February 27, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 447 FANS For Mine Ventilation, Induced Draught, &c., &c. BSE '.: ” ■ . • We also Specialise in DUST REMOVAL & COLLECTION, FORGES, HIGH PRESSURE FANS, SINKING FANS, PIPING, &c. The STANDARD ENGINEERING Co. Lo„ LEICESTER. COAL MINES ACT, 1911 3rd Schedule, 6th Section. “ A suitable appliance or appliances for the destruction of horses requiring to be destroyed shall be provided and kept readily available for use.” SPRING BOLT KILLER. ---- 30/- carriage paid. The most humane and satisfactory appliance for killing injured or decrepit horses and ponies in mines. No cartridge or explosive used, absolutely safe in any part of the mine. Send a postcard for an illustrated booklet on 'the subject, which will be sent gratis on application to the Secretary, R.S.P.C.A., 105, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. Foundry Co. Ltd., G The Gosforth Malleable Ironfounders, Dronfield, near Sheffield. Makers of all kinds of Driving and Elevator Chains, Sprocket Wheels, Elevator Buckets, &c. CONTRACTORS’ PLANT FOR SALE. TO BE INSPECTED AT JOHN AIRD & CO.’S DEPOT. FULHAM. 6-wheel Coupled LOCOMOTIVE, 12 in. cylinder, 17 in. stroke, copper firebox and brass tubes, 4 ft. 8J in. gauge 6-wheel Ditto, Ilin, cylinder, 18in. stroke. 4-wheel Ditto, 8 in. „ 14 in. „ 4-wheel Ditto, 10 in. „ 14 in. „ and several others, also PORTABLE ENGINES, from 6-h.p. to 30-h.p., all in first-class condition, ready for work. 25-h.p. PORTABLE BOILER by Davey, Paxman & Co., for 100 lb. w.p. Several Dunbars & Rustons STEAM NAVVIES. Gwynnes and other PUMPS. Sissons & White Patent STEAM PILE DRIVERS, and a large assortment of various other plant* all to be sold at very low prices. _______________________________________________ APPLY— GEORGE COHEN, SONS & CO., 6oo, Commercial Road, Stepney, E. Trade L Mark‘ The Largest Manufacturers of Surveying and Drawing Instruments in the World. DRAWING OFFICE STATIONERY of all kinds supplied on the most favourable terms. A very large stock kept. Please send for our “K 12” Catalogue and compare our prices with those of other first=class makers. THE STANLEY DRAWING TABLE. Can be set to any height and any angle. HT. F. STANLEY & CO. LTD., Export Dept.—-Great Turnstile, High Holborn, W.C. Head Offices and Showrooms—286, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.