476 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 27, 1914. Frangaise des Mines Powell Duffryn,” in which this company holds the controlling interest. The actual sinking of the Britannia pits at Pen gam has been completed, and the rest of the work in connection with the opening of this colliery is being proceeded with as rapidly as possible. The sinking has unfortunately been delayed by the enormous amount of water encountered, and the great depth at which it had to be dealt with. The 50 new coke ovens which have been erected at Bargoed are well forward, and it is hoped to start them early next month. The managing committee of directors were re-appointed immediately after the last annual general meeting, and have continued to carry on. the active management of the company under the control of the board. The committee now consists of the chairman (Mr. J. Shaw, K C.), Mr. C. P. Ogilvie, Mr. A. M. Tapp, and Mr. W. Woolley. Rhymney Iron Company Limited.—Before Mr. Justice Eve in the Chancery Division on the 17th inst., an applica- tion was made on behalf of the Rhymney Iron Company Limited to confirm special resolutions passed to reorganise the capital of the company. The petition was unopposed, and his lordship granted an order confirming the resolutions. The special resolutions referred to alter the capital from 200,000 £5 shares into 1,000,000 shares of .£1 each, and further arrange that these shall be called 400,000 £1 cumulative preference shares, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, and 600,000 ordinary shares of £1 each. St. Helens Colliery and Brickworks Company Limited. —Interim dividend at rate of 8 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares f