February 27, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 479 Tennessee’s State Coke Plant at Petros. Evans. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 22, p. 801-2. (Brief description of Coke Operation owned by a State Government. The plant is located in the Brushy Mountain Field. The author gives some cost data on construction and operation.) Selection of Coke Samples for Analyses. F. C. Keighley. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 24, p. 890. (Most of the phos- phorus trouble that occurs in the manufacture of coke can be avoided if proper methods of sampling are followed.) “ Colliery Eng.,” vol. 34, 6, p. 363. Recovery of By-products from Coal in Japan. (Gewin- nung von Nebenprodukten aus Steinkohlen in Japan). “ Kali, Erz, Kohle,” 1913, p. 1258. Measurement of Coke Oven Gas, “ Gas World,” vol. 60, 1537, p. 20 ; ill. Types of Coke Oven Plants as seen in Operation. “ Gas World,” vol. 60, 1537, p. 14 ; ill. (Semet-Solvay installation at Ncrmanby Park Steelworks). The Automatic Control of By-product Coke Oven Plants. A. Thau. “ Gas World,” vol. 60,1537, p. 12 ; ill. The Development of the Gas Engine in England and its Adaptation to the Generation of Power at Collieries and Ironworks. T. 0. Wild. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 6, 1914, p. 300 ; 4 fig. and 3 tables. (Abst. paper read before Midland Inst. Min. Civ. and Meeh. Engin,) Modern Gas Engine Practice for Collieries. A. T. Cocking. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 30, 1914, p. 244. (Abst. paper read before Midland Inst. Min. Civ. and Meeh. Engin.) The Correlation of the Gas Lighting and Coke Oven Industries. J. E. Christopher. “ Colliery Guard.,” January 30, 1914, p. 246. (Continuation of lecture, Manchester Junior Gas Assoc.) XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, &c Coals on the French Market. (Les Bouilles sur le Marche Franeais.) J. Rabu. Gr. Oct., 152 pp.; 11 pl. Paris : Libr. L. Geisler. Coal and the Chemistry of its Carbonisation. J. Harger. “ Gas World,” February 14,1914, p. 195. (Paper read before Liverpool Sect. Soc. Ohem. Ind.) The Composition of Coal. D. T. Jones and R. V. Wheeler. “JI. Ohem. Soc.,” January 14, p. 140. (Continuation of experiments by destructive distilla- tion of untreated coal in a vacuum at a low tempera- ture ; the authors consider that paraffins must be present in the coal substance in such a manner that whilst, in a sense, structurally complete, some change in their state, such as can be produced by moderate heating, must take place before they can be set free.) On the Difference between the Calculated and Deter- mined Calorific Values of Coal Gas. G. Weyman. “ JI. Soc. Chem. Ind.,” January 15, 1914. The Distillation of Coal in a Vacuum. M. J. Burgess and R. V. Wheeler. “ JI. Chem. Soc.,” January 1914, p. 131. (Experiments at different temperatures.) The Testing of Coal for Purchase. J. M. Goldman. “JI. Assoc. Eng. Socs.,” January 1914, p. 35. Mond Gas Plant for Carbonising. J. A. Weil. “Gas World” (suppl.), February 7, 1914, p. 18; 1 fig. Recent Progress in Sampling and Testing Fuels. “ Ohem. World,” vol. 2,12, p. 386. Procedure of the U.S. Engineer Office of the War Department at St. Louis in the Purchase of Illinois Coal on a Heat Unit Basis. “ Engin. Oontr.,” vol. 40,20, p. 539. Microscopic Examination of Coals. Wahl and Bagard. “ Oompt. Rend. Acad. Sciences,” vol. 157, p. 380-1. Technical Gas and Fuel Analysis. A. H. White. 8vo, 276 pp. McGraw-Hill Book Company, N.Y. Procedure of the U.S. Engineer Office of the Department at St. Louis in the Purchase of Illinois Coal on a Heat Unit Basis. J. M. Goldman. “ Chem. Eng.,” vol. 18, 5, p. 177-82. Purchasing Coal under Specifications. R. Trautschold. