of steam as a full-bore valve. Reduction in cost over ordinary fullwav calves. Considerably less weight. Seats half diameter of ordinary sluice valve, therefore halves possible leakage. Reduces vibration in pipes. Graded opening—no sudden rush of steam in opening. No hve-passes necessary. thereby saving their nnsr. la not subject to wedging action or mechani- cal strain. The discs slide with a flexible pressure upon the seats, thereby preventing cutting & scoring. When the valve is open the seats are pro- tected from the flowing fluid by the eyepiece. Always easy to open and close under pressure. It is an ideal valve for high temperature superheated steam, as there are no cast iron internal working parts. Discs and Seats of HOPKIN SON’S “PLATNAM” METAL. Suitable with Superheated Steam. ■111 SB GRINDING & SCREENING PLANT, GENERAL ENGINEERING. VALVES IM STOCK WITH IKON (JR STEEL CASINGS. UPWARDS OF 8,000 IN USE AT 220 Collieries, 180 Electric Power Stations, 90 Iron and Steel Works, 130 Textile Mills, Turbine Makers, &c., &c. HOPKINSON’S PATENT SAFETY BOILER MOUNTINGS AND VALVES For High Pressure Superheated Steam, High-class Exhaust and Water Sluice Valves for Condensing Plants, &c.. Automatic Exhaust Valves, Reducing Valves, Steam Traps, &c., &c. Upwards of 500 tons of Standard Steel Castings kept in stock. We can give immediate delivery of iron and steel valves. Write for Catalogue 660, 4th Edition. J. HOPKINSON & CO. LD.. Huddersfield No. 275 London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Oldham, Paris & St. Petersburg.