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 25, p. 932-4. (Some notes on the impracticability and inconsistencies of this method of coal buying.) Pulverised Coal in Metallurgical Furnaces. J. Lord. “ Iron Age,” vol. 92, 26, p. 1442. Sampling Coal Deliveries. “ El. Railw. JI.,” vol. 42, 24, p. 1242. Recent Progress in Sampling and Testing Fuels. J. B. C. Kershaw. “ Chem. World,” vol. 3, 1, p. 19. The Determination of the Value of Coal. (La Determi- nation de la Valeur d’une Houille.) E. Bornstein. “ El. Z.,” vol. 34, p. 1286 ; “ Echo Mines,” Feb- ruary 19, p. 1576. XXV—Steam Engines and Boilers. Breakdowns of Stationary Engines. M. Longridge. “ Engineering,” February 13, 1914, p. 232 ; 35 figs. (Leet. Grad. Assoc. Inst. Meeh. Engin.) Notes on a Patent Conveyor in Connection with the Removal of Boiler Ashes at Leasingthorne Colliery. R. W. Hall. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” February 13, 1914, p. 237; 5 fig. (Paper read before Nat. Assoc. Coll. Man.—N. of Eng. br.) The Economy of the Engine Plant of a Silesian Coal- mine. (Die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Maschinen- betriebes einer oberschlesischen Steinkohlengrube.) K. Schultze. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 49, 43, p. 1757-66, 44, p. 1798-1803. The Use of Pulverised Coal as a Fuel of Boilers. R. C. Carpenter. “ Sibley JI.,” 1913, p. 85; ill. Turbine Design. G. Stoney. “ Engineering,” Febru- ary 13, 1914, p. 230. (Abst. lectures delivered at Manch. Univ.) Powdered Coal as Fuel. W. S. Quigley. “ Railw. Engin. Rev.,” vol. 53, 46, p. 1067. A Mammoth Central Power Plant. F. H. Kneeland. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 23, p. 846 ; ill. (Describes a plant of 37,500 kw. generating capacity that will sufficiently produce a commercially valuable electric current from a cheap or almost worthless fuel.) Electric Power from Fuel at Mines. G. E. Edwards. “ Min. Eng. World,” vol. 39, 20, p. 870; ill. The Clinkering of Mixed Coals. “ Colliery Eng.,” vol. 34, 6, p. 368. (At high temperature. Experiments showing that coals which of themselves may not clinker, may do so when mixed.) The Dunn Pulverised Coal Burner. G. A. Roush. “Metallurg. Chem. Engin.,” vol. 12, 1, p. 19-20; ill. Power Production in the United Kingdom. E. C. Hiller. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 6, 1914, p. 294, and February 20, p. 406; 6 fig. and 2 tab. (Abst. paper read before Manchester Assoc. Engin.) XXVI.- Compressed Air The Characteristics and the Limits of Regulation of Turbo-Compressors. (Die Charakteristik und der Regulierbereich der Turbokompressoren.) G. A. Schoepflin. “ Z. Turbinenwes.,” vol. 10, 30, p. 465 ; ill. Turbo-compressor at Whitburn Colliery. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” vol. 87, 2388, p. 891-2 ; 3 fig. Compressed-air system at Anaconda Mines. B. V. Nordberg. “Min. Eng. World,” vol. 39, 20, p. 881. Is. A New Variable Volume Air-compressor. “ Iron Age,” vol. 92, 25, p. 1383 ; ill. XXVII.—Electricity. The Tilmanstone Power House of the East Kent Electric Power Company. E. Kilburn Scott. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” February 6, 1914, p. 201; 3 fig. Recent Controller Types. (Neuere Kontrollerkonstruk- tionen.) “ Uhland,” vol. 46, 47, p. 41-2; ill. (Con- trollers for electric hauling plants.) Choice of Electrical Machinery for Use in Mines. J. P. C. Kivlen. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” vol. 88, 2392, p. 22-4. Stray Electric Currents in Coalmines. E. F. Elwood. “ Coal Coke Op.,” 1913, p. 105 ; ill. Safeguards in the Use of Electricity in Mines. W. F. Freeman. “ Coal Coke Op.,” 1913, p. 125. The Electrical Equipment of a Modern Mine. W. R. Jones. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 23, p. 143. (The elec- trical locomotives, weighing 30 tons apiece, travelling on an 85-lb. rail, each hauls 72 five-ton coal cars up a 2 per cent, grade. These supplemented by 12 six-ton crab locomotives for gathering purposes.) The Use of Electricity in Mines. C. G. Brehm. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 23, p. 850; ill. . Safeguarding Electricity in Mines. C. G. Brehm. “ Coal Age,” vol. 4, 23, p. 854. The Economy of Machinery in Mining. (Die Wirt- schaftlichkeit des Maschinenbetriebes im Bergbau) K. Schultze. “ Berg. Huttenmann Rdsch.,” vol. 10, 6, p. 71-7; 5 ill. (Electrical plant at the Ferdinand Colliery, Kattowitz.) Electricity: The Continuation of a Recent Paper Addressed to Colliery Managers. R. Nelson. “ Colliery Guard.,” February 6,1914, p. 313. (Paper read before N. Staffs. Inst. Min. and Meeh. Engin.) Speed Control of Electric Motors. ■ “ Colliery Guard.,” February 13, 1914, p. 346 ; 7 fig. XXVIII.—Surface Transport. Mechanical Coal Transport in Railway Service and the Better Utilisation of Station Plants. (Mechanische Kohlenforderung im Eisenbahndienst, und die Frage der Erhohung der Ausnutzung der Bahnhofsanlagen.) B. Schwarze. “ Glaser,” vol. 73, 10, p. 181-90; ill. (Description of aerial ropeway for railway purposes.) The New Portable and Revolving Wagon - tipping Device. (Der neue fahrbare und drehbare Wagen- kipper, Kurvenkipper.) M. Heinze. “ Kohle Erz,” 1913, 40, p. 1065-70 ; ill. (Built by J. Pohlig.) Motor Barges in the Alabama Coal Trade. “ Railw. Engin. Rev.,” vol. 53, 43, p. 990; ill. Motor-driven Coal- and Ash-handling Equipment at Pacific Mills, South Lawrence, Mass. “El. World.” vol. 62, 23, p. 1178 ; ill. XXIX. —Sanitation, Diseases, &c. Miners’ Nystagmus. (Das Augenzittern der Bergleute.) “ Bergb.,” vol. 26, 49, p. 812-4. The Result of the Second International Workmen’s Safety Conference at Berne. (Das Ergebnis der zweiten internationalen Arbeiterschutzkonferenz in Bern.) “ Z. Oberschles. Berg- Hiitten- Ver.,” vol. 52, 10, p. 395-6. Sanitation and Health of the Mining Community. H. A. Hatfield. “ Coal Tr. Bull,” 1913, p. 29. The Personal Factor of the Miners in Brown Coal Mining Accidents. (Die unmittelbaren, in der Person der Arbeiter begruendeten Unfallsursachen in den Abraumbetrieben.) Sonntag. “ Braunk,” vol. 12,39, p. 663-9. (Influence of physical and mental condition ; nationality ; indulgence in alcohol.) XXX. —Mining Laws, Royalties. The German and Austrian Laws for the Protection of Workmen. (Die deutsche und oesterreichische Arbeiterschutz - Gesetzgebung.) Hermann. “ Z. Oberschles. Berg.-Hutten Ver,” vol. 52, 11, p. 442-8. Discussion of Election of Mine Inspectors. “Coal Age,” vol. 4, 25, p. 935-8. Mine Railways and the Austrian Law. (Ueber Berg- werksbahnen nach oesterreichischem Recht.) A. Herbatschek. “ Montan. Rdsch,” vol. 5, 23, p. 1161-64; 24. p. 1205-1214. The Importance of the Limited Company as a Type of Undertaking for Mining, especially Coalmining in the Ruhr District. (Die Bedeutung der Aktien- gesellschaft als Unternehmungsform fuer den Bergbau, im besonderen fuer den Ruhrkohlenbergbau.) Dr. Bock. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, 1, p. 14-26. New Interest Tables for the Valuation of Mineral Properties. T. A. O’Donahue. “Colliery Guard,” February 20, 1914, p. 406 ; 2 tab. (Paper read before S. Staffs Inst. Min. Engin.) Depreciation to be Deducted from Mining Company Profits. “ Engin. Min. JI,” vol. 96, 26, p. 1212. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages Abstracts of Contracts Open. Accrington, March 9.—Between 4,000 to 5,000 tons of forked coke, for the Accrington and Church Outfall Sewerage Board. Tenders to Mr. W. J. Newton, engineer, Town Hall, Accrington. Brentford, March 14.—About 200 tons (more or less) of Rheola Merthyr coals (large), or other approved steam coal; 40 tons (more or less) of house coal; 100 tons (more or less) of small coal; and 100 tons (more or less) of coke, to September 30, for the Urban District Council. Forms from Mr. J. W. Croxford, surveyor, Office, Clifden House, Boston-road, Brentford. Cork, March 5.—Between 300 and 400 tons of coal, for the Guardians. The coals required are best double-screened Wigan, Lydney, Orrell, Newport Red Ash, or Whitehaven. Tenders also for between 300 and 400 tons Irish coal. Tenders to Mr. John Cotter, clerk of Union. Darlington, March 10.—Steam coal to the waterworks and sewage farm, for the Corporation. Forms from the Borough Surveyor and Waterworks Engineer, Town Hall, Darlington. Fareham, March 10.—Best house coal to the Isolation Hospital, Fareham, for the Rural District Council. Tenders to Mr. Alfred Laker, clerk to the Council, West-street, Fareham. Hastings, March 10.—About 450 tons of best Welsh anthracite beans for suction-gas plants, for the Corporation. Forms from Mr. P. H. Palmer, M.I C.E., borough engineer, Town Hall, Hastings. London, March 11.—About 7,800 tons of patent fuel, for H. M. Government. Forms from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, Whitehall-gardens, S.W. London, March 11.—Coal to the Revenue Cruiser “Vigilant” and the steam launches in the service of his Majesty’s Customs and Excise on the Thames. Forms from the Waterguard Superintendent, Custom House, Lower Thames-street, E.C. London, April 2.—The Crown Agents for the Colonies, acting for the Government of Mauritius, invite tenders for 21,000 tons of Welsh steam coal. Forms can be obtained at the Crown Agents’ Office. Madras (India), March 9.—About 850 tons of Indian smithy coke and 500 tons of foundry coke, for the directors of the South Indian Railway Company Limited. Further particulars from the locomotive and carriage superintendent, South Indian Railway, Negapatam. Manchester, March 4 —Coal, for the Guardians, viz.:— 950 tons house coal, 2,000 tons burgie, 620 tons pea nuts, and 2,990 tons, 4,600 tons, 1,600 tons of the same qualities. Forms at the Poor Law Offices, New Bridge-street. Preston, March 7.—Steam coal, for the Rural District Council. Forms of tender from Mr. A. W. Chrystall, surveyor, 160, Walker-street, Preston. Swansea, March 4.—Three, six, nine, or 12 months’ supply of steam coal, approximately 2,500, 5,000, 6,800, and 8,600 tons respectively, delivered at the electricity station, Strand, Swansea, for the Corporation. Forms from the borough electrical engineer. Tangier (Morocco), April 1. — The “ Commission Generale des Adjudications et des Marches ” intends to contract, by private arrangement after competition, for the supply of 1,500 tons of briquettes required by the “ Controle de la Dette.”* The date given is the latest upon ivhich tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, &c. Antwerp (Belgium), April 6.—Steam Engine.—For the Municipal Authorities, steam engine with pressure pumps, for the North Hydraulic Station at Antwerp.* Auckland (New Zealand), March 26.—Hydro-electric Power Plant.—For the directors of the Dominion Portland Cement Company Limited, New Zealand (Wairua Falls) :— Hydraulic equipment (including turbines, 1,500-horse power each, governors, penstocks, valves, &c.) ; generators, I, 000 kw. each, exciters, automatic regulators, &c. Specifi- cations from Messrs. Walker, MacEwen and Co. Limited, 7, Princes-street, Westminster, S.W., on payment of £2 2s. (returnable). Aylesbury, March 7.—Diesel Oil Engine.—Two 100-k.w. Diesel oil engine direct-current generating sets with static balancers, battery boosters, and accessories, for the Urban District Council. Specification from Messrs. Kincaid, Waller, Manville, and Dawson, St. Stephen’s House, Victoria Embankment, Westminster, London, S.W., on payment of a deposit of three guineas (returnable). Bedford, March 7.—Electrical Pumping Plant.—Elec- trically-driven centrifugal pumps, comprising four single- phase 2,000-volt electric motors, coupled direct to four centrifugal pumps, together with float-actuated automatic starting gear, high-tension and other switch gear and elec- trical connections, for the Corporation. Specification from the engineers, Major, Tulloch and Haworth, at their offices, No. 28, Victoria-street, Westminster, London, S.W., on payment of .£5 (returnable). Bedford, March 7.—Pumping Plant. — Four sets of steam engines and centrifugal pumps, together with all necessary pipework, in connection with the main drainage scheme for the borough, for the Corporation. Specifications from Major, Tulloch and Haworth, No. 28, Victoria-street, Westminster, London, S.W., on payment of £5 (returnable). Bromsgrove, March 3.—Gas Engines, fye —Three sets of gas engines and three-throw pumps, capable of lifting in the aggregate 20,000 gallons per hour, for the North Bromsgrove Urban District Council. Specification from Mr. Robert Green, 37, Waterloo-street, Birmingham, upon deposit of £5 (returnable). Burton-upon-Trent, March 14.—Electrical Plant.— For the Corporation one 250-k.w. three-phase turbine alter- nator and condenser ; pipework, valves and accessories in * Specifications, particulars, &c., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C.